ProfitTrailer is a smart crypto currency trading bot. It gives you the ability to trade using different exchanges in a fast and simple way.
For easier deployment, I forked this Docker image and added a Helm chart so I can install multiple PT bots in my K8S/Rancher cluster with SSL offloading out-of-the-box and asumes that you have a valid domain.
For more information about ProfitTrailer :
Official website :
This repo + Helm chart:
Forked from:
Start a new container with a volume for your config files
docker run -d --name profit-trailer -p 8081:8081 lucasconde/profit-trailer:latest for latest production image
docker run -d --name profit-trailer -p 8081:8081 lucasconde/profit-trailer:x.x.x for specific image
If you already have created the namespace remove --create-namespace
helm install --dry-run --debug --namespace <NAMESPACE_NAME> --create-namespace profit-trailer ./ptchart/ --set<YOUR_DOMAIN>
Check values.yaml for default/possible values, by default certificate will be created using Let's Encrypt staging.
Please note that I started using Docker Hub starting from version 2.4.34, if you need older versions you need to download the source code and add the version you need.