A simple warehouse and financial application to manage your business and products
- Registration and saving your profile
- Managing Products (Save,Update,Delete)
- Managing Categories to categorize your products
- Financial stuff like registering sell or buy records
- Calculating your profit and loss based on sells and buys
- Exporting reports in an excel file (under development)
Used testcontainers so make sure to configure it in your machine by doing these steps:
install docker
pull postgres:13.1-alpine
run this:
$ echo testcontainers.reuse.enable=true > ~/.testcontainers.properties
Deploy and actuator folders are useless for now
By running controller tests, docs folder will be generated in the root of project, presenting documentations for apis
Used java 10 (var) and java 16 (record) features, make sure use jdk-16+(recommended 17)
For tests, you may run one by one if encountered fails