Releases: BEEmod/BEE2-items
Version 4.45.0
Music packages have not changed since v2.4.44.0, no need to re-download.
New Features:
- New Item: Tinted Glass, a blue-coloured version of glass which blocks absolutely everything, including lasers.
- Added 2 new Barrier Hole variants: the Medium Hole can fit cubes, and the Slot Hole fits a light bridge through. The package has been renamed from "glass_hole", make sure to remove that file.
- Glass/Grating now has a Start Reversed option, which shifts them to the inner pair of tiles.
- Added a few new Clean entry corridor variants, based on the Overgrown layouts.
- #4308: Enlarge P1/1950s Small Glass Hole slightly to allow pellets through.
- Add editor model for Absolute Fizzlers.
- Laser Emitters now always use a static light, instead of it being toggle-able. This had the potential to quickly hit VRAD limits and generally fail to function.
- Added ability to specify travel direction and stair direction for Clean SP elevators.
- The light "temperature" can now be customised for Clean SP corridors.
- #2811: Added "Auto Drop" to Track Platforms, giving them the player detection trigger like Piston Platforms.
- Fix neurotoxin timer not compiling in P1 style.
- Fix weird geometry in clean fizzler editor models.
- Fix laser emitters not starting disabled properly.
- #1571: Tweak coop exit stair position, add end-cap model.
- #4406: Fix centred Overgrown laser catcher not triggering outputs.
- #4403: Fix missing palette icon for voxel logic gates.
- Fix an issue where Clean and Overgrown cube droppers could be tricked into dropping two cubes, if a spawning cube is pushed against the iris.
- #3289: Redo custom fizzler textures to fix bad tinting.
- #2966: Sendificators will fizzle cubes if transported past the exit door fizzler, as well as other "out of bounds" locations.
- #1609: Sendificators are now blocked by Closed Solid Fields.
- #4415: Add additional clips underneath stair items to fix issues with items falling inside.
- #4417: Fix it being possible to portal on extended Old Aperture stairs.
- #2779: Add proper hold-logic and clips to P1 vertical Exit Door.
- #4290, #3242, #4393: Remake restart-on-exit logic to be more consistent across styles.
- Fix "advanced" P1 Indicator Timer Panels not functioning.
- Fix extraneous world brush being placed when Standing Fizzlers are used.
- Fix incorrect bevelling on non-block Overgrown Stairs.
- Fix Overgrown/Clean Track Platforms moving when built to be 1 block long.
Version 4.44.0
New Features:
- Added the Destruction Target, a bullseye that turrets shoot to fire outputs.
- New custom models for Old Aperture Laser items, made by Rosemary Webs.
- Laser Catchers and Emitters can now use the alternate model which is closer to the floor.
- Added tint mask for ARES 228's Old Aperture ball, when being coloured.
- Added a new Clean coop corridor, which shoots the bots up out of the floor.
- Piston and Track Platforms can now have their speed customised.
- Large and Small Faith Plate items have now been merged together. This means the
package has been removed entirely, make sure to remove that file. - Add compiler error if unused cube types on piston/track platforms.
- Tweak Coop Spawn Room editor model to indicate orientation when vertical.
- Several editor models have been remade: Pellet Destroyers, Logic gates, Triggers, Catwalks, Coop Checkpoints, P1 Entry/Exit Doors and P1 Fizzlers.
- Pellets may now be configured to no longer hurt players.
- Improve entry door logic to prevent being able to portal past the door-close trigger.
- #4288: Change origin of
to fix leaks if angled panels are facing a wall at a corner. - #3878: Fix missing frames in 70s/80s Half Glass Door.
- Use a model for the sides/back of P1 Piston Platforms, to fix collision (especially with portals) and allow them to be lit dynamically.
- Disallow Scaffold Slot items from being used as a midpoint.
- Set a minimum light value on flip panels, to partially mitigate #4022.
- Antline toggle, checkmark and timer items are now defined as proper items instead of directly in the style. This ensures they can be inherited as normal.
- #4312: Fix blank Glass/Grating item descriptions.
