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NOTICE 2023-04-24: DO NOT USE. This document is out of date. See latest version: This repository will be archived by 2023-09-01. It should not be used for new work. All content of this repository (environment files, training documents, reference material) is migrating to

Follow these sections, in sequence, to install the Bluesky framework for an instrument.


Once installed, proceed to these guides:

NOTE: You will need to use the bash shell for the commands in this guide. If you get strange errors from the various commands, check that you are using the bash shell first. Here's some advice to determine the current shell.

Activate Conda "base" Environment

Look at the prompt in your Linux terminal. If the first part ((base)) looks like this example:

(base) mintadmin@mint-vm:/tmp$ 

then you already have a base environment activated. If your command does not start like the example above, such as:


you need to activate the base environment first. You'll need to know the path to an installation of Miniconda or Anaconda python. (Follow this guide if you need to install Miniconda or Anaconda.)

At APS, use this command:

source /APSshare/miniconda/x86_64/bin/activate base

If you installed your own, then:

source /path/to/miniconda3/bin/activate base

Once activated, you can see all installed environments with this command:

mintadmin@mint-vm:/tmp$ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/mintadmin/Apps/anaconda

Install MongoDB server

If you need to provide your own MongoDB server, follow this guide.

At the APS, the beam line controls group (BCDA) will assign the REPOSITORY and its SERVER.

Install Databroker Configuration File

This file configures how Bluesky connects with its repository (and databases) on the MongoDB database server.

Follow this template:

      asset_registry_db: mongodb://SERVER:27017/REPOSITORY-bluesky
      metadatastore_db: mongodb://SERVER:27017/REPOSITORY-bluesky
    driver: bluesky-mongo-normalized-catalog

Replace the REPOSITORY and SERVER terms and write to file: ~/.local/share/intake/catalogs.yml.

At the APS, the beam line controls group (BCDA) will assign the REPOSITORY and its SERVER.

Install Bluesky Environment

Get the installation configuration (YAML) file. The file is versioned based on the APS run cycle. This YAML file is for the first run (January-April) in 2021.

cd /tmp

Create the custom conda environment named in the file (bluesky_2021_1):

conda env create -f environment_2021_1.yml

Activate Bluesky Environment

conda activate bluesky_2021_1

Test that Bluesky Works

Beam lines of the Advanced Photon Source have access to EPICS PVs that tell the storage ring current and other real-time information from the facility. These have been gathered into a special device from the apstools package. (If you are not at the APS, then you will need to test with different ophyd.EpicsSignal objects than shown here. You'll also need access to one or more EPICS PVs.)

Now we can test if we have installed enough software to be useful. Might still need more...

from apstools.devices import ApsMachineParametersDevice
aps = ApsMachineParametersDevice(name="aps")

We need to wait for those PVs to connect (could call aps.wait_for_connections()). Check that aps.connected returns True before continuing. Test by looking at the APS storage ring current:

aps.summary(): complete structure
In [1]: aps.summary()
data keys (* hints)

read attrs
current              EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_current')
lifetime             EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_lifetime')
aps_cycle            ApsCycleComputedRO  ('aps_aps_cycle')
machine_status       EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_machine_status')
operating_mode       EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operating_mode')
shutter_permit       EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_shutter_permit')
fill_number          EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_fill_number')
orbit_correction     EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_orbit_correction')
global_feedback      EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_global_feedback')
global_feedback_h    EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_global_feedback_h')
global_feedback_v    EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_global_feedback_v')
operator_messages    ApsOperatorMessagesDevice('aps_operator_messages')
operator_messages.operators EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_operators')
operator_messages.floor_coordinator EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_floor_coordinator')
operator_messages.fill_pattern EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_fill_pattern')
operator_messages.last_problem_message EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_last_problem_message')
operator_messages.last_trip_message EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_last_trip_message')
operator_messages.message6 EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_message6')
operator_messages.message7 EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_message7')
operator_messages.message8 EpicsSignalRO       ('aps_operator_messages_message8')

