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More students seek mental health support, analysis shows

The number of students seeking mental health support while studying at university has increased by more than 50% in five years, BBC Shared Data Unit analysis suggests.

The BBC’s Shared Data Unit sent a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to 172 UK universities. Nine were exempt as they were private institutions not subject to FOI and 162 universities responded out of the remaining 163.

Of 83 universities that provided five years of full data from 2012 to 2017, the number of students seeking help rose from 50,900 to 78,100. The number of students going to university dropped slightly over the same period.

At the same time, budgets towards mental health services increased by more than 40%.

The Shared Data Hub makes data journalism available to news organisations across the media industry, as part of a partnership between the BBC and the News Media Association. Stories generated by the partnership included:

The story was also covered by BBC Breakfast, BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, BBC WM, BBC Radio Shropshire, BBC Hereford & Worcester and BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Homepage, BBC Scotland TV, BBC Scotland, BBC Victoria Derbyshire, BBC Radio Bristol, BBC Bristol, BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio London, BBC News Channel, BBC Scotland - Timeline, BBC Somerset, BBC Wiltshire and BBC Cambridgeshire.

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  • Bar chart: More students seeking mental health support
  • Data pic: University mental health services expenditure

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