- Fix compile failure if 80s lobby entry is used with crushers.
- Remove duplicate # Clean SP downward exit, if the regular sign is present.
- Add clips to panels in Clean SP upward exit.
- When spawning in Clean corridors, make the test chamber sign start illuminated.
- Increase brightness of light strips in Clean corridors.
- The Overgrowth music track now functions properly.
- #4352: Fix Clean Coop Entry not cutting tiles when on the floor/ceiling.
- #4336, #3941: Fix some catwalk placement issues.
- Fix seams in Clean custom fizzler model, improve collisions.
- Fix Piston/Track Platforms always using 4x4 tile patterns.
- #4378: Fix 1970s SP exit door sign not working when vertical.
- #4379: Fix leak with P1 Adjustable Pedestal Buttons.
- #4076: Added safeguard in case Sendificator sends cubes out of bounds - they will be fizzled.
- #3574: Fix leaks when using Old Aperture drawbridge with inputs.
- #4392: Fix incorrect nodrawing of tiles underneath Clean/P1/Overgrown BEE1 doors.
Version 4.43.0
Version 4.43.0
Music packages have not changed since v2.4.42.0
, no need to redownload.
- #647: Re-add all styled versions of Separated Coop Checkpoint.
- Removed subtle fade when swapping Funnel polarity. It didn't match with any of the actual effects.
- Improve areaportals in Clean upward SP exit.
- Altered exit doors and checkpoints to use
chamber attribute, instead of
. This way items can get the Absolute Fizzlers in the exit without the portal gun
changes. - Added a filter to all cube-fizzling fizzlers (except Absolute Fizzlers), allowing creating
fizzler-proof cubes and the like. Simply add thenofizzle:1
response context to the object.
- Fix #1875: orientation of Clean door camera.
- Fix Overgrown static non-block Stairs having incorrect panel positions.
- Fix #4150: Paint Fizzlers not cleaning cubes that were prepainted with gel.
- Fix #3671: Incorrect palette icon for Overgrown Signage item.
- Fix P1 not restarting when you enter the elevator in preview mode.
- Fix incorrect name and description for Absolute Fizzler package.
- Fix duplicate description for Overgrown Gels.
- Fix some bad optimisation in Overgrown SP entry elevator.
- Fix Overgrown "staircase" entrance not opening worldportal in preview mode.
- Fix #4247: Prevent portal bumping onto P1 ceiling Small Observation Room.
- Fix internal dimensions for Clean Large Observation Room.
- Fix #4263: 50s SP entrances having a few compile errors.
- Fix #4264: 70s SP entrances having a few compile errors.
- Fix 80s SP Lobby entrance not working.
- Fix Overgrown Excursion Funnels and reversed funnels not being visible in published maps.
- Fix positioning of P1 Coop corridors.
- Fix #4266: Sendificator Slim not working in Clean, Overgrown, P1.
- Fix #3960: Remake P1 Sendificator antlines to remove green tint.
- Fix #4269: Old Aperture checkpoints not functioning.
- Fix P1 Entrance 2 causing leaks.
- Fix name and icon for Old Aperture Coop Spawn Room.
- Fix fizzlers in 60s SP lobby Exits.
- Fix #4110: Recompile signage frame props, remove duplicates.
Version 4.42.0
Version 4.42.0
New Features:
- New corridor selection system
- Each corridor can now be individually enabled/disabled, you can have any number active.
- UCPs can easily add new corridors to the mix
- Corridor designs can be added for the floor/ceiling.
- As a side effect, all corridors have been tidied up a little, and have better lighting.
- Old Aperture Edgeless Safety Cubes now have a custom model, made by ARES Agent 228.
- Old Aperture Cube and Ball Buttons now have a custom model, made by Erin Rose.
- Add new broken/dirty Overgrown Funnel, made by Erin-Rose.
- #2387: Add colourised Bomb Cube model.
- #3017: Small Glass Holes no longer have clips, allowing things like pellets to pass through.
- #3102: Overgrown static Stairs now use piston arms, like in Portal 1.
