This repository contains helper scripts for building Cura from source. It will create a base environment from which which are used to build an installer for the specific OS.
- Python 3.10.2
- conan >= 1.46
- GCC >= 8.0
- CMake >= 3.16
- GNU Make >= 4
- Docker >= 20
- clang-apple
- MacOS
- Visual Studio >= 16
- NMake
- Docker
- makensis (should be on the PATH)
- jinja2 (should be parth of Conan)
The CMake project will ensure that the following dependencies are build and can be installed in a location for future use. It will download and install the following projects:
- libnest2d
- pynest2d
- libsavitar
- libarcus
- Python dependencies
- Automat
- PyQt6
- PyQt6-NetworkAuth
- PyQt6-NetworkAuth-Qt6
- PyQt6-Qt6
- PyQt6-sip
- SecretStorage
- Twisted
- altgraph
- appdirs
- atomicwrites
- attrs
- certifi
- cffi
- chardet
- colorama
- constantly
- coverage
- cryptography
- cx-Logging
- cython
- decorator
- future
- hyperlink
- idna
- ifaddr
- importlib-metadata
- incremental
- jeepney
- keyring
- lxml
- macholib
- more-itertools
- mypy
- mypy-extensions
- netifaces
- networkx
- numpy
- numpy-stl
- packaging
- pefile
- pluggy
- py
- py-cpuinfo
- pybind11
- pyclipper
- pycollada
- pycparser
- pyinstaller
- pyinstaller-hooks-contrib
- pyparsing
- pyserial
- pytest
- pytest-benchmark
- pytest-cov
- python-dateutil
- python-utils
- pywin32
- pywin32-ctypes
- requests
- scipy
- sentry-sdk
- setuptools
- sip
- six
- sys_platform
- toml
- tomli
- trimesh
- twisted-iocpsupport
- typed-ast
- typing-extensions
- urllib3
- wcwidth
- wheel
- zeroconf
- zipp
- zope.interface
The list of dependencies above also have their own dependencies, such as:
- cpython
- protobuf
- clipper
- boost
- gtest
- nlopt
These can be installed with the help of Conan, which is a dependency manager for C++ projects.
It will either download the binaries and header files or compile it automatically from source. It will also generate
the CMake find_package modules, such that these can be used. The conanfile.txt
located in the root of this directory
specifies a list of used dependencies.
Installation of Conan is simple:
pip install conan
conan profile new default --detect
Ultimaker has its own standard Conan configuration, you could apply these with the command below. Keep in mind that this isn't necesarry and it might overwrite your current Conan configuration
conan config install https://github.com/ultimaker/conan-config.git
Once Conan is installed and configured, installing the cura-build-environment is easy. The steps below should do the trick.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<install_path> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_path> ..
cmake --build .
The Installer for your OS can now be found in the <install_path>/installer/dist/
On Windows make sure you are working in the x64 Visual Studio 2019/2022 Command Prompt and specify the NMake generator using the
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<install_path> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_path> ..
If you want to see all the options available use a tool such as