PyTorch implementation of Soft-Actor-Critic with the Extensions PER + ERE + Munchausen RL and the option for Multi-Environments for parallel data collection and faster training.
This repository includes the newest Soft-Actor-Critic version (Paper 2019) as well as extensions for SAC:
- Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)
- Emphasizing Recent Experience without Forgetting the Past(ERE)
- Munchausen Reinforcement Learning Paper
- N-step Bootstrapping
- Parallel Environments
In the paper implementation of ERE the authors used and older version of SAC, whereas this repository contains the newest version of SAC as well as a Proportional Prioritization implementation of PER.
- add IQN Critic [X] with IQN critic its 10x slower... need to fix that
- adding D2DRL IQN Critic [ ]
- create distributed SAC version with ray [ ]
- added N-step bootstrapping [X]
- Check performance with all add-ons [ ]
- added pybulletgym
Trained and tested on:
Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.7.0 Numpy 1.15.2 gym 0.10.11 pybulletgym
The new script combines all extensions and the add-ons can be simply added by setting the corresponding flags.
python -info sac
To see the options:
python -h
-env, Environment name, default = Pendulum-v0 -per, Adding Priorizied Experience Replay to the agent if set to 1, default = 0 -munchausen, Adding Munchausen RL to the agent if set to 1, default = 0 -dist, --distributional, Using a distributional IQN Critic network if set to 1, default = 0 -d2rl, Uses Deep Actor and Deep Critic Networks if set to 1, default = 0 -n_step, Using n-step bootstrapping, default = 1 -ere, Adding Emphasizing Recent Experience to the agent if set to 1, default = 0 -info, Information or name of the run -frames, The amount of training interactions with the environment, default is 100000 -eval_every, Number of interactions after which the evaluation runs are performed, default = 5000 -eval_runs, Number of evaluation runs performed, default = 1 -seed, Seed for the env and torch network weights, default is 0 -lr_a, Actor learning rate of adapting the network weights, default is 3e-4 -lr_c, Critic learning rate of adapting the network weights, default is 3e-4 -a, --alpha, entropy alpha value, if not choosen the value is leaned by the agent -layer_size, Number of nodes per neural network layer, default is 256 -repm, --replay_memory, Size of the Replay memory, default is 1e6 -bs, --batch_size, Batch size, default is 256 -t, --tau, Softupdate factor tau, default is 0.005 -g, --gamma, discount factor gamma, default is 0.99 --saved_model, Load a saved model to perform a test run! -w, --worker, Number of parallel worker (attention, batch-size increases proportional to worker number!), default = 1
with the old scripts you can still run three different SAC versions
Run regular SAC: python -env Pendulum-v0 -ep 200 -info sac
Run SAC + PER: python -env Pendulum-v0 -ep 200 -info sac_per
Run SAC + ERE + PER: python -env Pendulum-v0 -frames 20000 -info sac_per_ere
For further input arguments and hyperparameter check the code.
tensorboard --logdir=runs
It can be seen that the extensions not always bring improvements to the algorithm. This is depending on the environment and from environment to environment different - as the authors mention in their paper (ERE).
- All runs without hyperparameter-tuning
Im open for feedback, found bugs, improvements or anything. Just leave me a message or contact me.
- Sebastian Dittert
Feel free to use this code for your own projects or research.
author = {Dittert, Sebastian},
title = {PyTorch Implementation of Soft-Actor-Critic-and-Extensions},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},