Extracts limited product information for a given web page.
Current implementation is crude with generic (non-schema.org) websites
being limited to only name
and price
When a URL is provided the page is opened in jsdom,
and is set to fetch and process external script
tags. To skip this pass in the
HTML of the page instead.
npm install product-info
A javascript object is returned with a similar structure to the schema.org product schema; however, canonical references were removed.
// Returned
name: 'Blue Shirt',
description: 'A blue colored shirt',
offers: {
price: '20.00',
priceCurrency: 'USD',
availability: 'InStock'
Method for parsing HTML into a product.
producer.parse('http://my-schema-url.org', function(err, product){
// product returned
Method for parsing a URL into a product. Waits until all external script tags are fetched and have run.
producer.parse('http://my-schema-url.org', function(err, product){
// product returned