config keys

configuration attrs
operator_messages    ApsOperatorMessagesDevice('aps_operator_messages')

unused attrs
------------ current timestamped values
In [2]:
              {'value': 74.90453756160933, 'timestamp': 1595343111.512742}),
              {'value': 13.004700442180901, 'timestamp': 1595343111.356158}),
              {'value': '2020-2', 'timestamp': 1595343077.3078227}),
              {'value': 'ASD Studies', 'timestamp': 1595250001.449054}),
              {'value': 'Stored Beam', 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 'NO PERMIT', 'timestamp': 1595250006.403736}),
             ('aps_fill_number', {'value': 11.0, 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 0.0, 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 'On', 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 'On', 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 'On', 'timestamp': 631152000.0}),
              {'value': 'LaBuda, Kimbro', 'timestamp': 1595336092.424329}),
              {'value': 'Clay White (2-0101)',
               'timestamp': 1595336094.220797}),
              {'value': '', 'timestamp': 1595278298.418265}),
              {'value': '', 'timestamp': 1595247250.36637}),
              {'value': '', 'timestamp': 1595247255.006215}),
              {'value': 'User Operations at 08:00 Wed. 7/22',
               'timestamp': 1595336103.81407}),
              {'value': '', 'timestamp': 1591647283.478823}),
              {'value': '', 'timestamp': 1591647284.846647})])

device_read2table(aps): in table with formatted timestamps
In [4]: from apstools.utils import device_read2table

In [5]: device_read2table(aps)
========================================== ================================== ==========================
name                                       value                              timestamp
========================================== ================================== ==========================
aps_current                                74.82578332160934                  2020-07-21 09:52:40.512772
aps_lifetime                               13.921180095258897                 2020-07-21 09:52:36.356164
aps_aps_cycle                              2020-2                             2020-07-21 09:51:17.307823
aps_machine_status                         ASD Studies                        2020-07-20 08:00:01.449054
aps_operating_mode                         Stored Beam                        1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_shutter_permit                         NO PERMIT                          2020-07-20 08:00:06.403736
aps_fill_number                            11.0                               1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_orbit_correction                       0.0                                1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_global_feedback                        On                                 1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_global_feedback_h                      On                                 1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_global_feedback_v                      On                                 1989-12-31 18:00:00
aps_operator_messages_operators            LaBuda, Kimbro                     2020-07-21 07:54:52.424329
aps_operator_messages_floor_coordinator    Clay White (2-0101)                2020-07-21 07:54:54.220797
aps_operator_messages_fill_pattern                                            2020-07-20 15:51:38.418265
aps_operator_messages_last_problem_message                                    2020-07-20 07:14:10.366370
aps_operator_messages_last_trip_message                                       2020-07-20 07:14:15.006215
aps_operator_messages_message6             User Operations at 08:00 Wed. 7/22 2020-07-21 07:55:03.814070
aps_operator_messages_message7                                                2020-06-08 15:14:43.478823
aps_operator_messages_message8                                                2020-06-08 15:14:44.846647
========================================== ================================== ==========================

Out[5]: <pyRestTable.rest_table.Table at 0x7f3c0654a990>

Test some of the simulators (without EPICS)

You can still test that ophyd is working without a set of EPICS PVs by using the simulators provided in ophyd.

import ophyd.sim
sim = ophyd.sim.hw()
In [10]: sim.motor.position
Out[10]: 0

In [11]:
OrderedDict([('motor', {'value': 0, 'timestamp': 1562779985.5141134}),
              {'value': 0, 'timestamp': 1562779985.5141122})])

In [12]:
Out[12]: {'noisy_det': {'value': 0.9765596019916091, 'timestamp': 1562779985.5194004}}

In [13]: sim.noisy_det.get()
Out[13]: 0.9765596019916091

Create IPython Profile for Bluesky

If there is an existing ~/.ipython directory (perhaps created for other use from this account), then choose a unique directory for bluesky. Typical alternative is ~/.ipython-bluesky.

export BLUESKY_DIR=~/.ipython
ipython profile create bluesky --ipython-dir="${BLUESKY_DIR}"

