A lot of helpful things there!
Libs, Utils, Snippets, Examples & More!
This is just a klondike for gmod developers!
• /libs - Klondike of glua libs.
Most of it can be used outside of gmod (eg i use most of it in Luvit).
• /libs/small - Small, but useful things in some cases.
• /libs/thirdparty - List of links to my favorite thirdparty glua libraries.
• /libs/thirdparty/patched - Thirdparty libs, but patched.
• /examples - Examples of solutions to various issues.
Mostly is answers to questions asked by members of the GMod One https://discord.gmod.one/ developers community.
Education purpose only.
• /utils - Useful utilities.
Eg - dark theme for wiki, grep in gmod console, benchmark lib, e.t.c
Some of this things could get a separate repository or get into /libs - but they dont deserve it.
• /snippets - useful snippets.
Eg lua style guide, lua patterns collection.
• /deprecated - Unfinished/untested/outdated things.
Its exists only for history/education purposes.
Each directory contains its own readme, which may even contain a more detailed description.
All code provided under the MIT license.