- #3853: Old Aperture Stairs now have a unique non-block static variant.
- Dropperless cubes now use the "6 position" handle, allowing them to be positioned offset in a voxel. By switching to and from the reflection cube, you can both offset and rotate them.
- Fix #1944: Add Old Aperture editor models for CSFI and Physlers.
- HMW's logic gates now have editor models for all variants, and have a table displaying them in the description.
- Implement #4002: use Wii2's technique for reversible funnel models.
- Improve lighting in Old Aperture Coop Checkpoints, optimise logic.
- Old Aperture "locking" pedestal buttons will no longer make timer sounds.
- Port the original Portal 1 Portalgun Pedestal particle effects.
- Sendificators also lock attached pedestal buttons, making their timer delay sync with the animation.
- The Antline Corner item description has a diagram showing valid placements.
- When Sendificating Frankenturrets, they are popped out of box form at the destination.
- #803: Remove modern conveyor belts props from Old Aperture Conveyors.
- #2112: Fix clean FR fizzler models used for laserfield mode in Old Aperture.
- #2454: Fix unstyled Overgrown static Closed Solid Field.
- #3177: Fix rotation of Reflection Gel splatter editor model.
- #3255: Make 80s Coop Checkpoint switch checkmark/timer sign properly.
- #3375: Thin down P1 Camera cables to match originals.
- #3584: Make Cube Droppers "lock" pedestal button inputs, so it does not play timer sounds and has an appropriate delay.
- #3645: Fix invisible Overgrown / 80s Cube Button.
- #3937: Fix bad lighting behind Clean angled panels.
- #3962: Fix missing outputs on P1 Retractable Floor Buttons.
- #3977: Make Old Aperture Conveyors function properly.
- #3996: Fix outdated description of P1 light strips.
- #3999: Fix Incorrect orientation of Overgrown fizzler emitters.
- #4006: Fix missing editor model for 50s Funnel.
- #4007: Fix 70s Funnels can have a missing top model.
- #4027: Fix missing Repulsion Gel music samples for Robot Waiting Room
- #4052: Fix 80s Chamberlock is bricked up.
- #4083: Fix
is now disabled in BEE maps, fixing issues with rendering many portals onscreen at once. - #4085: Fix remove broken shatter logic from Old Aperture monitors.
- #4107: Fix Absolute Fizzler having a missing editor model.
- #4122: Fix bad smoothing groups with PGun buttons.
- #4164: Add missing 70s/80s window instances.
- BEEmod/BEE2.4#1776: Fix funnel lighting not functioning correctly.
- BEEmod/BEE2.4#1854: Add delay to inverted logic items to prevent crashes.
- Fix Old Aperture Sendificator Slim having broken antlines.
- Fix P1 entrances not detecting people portalling out.
- Fixed position of Old Aperture Flip Panel wheel.
Version 4.41.0
The music packages have been split into a separate download, since they make up a large amount of the download size.
- The BTS style has been removed, due to it being rather substandard and not really possible to function in the puzzlemaker.
- New Item: Antline Corner item, which allows for manually placing antlines anywhere. Place two down with a straight line between them, then link with antlines. A contiguous section is treated as one item, which acts like an OR gate.
- New Item: Half Obs Room, a half-voxel wide Observation Room. The P1 room has switched to be a full voxel like other styles.
- P1 style light strips now are a rectangular lamp like other styles, with the square hole split into a new item.
- Add brand new versions of Old Aperture SP spheres, and 50s+60s entry corridors all by @Critfish.
- Old Aperture and P1 Gel Droppers now have new custom models.
- P1 and Old Aperture exit signs will now reposition themselves like other styles.
- Vactubes now have P1 and Old Aperture styles.
- Remake some P1 entry corridors.
- Add new option for making fizzlers force black tiles on adjacent tiles to discourage portal bumping.
- Selector windows now save/load their position and group expand/contract state.
- The pipes in Enrichment Spheres now can appear in several random positions.
Version 4.40.0
New Item: Antlaser, a nonsolid laser which can be used to connect antlines through the air. The model was created by Konclan.