Install Instrument Package

Remove the existing startup directory (created from ipython profile create step above):

cd "${BLUESKY_DIR}/profile_bluesky"
rm startup/README
rmdir startup

Download the install script:

cd "${BLUESKY_DIR}/profile_bluesky"

Run the installer


where BEAMLINE INSTRUMENT REPOSITORY each contain no white space characters. The terms BEAMLINE and INSTRUMENT will be added to the standard metadata added to every Bluesky run. Example: bash ./ 45-ID FemtoScanner 45id_femtoscanner

At the APS, the beam line controls group (BCDA) will assign the REPOSITORY and its SERVER.

Commit Instrument Package to Version Control

Until this section is written, compare with other APS instruments listed on the wiki.

  • identify or create GitHub organization
  • create empty GitHub repository
  • clone GitHub repository to the startup directory or .ipython
  • adjust the .gitignore file
  • add new content, commit, and push back to GitHub
  • See the wiki for details.

Translate Previous SPEC Configuration

The apstools package has an application that will translate most of the SPEC config file into ophyd commands. The output is to the console. Use a pipe to direct the output to a new file:

export INSTRUMENT_DIR=${BLUESKY_DIR}/profile_bluesky/startup/instrument
spec2ophyd CONFIG_FILE | tee ${INSTRUMENT_DIR}/devices/

then make sure to import this file in ${INSTRUMENT_DIR}/devices/ following the pattern of other imports there.

spec2ophyd example:
(bluesky_2021_1) mintadmin@mint-vm:/tmp$ spec2ophyd /home/mintadmin/Documents/projects/BCDA-APS/apstools/apstools/migration/config
ophyd commands from SPEC config file

file: /home/mintadmin/Documents/projects/BCDA-APS/apstools/apstools/migration/config

CAUTION: Review the object names below before using them!
    Some names may not be valid python identifiers
    or may be reserved (such as ``time`` or ``del``)
    or may be vulnerable to re-definition because
    they are short or common.

