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iOS SDK for PIR product in BeaconX Pro APP Kit Guide

  • This SDK support the company's PIR products.


  • We divide the communications between SDK and devices into two stages: Scanning stage, Connection stage.For ease of understanding, let's take a look at the related classes and the relationships between them.

MKCQCentralManager:global manager, check system's bluetooth status, listen status changes, the most important is scan and connect to devices;

MKCQInterface: When the device is successfully connected, the device data can be read through the interface in MKCQInterface;

MKCQInterface+MKCQConfig.h: When the device is successfully connected, you can configure the device data through the interface in MKCQInterface+MKCQConfig.h;

Scanning Stage

in this stage, MKCQCentralManager will scan and analyze the advertisement data of PIR devices, MKCQCentralManager will create a dictionary instance for every physical devices, developers can get all advertisement data by its property.

Connection Stage

Developers can use the API connectPeripheral:password:sucBlock:failedBlock to connect the device.

Get Started

Development environment:

  • Xcode9+, due to the DFU and Zip Framework based on Swift4.0, so please use Xcode9 or high version to develop;
  • iOS14, we limit the minimum iOS system version to 14.0;

Import to Project


SDK is available through CocoaPods.To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile, and then import <MKBeaconPirSensor/MKCQSDK.h>

pod 'MKBeaconPirSensor/SDK'

  • !!!on iOS 10 and above, Apple add authority control of bluetooth, you need add the string to "info.plist" file of your project: Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description - "your description". as the screenshot below.

  • !!! In iOS13 and above, Apple added permission restrictions on Bluetooth APi. You need to add a string to the project's info.plist file: Privacy-Bluetooth Always Usage Description-"Your usage description".

Start Developing

Get sharedInstance of Manager

First of all, the developer should get the sharedInstance of Manager:

MKCQCentralManager *manager = [MKCQCentralManager shared];

1.Start scanning task to find devices around you,please follow the steps below:

  • 1.manager.delegate = self; //Set the scan delegate and complete the related delegate methods.
  • can start the scanning task in this way:[manager startScan];
  • the sometime, you can stop the scanning task in this way:[manager stopScan];

2.Connect to device

  • 1.The connection method is as follows:
[[MKCQCentralManager shared] connectPeripheral:peripheral password:password sucBlock:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral) {
    } failedBlock:^(NSError *error) {

3.Get State

Through the manager, you can get the current Bluetooth status of the mobile phone and the connection status of the device.

  • When the Bluetooth status of the mobile phone changes,mk_cq_centralManagerStateChangedNotification will be posted.You can get status in this way:
[[MKCQCentralManager shared] centralStatus];
  • When the device connection status changes, mk_cq_peripheralConnectStateChangedNotification will be posted.You can get the status in this way:
[MKCQCentralManager shared].connectState;

4.Monitor sensor data.

When the device is connected, the developer can monitor the sensor data of the device through the following steps:

  • 1.Open data monitoring by the following method:
[[MKCQCentralManager shared] notifySensorStatus:YES];
  • 2.Register for mk_cq_pirHallSensorStatusChangedNotification notifications to monitor device sensor data changes.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
#pragma mark - Notification
- (void)receiveSensorStatus:(NSNotification *)note {
    NSDictionary *dataDic = note.userInfo;

Change log

  • 2024081501 first version;


iOS SDK for PIR product in BeaconX Pro APP







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