This tool helps to upgrade Shelly devices that are behind a strict firewall or on a network segment without internet connectivity. Other similar tools already exist with clever features like autodiscovery, but that approach requires the code to be run on a host within that network segment for the zeroconf/Bonjour to work.
Some examples of other implementations I've checked and learned from:
In my specific case, due to how the network is organized, this does not work perfectly, and I also wanted to have a possibility to trigger the update specifically for a given device (so it can be invoked by Home Assistant, for example).
- Model and current firmware information fetched from the device directly via the /shelly API route
- Available firmware versions are queried from the Shelly firmware API (
- If there is a newer firmware available, we set up a temporary socket server to respond to HTTP requests, and invoke the /ota API on the device to trigger the download and installation of the new firmware
- There is no connection from the Shelly device to the outside, it only accesses the webservice opened by the OTA tool
Easiest is to install to a virtualenv directly from the source tree (please make sure you have python3 installed):
pip install virtualenv
git clone
cd shelly-ota
virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
You can also build a python package that you can then install inside or outside of a virtualenv:
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m build
pip install dist/shelly-ota*tar.gz
usage: shelly-ota [-h] [-b BINDADDR] [-p PORT] -t TARGET [-v] [-n]
Tool to upgrade Shelly devices that do not have direct internet connectivity
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BINDADDR, --bindaddr BINDADDR
Interface address (IP) to listen on (default: XX.XX.XX.XX)
-p PORT, --port PORT Port number for the OTA server
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Device address(es) or hostname(s) to upgrade, comma separated
-v, --verbose Increase detail of logging
-n, --dryrun Don't actually perform upgrade
- Will try to autodetect the bind address based on the interface that is related to the default gateway. IN case it's not the one you want to use, specify it with -b; this should correspond to an IP address reachable by the Shelly device.
- Port is defaulted to 8080
- Target can be a single device or a comma-separated list
If you want to update multiple devices of the same kind, the best is to do it in one batch as the temporary update server will cache the firmware file between requests, in memory.
Output will look like this:
$ ./shelly-ota -b 10.xx.xx.xx -t shellyplug-s-XXXXXX -v
03/07/2021 22:24:16 lib.shelly DEBUG Fetching latest firmware information via Shelly API
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG "GET /files/firmware HTTP/1.1" 200 None
03/07/2021 22:24:16 lib.updateserver DEBUG Starting updateserver on 10.xx.xx.xx:8080
03/07/2021 22:24:16 lib.shelly DEBUG shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Discovering device
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG Starting new HTTP connection (1): shellyplug-s-XXXXXX:80
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG http://shellyplug-s-XXXXXX:80 "GET /shelly HTTP/1.1" 200 122
03/07/2021 22:24:16 shelly-ota INFO shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Device type is SHPLG-S
03/07/2021 22:24:16 shelly-ota INFO shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Current firmware version is 20190516-073020/master@ea1b23db
03/07/2021 22:24:16 shelly-ota DEBUG shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Latest version for this model is 20210115-103659/v1.9.4@e2732e05 at
03/07/2021 22:24:16 lib.updateserver DEBUG Preloading firmware <ShellyFirmware(('SHPLG-S', '20210115-103659/v1.9.4@e2732e05'),>
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG Starting new HTTP connection (1):
03/07/2021 22:24:16 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG "GET /firmware/ HTTP/1.1" 200 826149
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.updateserver DEBUG Firmware file preloaded, 826149 bytes
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.shelly INFO shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Will instruct Shelly to download firmware from: http://10.xx.xx.xx:8080/
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.shelly INFO shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: Shelly device API call: http://shellyplug-s-XXXXXX/ota?url=http://10.xx.xx.xx:8080/
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.updateserver DEBUG Socket server initialized
03/07/2021 22:24:17 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG Starting new HTTP connection (1): shellyplug-s-XXXXXX:80
03/07/2021 22:24:17 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG http://shellyplug-s-XXXXXX:80 "GET /ota?url=http://10.xx.xx.xx:8080/ HTTP/1.1" 200 136
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.updateserver INFO 10.yy.yy.yy: Incoming HTTP request for /
03/07/2021 22:24:17 lib.updateserver DEBUG 10.yy.yy.yy: Serving firmware
10.yy.yy.yy - - [07/Mar/2021 22:24:17] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
03/07/2021 22:24:26 shelly-ota WARNING shellyplug-s-XXXXXX: File was downloaded
Any issues, questions, suggestions, please let me know.
As usual, please note, although I've done some testing with my own devices, you're using this at your own risk.