This package is deprecated since 2023.
An updated project may be coming in the not too distant future, with hundreds of new implementations and much more.
🧾 README Version: 0.1.8
⚙️ Pymtools
Miscellaneous tools to speed up and improve your code.
- The package is divided by modules that contain functions to diferent related situation
- Visit docs and Pypi info here
- misc -
General funcs with no clear purpose
- opsys -
Some util funcs to access and manage system
- colors -
Util functions to handle color management (conversions, random picker, ...)
- net -
Some util funcs to extract information about network
- ext -
Aditional small module to extract the list of colors in a image. Intended to use to study images/patron-color images
- exports -
Some util funcs to make exports easier. Current langs that can export each other -> [JSON, YAML, CSV, TOML, XML]
To install the library with PyPi and pip, do:
pip install -U pymtools --user
-> To install the library ONLY in user context -
pip install -U pymtools
-> To install the library in global context -
pip3 install -U pymtools [--user]
in POSIX systems -
📌 Visit to see more detailed info and installation guide.
📌 To install without PyPi, do
pip install -U git+
- ❕ If u want to install the library without PyPi, then u must have GIT installed.
- Install GIT
If for any reason you can not install the library via PyPi & pip
you will have to install it manually.
- ℹ️ NOTE: This module have been created to be used in
Windows | NT systems
, because implemets some functions and methods that couldn't be runned inLinux | Posix systems
, this does not mean that some functions can work correctly.
v0.1.0b (04/10/22) : Beta release of Pymtools
+ Improve some functions
+ Pypi compatibility
v0.1.1: ...
+ Stable release
+ Updating requeriments.txt and csv to 0.1.1
v0.2.1: ...