Add some Old Aperture/BTS editor textures, made by @saismee/@seagemgames
Old Aperture droppers will now have different signage (made by Critfish) on the base to indicate the cube type that will be dispensed.
The P1 exit sign will now correctly appear on different sides as required.
Added an itemvar for disabling lasers bending to hit catchers.
Rexaura Flux Fields will now detect Rocket Turret rockets.
Removed Herobrine
Fix a variety of items having their instances being broken in several ways.
Fix lots of items colliding when they shouldn't.
Fix autoportals/portalguns not working.
Fixed Sendificators not being connectable.
The P1 SP exit corridor 4's observation room will only use a worldportal now if it needs to.
Fixed some issues with P1 piston platforms.
Version 4.39.1
- Fixes missing resources for Surface Lacquer
- Fix item inputs and collisions being broken
- Convert Standing/Reclined Fizzlers to have 1 palette icon, also fixing configuration
- Convert Vactubes to have 1 palette icon also
The patch includes only the modified packages from the previous release.
Version 4.39.0
- New item: "Surface Lacquer"
- Coats surfaces and blocks, preventing them from being paintable, though they can still be portalled as normal.
- It affects the surface it's applied directly on, plus any block/panel items inside the voxel.
- Use new RotateInst result in Protruding Pedestal Buttons to avoid having extra instances.
- Improve brushes generated by Glass Hole.
Version 4.38.0
- Update Fizzler Output Relay description (via @micheledicosomo)
- Add BTS Antline Resources
- Fix some bugs with Protruding Pedestal Buttons
- Fix alignment of Clean/80s Indicator Panels, Cool Light Strip
- Add modelled form of 50s Crusher
- Fix leaks in Old Aperture Sendificator
- Use dirty buttons in 80s style
- Fix Bomb Cubes not functioning in the Sendificator
- Fix Clean dropper being jammable, getting items stuck
- Add on/off option to Lifeform Sensors
- Remove the random radios on tables from P1 corridors (@Luke18033)
- Add option to use Portal 1's fizzling effect
- Improvements to P1 Checkpoints
- Fix 60s Cave not functioning (@GiovanH)
- Fix BTS obs rooms not being placable on floor/ceilings
- Rebuild ditch item to work properly in all styles
- Fix 70s Floor button and stairs not working
- Fix Old Aperture Monitor not showing up
- Convert P1 Small Observation Room to take up the full voxel
- Fix P1 Gel Droppers not accepting inputs
- Fix the orientation of faces on Angled Blocks and Panels
- Fix nodraw underneath P1 Doors
- Fix Monitors moving their covers the incorrect direction
- Remake a bunch of the bullsye materials.
- Port P1's original color correction filter
Version 4.37.0
Bottomless Pits and Cutout Tiles are currently disabled in this version, and do nothing. These will be reimplemented later.
This is a fairly massive update, bringing a large internal change. The floor/wall/ceiling tiles are now entirely generated by the BEE2 compiler. This brings the following upgrades:
- Each 1/4 tile can now be set to white/black individually by using Half Wall items, or the new Quarter Tile. Items like panels placed on top will use the tile pattern.
- The texturing algorithm has been greatly improved, so all styles will now have better appearances.
- Tiles will now reshape around items that cover up bits of walls, producing appropriate panel sizes.
- Standing/Reclined Fizzlers can now be connected to a normal fizzler item to make it use that type (with the original removed in the process).
- Clean and Portal 1 Cube Droppers will extend themselves upwards if additional room is present, to improve their aesthetics.
- HMW's placement helper item will now override automatically placed helpers on surfaces, and attach itself properly to angled panels.
- Fizzlers now appear embedded into the wall properly, instead of black surface covering the hole.
- Old Aperture's Angled/Glass Panels, Faith Plates and Stairs have been rebuilt with new models.
- Fizzlers which don't block portal shots (Physics Repulsion Field, Force Deflection Field) now use the full on/off transition animation.
- New models for Old Aperture and Portal 1 Gel Droppers from @Konclan, plus Old Aperture Futbols.
- Fix far too many bugs to list!