from ophyd import EpicsMotor, EpicsSignal
from ophyd.scaler import ScalerCH

un0 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m1', name='un0', labels=('motor',))  # unused0
mx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m2', name='mx', labels=('motor',))
my = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m3', name='my', labels=('motor',))
waxsx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m4', name='waxsx', labels=('motor',))  # WAXS X
ax = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m5', name='ax', labels=('motor',))
gslity = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m6', name='gslity', labels=('motor',))  # Gslit_Y
az = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m7', name='az', labels=('motor',))
un7 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c0:m8', name='un7', labels=('motor',))  # unused7
msx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m1', name='msx', labels=('motor',))
msy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m2', name='msy', labels=('motor',))
art = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m3', name='art', labels=('motor',))  # ART50-100
asy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m4', name='asy', labels=('motor',))
gslitx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m5', name='gslitx', labels=('motor',))  # Gslit_X
tcam = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m6', name='tcam', labels=('motor',))
camy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m7', name='camy', labels=('motor',))  # cam_y
tens = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c1:m8', name='tens', labels=('motor',))  # Tension
sx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m1', name='sx', labels=('motor',))
sy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m2', name='sy', labels=('motor',))
dx = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m3', name='dx', labels=('motor',))
un19 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m4', name='un19', labels=('motor',))
uslvcen = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m5', name='uslvcen', labels=('motor',))  # uslitvercen
uslhcen = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m6', name='uslhcen', labels=('motor',))  # uslithorcen
uslvap = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m7', name='uslvap', labels=('motor',))  # uslitverap
uslhap = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:m58:c2:m8', name='uslhap', labels=('motor',))  # uslithorap
pin_x = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m1', name='pin_x', labels=('motor',))
pin_z = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m2', name='pin_z', labels=('motor',))
gslout = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m3', name='gslout', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_outb # read_mode=7
gslinb = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m4', name='gslinb', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_inb # read_mode=7
gsltop = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m5', name='gsltop', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_top # read_mode=7
gslbot = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m6', name='gslbot', labels=('motor',))  # GSlit_bot # read_mode=7
un30 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m7', name='un30', labels=('motor',))  # unused30
pin_y = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c0:m8', name='pin_y', labels=('motor',))
a2rp = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:pi:c0:m1', name='a2rp', labels=('motor',))  # USAXS.a2rp
m2rp = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:pi:c0:m2', name='m2rp', labels=('motor',))  # USAXS.m2rp
msrp = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:pi:c0:m3', name='msrp', labels=('motor',))  # USAXS.msrp
asrp = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:pi:c0:m4', name='asrp', labels=('motor',))  # USAXS.asrp
un36 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m1', name='un36', labels=('motor',))  # unused36
un37 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m2', name='un37', labels=('motor',))  # unused37
mst = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m3', name='mst', labels=('motor',))
ast = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m4', name='ast', labels=('motor',))
msr = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m5', name='msr', labels=('motor',))
asr = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m6', name='asr', labels=('motor',))
un42 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m7', name='un42', labels=('motor',))  # unused42
un43 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:xps:c0:m8', name='un43', labels=('motor',))  # unused43
ar = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:aero:c0:m1', name='ar', labels=('motor',))
un45 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m1', name='un45', labels=('motor',))
un46 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m2', name='un46', labels=('motor',))
un47 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m3', name='un47', labels=('motor',))
un48 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m4', name='un48', labels=('motor',))
un49 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m5', name='un49', labels=('motor',))
un50 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m6', name='un50', labels=('motor',))
un51 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m7', name='un51', labels=('motor',))
un52 = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:mxv:c1:m8', name='un52', labels=('motor',))
ay = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:aero:c1:m1', name='ay', labels=('motor',))
dy = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:aero:c2:m1', name='dy', labels=('motor',))
# Macro Motor: SpecMotor(mne='en', config_line='55', macro_prefix='kohzuE') # read_mode=7
InbMS = EpicsMotor('9ida:m43', name='InbMS', labels=('motor',))  # MonoSl_inb
OutMS = EpicsMotor('9ida:m44', name='OutMS', labels=('motor',))  # MonoSl_out
TopMS = EpicsMotor('9ida:m45', name='TopMS', labels=('motor',))  # MonoSl_top
BotMS = EpicsMotor('9ida:m46', name='BotMS', labels=('motor',))  # MonoSl_bot
mr = EpicsMotor('9idcLAX:aero:c3:m1', name='mr', labels=('motor',))
c0 = ScalerCH('9idcLAX:vsc:c0', name='c0', labels=('detectors',))
sec = c0.channels.chan01.s
I0 = c0.channels.chan02.s
I00 = c0.channels.chan03.s
upd2 = c0.channels.chan04.s
trd = c0.channels.chan05.s
I000 = c0.channels.chan06.s

Add Environment Configuration to .bash_aliases

The ~/.bash_aliases file is the usual place to customize the bash shell. It is executed from ~/.bashrc when a new console is created.

Add these lines to ~/.bash_aliases:

export CONDA_ENVIRONMENT=bluesky_2021_1
alias become_bluesky='conda activate "${CONDA_ENVIRONMENT}" '

Install Starter Script

The commands and settings to configure the local environment to begin a Bluesky session can be arranged by a simple shell script that starts the session. A sample starter has been provided:

To allow this starter script to be called from the any directory (such as the user's data directory), the starter script can be placed in a directory on the user's executable path.

It is useful to create a local directory (such as ~/bin) for custom starter scripts and executable file links. Use these steps to configure your account. Add this line to ~/.bash_aliases:

export PATH="~/bin:${PATH}"

and create the directory:

mkdir ~/bin

Add the starter script to ~/bin:

cd ~/bin
ln -s ${BLUESKY_DIR}/profile_bluesky/startup/ ./

TIP: You might rename ~/bin/ to something appropriate for your instrument name, such as the hypothetical example above:

Start Bluesky

  • Change to desired working directory.
  • Start Bluesky session using the starter script.