Udemy Clone Website This project is a simplified clone of the popular online learning platform Udemy, created using HTML and CSS. While it does not include advanced features such as responsiveness, search functionality, course listing, or course details, it serves as a basic demonstration of web development skills.
Features Basic layout: The website features a basic layout inspired by the Udemy website. Static content: Content is static and does not include dynamic features like course listings or search functionality. Limited functionality: The website does not offer advanced features such as user authentication, course enrollment, or interactive elements. Usage To view the website, simply open the index.html file in your web browser.
File Structure index.html: Main HTML file containing the structure of the website. styles.css: CSS file containing styles for the website layout and design. images/: Folder containing image assets used in the website. Credits This project is created as a learning exercise to practice HTML and CSS skills. It is not affiliated with or endorsed by Udemy.# Udemy-clone