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Releases: BSData/horus-heresy

Pride of the Legion fix

13 Jun 22:02
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Fixed Pride of the Legion RoW

Legion Terminator squads and Veteran Tactical squads become troops under
the Pride of the Legion Rite of War.  Additionally, Legion-specific
terminator squads are affected.  This was implemented.

Multiple Minor Fixes

06 Jun 21:48
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Closes #29

- Falchion weapon profile
- Magos Dominus (Legio Cybernetica)
- Magos Prime (Taghmata Omnissiah)

Tac squad sergeant options, Terror Squad troops fix

27 May 23:10
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Tactical Squad Options

- Tactical squad sergeant options fixed
- Terror Squad added as troops choice for Terror Assault Rite of War

Dreadnought Weapon fix

26 May 23:25
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Added missing Volkite Culverins to Dreadnought weapons options. Additional typo fixes as well.

Death Guard Rad Grenade fix

23 May 18:27
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Added missing option for Death Guard Rite of War

Bug fixes & Updates

23 May 18:12
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Multiple bug fixes

  • Kor Phaeron points
  • Kyr Vhalen cortex controller
  • Forge Lord artificer armour
  • Librarian Force Weapon


  • Mechanicum War Machine Detachment added/fixed
  • Centurion re-worked
  • Archmagos Prime fixed

Reaver Squad fix, Lord of War change

20 May 00:43
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Fixed Reaver squads, Lords of War

Missing options for Reaver squads added, Lords of war shuffled to
include War Machine Detachments allowing multiple superheavies under 9HP
as one selection per HH:LACAL p8, and fixed Tactical squads Caedere

Fixed Adsecularis Options

18 May 01:08
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Limit was set to "1" when should have been "-1" to allow any of the upgrades to be taken. Fixed.

All Legions added

17 May 20:20
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All Legions added.

Some remaining bugs:

  • Bodyguard/command squads, especially for the Praetor, end up with some strange errors where the roster will display the correct option, but still kick out an error saying "you can have at most 0x ____ in your roster (hide)" Feel free to ignore this, as I will fix it once I figure out how.
  • Alpha Legion Venom Sphere Harness does not list who can take it or the point cost. Waiting to hear back from Forgeworld
  • Alpha Legion's "The Rewards of Treason" kicks back the same error as the Command Squads. Please ignore until I figure out how to fix that.

This uses Battlescribe v1.14.01 - Please update accordingly!

Added Imperial Fists

13 May 17:54
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The VII Legion has been added. Additionally, Legio Cybernetica Battle-maniples have been added for the Iron Hands Rite of War, which were accidentally left out by me last update.