I am a budding web developer whose journey in the IT world began with Peaksoft at the age of 20, where I received comprehensive training. Through this experience, I discovered that I have a genuine passion for web development, particularly the back-end aspect. As a child, I was always curious about the workings of websites, wondering, "How do they operate in reality?" Fuelled by my curiosity, I decided to put my skills to the test, asking myself, "Could I create something similar?" The resounding answer was, "Yes, I can!" In April 2023, I completed courses in Java, and I am currently in search of exciting job opportunities. Meanwhile, I am actively involved in diverse projects to expand my knowledge and skill set.
- πΒ I'm based in I'm based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- βοΈΒ You can contact me at
- πΒ I'm currently working on MedChek
- π€Β I'm open to collaborating on interesting projects as a developer
- π I am studying web development on the Course Hunter website!
- π± I will not stop at one thing, I will try myself in other IT professions.