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Wearable touring application for Android Wear. The Barnes Foundation wearable digital prototype is funded by the Barra Foundation as part of their Catalyst Fund. Read more about our testing of the application on Medium.


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Barnes Foundation Wearable Prototype


The Barnes wearable prototype app is designed to show users images and associated short text based on their proximity to a set of Bluetooth Beacons.

There are three main technical components to the project: the Android Wear app, the Salesforce Content Management System and backend API, and the Bluetooth Beacon hardware. This readme file details the Android Wear app code. There's also a Barnes Wearable Prototype Documentation Guide on github which provides step-by-step instructructions to setup and manage the non-technical aspects of all three components.

The Barnes Foundation wearable digital prototype was engineered by HappyFunCorp and the project was funded by the Barra Foundation as part of their Catalyst Fund. Read more about the development and testing of Barnes wearable on Medium.

Android Wear app

The android wear app has 2 flavors (this only changes the server url):

Flavor Description
Staging Used when experimenting new stuff in a stage server
Production Used to build production apps

and 2 build types:

Build type Crash report Print logcat Debuggable
Debug No Yes Yes
Release Yes No No

To build the debug version run the following command:

$ ./gradlew assemble[flavor][buildtype]

For example, to build the production & release version run:

$ ./gradlew assembleProductionRelease

Also remember to edit the following info:

File Variable Description
app/build.gradle signingConfigs.debug Key used to sign the debug version
app/build.gradle signingConfigs.release Key used to sign the release version
app/build.gradle productFlavors.staging.buildConfigField SERVER_BASE_URL Staging salesforce server URL
app/build.gradle productFlavors.production.buildConfigField SERVER_BASE_URL Production salesforce server URL
AndroidManifest.xml Application meta-data io.fabric.ApiKey key used to setup Crashlytics
src/utils/ CLIENT_ID Salesforce client id
src/utils/ CLIENT_SECRET Salesforce client secret
src/utils/ USER_NAME Salesforce user name
src/utils/ USER_SECRET Salesforce user secret/password
src/utils/ RANGING_ID A unique id used to start/stop beacons Ranging
src/utils/ BEACONS_UUID The most significant id used to find the beacons (Ranging mode)

The login flow is detailed at

Salesforce setup


Custom objects


Singular Label: Device	
Plural Label:   Devices	
Object Name:    Device
API Name:       Device__c
Field Label API Name Field Name Data Type Indexed
Standard fields
Created By CreatedBy Lookup(User) No
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) No
Owner Owner Lookup(User,Queue) Yes
Salesforce Id Name Auto Number Yes
Custom fields
Unique Id Unique_Id__c Text(255) (Unique Case Sensitive) Yes
User User__c Lookup(Device User) Yes

Device User

Singular Label: Device User
Plural Label:   Device Users
Object Name:    Device_User
API Name:       Device_User__c
Field Label API Name Field Name Data Type Indexed
Standard fields
Created By CreatedBy Lookup(User) No
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) No
Owner Owner Lookup(User,Queue) Yes
User Name Name Text(80) Yes
Custom fields
Email Email__c Email(Unique) Yes


Singular Label: Item
Plural Label:   Items
Object Name:    Item
API Name:       Item__c
Field Label API Name Field Name Data Type Indexed
Standard fields
Created By CreatedBy Lookup(User) No
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) No
Owner Owner Lookup(User,Queue) Yes
Item Name Name Text(80) Yes
Custom fields
Image URL Image_URL__c URL(255) No
Item Id Item_Id__c Text(50) (Unique Case Sensitive) Yes
Push Text Push_Text__c Long Text Area(500) No
Region Region__c Lookup(Region) Yes


Singular Label: Region
Plural Label:   Regions
Object Name:    Region
API Name:       Region__c
Field Label API Name Field Name Data Type Indexed
Standard fields
Created By CreatedBy Lookup(User) No
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) No
Owner Owner Lookup(User,Queue) Yes
Region Name Name Text(80) Yes
Custom fields
Beacon UUIDs Beacon_UUIDs__c Text(255) No
Description Description__c Text(255) No

Saved Item

Singular Label: Saved Item
Plural Label:   Saved Items
Object Name:    Saved_item
API Name:       Saved_item__c
Field Label API Name Field Name Data Type Indexed
Standard fields
Created By CreatedBy Lookup(User) No
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) No
Owner Owner Lookup(User,Queue) Yes
Saved item Name Name Text(80) Yes
Custom fields
Device User Device_User__c Lookup(Device User) Yes
Item Item__c Lookup(Item) Yes
Unique Combination Unique_Combination__c Text(255) (Unique Case Sensitive) Yes

It is also necessary to create a field update/workflow to update the Unique Combination field to ensure that we won't have duplicated entries with the user/item combination:

Field Update

Name:                                            Saved Item Unique	 	 
Unique Name:                                     Saved_Item_Unique	 	 
Object:                                          Saved Item	 	 
Field to Update:                                 Saved Item: Unique Combination
Field Data Type:                                 Text
Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change:   Yes
Formula Value:                                   Device_User__c + '--' + Item__c
Workflow Rule

Rule Name:             Saved Item Unique
Object:                Saved Item
Evaluation Criteria:   Evaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
Rule Criteria:         Saved Item: Saved item Name NOT EQUAL TO null
Workflow Actions:      Immediate Workflow Actions
                           Type:          Description
                           Field Update:  Saved Item Unique

Custom classes


This class creates a REST endpoint to register the android devices into salesforce. The endpoint will return an id that can be used later to create objects and to indentfy which device has created them.

global with sharing class DeviceRestResource {

  global static SimpleDevice createNewCase(String localDeviceId) {
     List<Device__c> devices = [SELECT Name FROM Device__c WHERE Unique_Id__c = :localDeviceId LIMIT 1];
     if(devices == null || devices.size() == 0) {
        Device__c device = new Device__c(Unique_Id__c = localDeviceId);
        insert device;
        devices = [SELECT Name FROM Device__c WHERE Id = :device.Id LIMIT 1];
      return new SimpleDevice(localDeviceId, devices.get(0).Name);
    global with sharing class SimpleDevice {
       public String localDeviceId;
       public String remoteDeviceId;
       public SimpleDevice(String localDeviceId, String remoteDeviceId){
          this.localDeviceId = localDeviceId;
          this.remoteDeviceId = remoteDeviceId;


The mobile app has a 'Save for later' action which will call this endpoint to save the item and the user. This is used to indicate that the user expressed an interest in a particular item.

global with sharing class SavedItemRestResource {

    global static SimpleSavedItem createNewCase(String itemId, String deviceId) {
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;        
        List<Device__c> deviceList = [select User__c from Device__c where Name = :deviceId LIMIT 1];
        List<Item__c> itemList = [select Id from Item__c where Id = :itemId LIMIT 1];
        SimpleSavedItem simpleSavedItem;
        if(deviceList != null && deviceList.size() > 0 && itemList != null && itemList.size() > 0 ) {
            Saved_item__c savedItem = new Saved_item__c(Device_User__c = deviceList.get(0).User__c, Item__c = itemId);
            simpleSavedItem = new SimpleSavedItem(savedItem);
            try {
                insert savedItem;
            } catch (DMLException e) {
        } else {
            res.statusCode = 403;
        return simpleSavedItem;
    global with sharing class SimpleSavedItem {
       public Id itemId;
       public Id userId;
       public SimpleSavedItem(Saved_item__c savedItem){
          itemId = savedItem.Item__c;
          userId = savedItem.Device_User__c;


Endpoint to retrieve a list of items associated with a particular beacon/region.

global with sharing class ItemRestResource {
    global static List<SimpleItem> getItems() {
        RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
        RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
        String uuid = req.params.get('uuid');
        String uuidQuery = uuid == null ? '%%' : '%('+uuid+')%';
        List<SimpleItem> result = new List<SimpleItem>();
        List<Item__c> originalItems =
            [SELECT Name, Item_Id__c, Image_URL__c, Push_Text__c, Region__c
            FROM Item__c
            WHERE Item_ID__c != null AND Region__c in (SELECT Id FROM Region__c WHERE Beacon_UUIDs__c LIKE :uuidQuery)];
        for(Item__c current : originalItems ){
            result.add(new SimpleItem(current));
        return result;
    global with sharing class SimpleItem {
       public Id regionId;
       public Id id;
       public String name;
       public String imageUrl;
       public String description;
       public SimpleItem(Item__c originalItem){
          id = originalItem.Id;
          name= originalItem.Name;
          imageUrl= originalItem.Image_URL__c;
          description= originalItem.Push_Text__c;
          regionId = originalItem.Region__c;
       private void updateImageUrl() {
          if (imageUrl == null) {
            List<ContentDocumentLink> links = [SELECT ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersionId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :id];
            if (links != null && links.size() > 0){
                String contentDocumentId = links.get(0).ContentDocumentId;
                String latestPublishedVersionId = links.get(0).ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersionId;
                List<ContentDistribution> contentList = [
                    SELECT ContentDocumentId, ContentVersionId, DistributionPublicUrl
                    FROM ContentDistribution
                    WHERE ContentDocumentId = :contentDocumentId
                if (contentList != null && contentList.size() > 0){
                    ContentDistribution firstContent = contentList.get(0);
                    String host = URL.getSalesforceBaseURL().getHost().split('\\.')[0];
                    String realUrl = 'https://c.' + host + '';
                    realUrl += 'ids=' + latestPublishedVersionId;
                    realUrl += '&oid=' + UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
                    realUrl += '&d=' + firstContent.DistributionPublicUrl.substring(firstContent.DistributionPublicUrl.indexOf('/a/'));
                    imageUrl = realUrl;


Wearable touring application for Android Wear. The Barnes Foundation wearable digital prototype is funded by the Barra Foundation as part of their Catalyst Fund. Read more about our testing of the application on Medium.







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