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muhahahahe edited this page Feb 6, 2018
30 revisions
This plugin provides some useful additions to MythicMobs.
It requires MythicMobs 4.1 and Spigot 1.10.2 or higher.
This wiki wont teach you the basic knowledge of how to use MythicMobs,
go to the documentation of MythicMobs, to learn how to do it.
Here you will find a default config.yml with some describtion to it: Config
Conditions Overview
List of available conditions:
attackable | behind | BiomeFix | compareNBT |
crouching | damageable | eir | facingDirection |
FactionsFlag | getBowTension | getIndicator | hasMeta |
hasSpawner | hasTarget | hasVehicle | health |
inFaction | inFront | inMobArena | inMotion |
inSolidBlock | isBurning | isGoggling | isPresent |
isSpinning | isStunned | isVehicle | jumping |
lastBowTension | lastDamageCause | lastIndicator | leir |
lookAtMe looksAtMe |
MobsInRadius | motionDirection | moveSpeed |
onCooldown | onSolidBlock | ownerAlive | ownsItem |
ownsItemSimple | parsedStance | pir | playerTime |
playerWeather | relativeDirection | running | sameFaction |
sameSpawner | sameWorld | sleeping | testfor |
vDistance | WGDenySpawnFlag | WGStateFlag |
Mechanics Overview
List of available mechanics:
advAIPathfinder | asquip | BlockFloating | BlockProjectile |
bloodyScreen | castIf | changeHealthbar | clearThreatTarget |
closeInventory | createHealthbar | cure/removePotion | customDamage |
customParticleline | customParticles | customRandomSkill | customSummon |
customTeleport | customVelocity | damageArmor | delMeta |
disarm | dropCombat | dropInventory | dropMythicItem |
dropStolenItems | enderEffect | EntityFloating | entityGoggle entityGoggleAt entityLookin |
EntityProjectile | equipSkull | extinguish | fakeDeath |
feed | forceSpectate | Grenade | ItemFloating |
ItemProjectile | lineBubble | modifyArrows | modifyBubble |
MythicFloating | MythicOrbitalProjectile | MythicProjectile | noDamageTicks |
oxygen | parsedDisguise | parsedStance pStance |
playCredits |
playerGoggle playerGoggleAt |
playerSpin | playerWeather | playerZoom |
playLoading | removeBubble | renameEntity | setCachedOwner |
setFaction | setItemCooldown | setMeta | setMobHealth |
setNBT | setRandomLevel | setRotation | setTarget |
setThreatTarget | speechBubble | steal | storeCooldown |
stun | swap | unEquip |
requires MythicMobs 4.3+
Targeter | Description |
@crosshair | uses the players crosshair to target an entity |
@crosshairlocation{length=#} | uses the players crosshair to target a location infront in blocks |
@eyedirection{length=#} | uses the casters view direction with a given distance in blocks |
@lastdamager | targets the entity that did the last recent damage |
@ownerdirection{length=#} | usefull for children mobs to target a location in blocks away where its owner is looking at |
@ownermotion{length=#} | usefull for children mobs to target a location in blocks away where its owner is moving at |
@ownertarget | usefull for children mobs to target the same target as its owner |
@selfmotion{length=#} | targets a location in blocks away where the caster is moving at |
@targetdirection{length=#} | targets a distance in blocks infront of the casters targets view direction |
@targetmotion{length=#} | targets a location in blocks away where the target is moving at |
@targeterstarget | targets the target of the casters target |
@triggerdirection{length=#} | targets a distance in blocks infront of the triggers view direction |
@triggermotion{length=#} | targets a location in blocks away where the trigger is moving at |
@triggerstarget | targets the triggers target |
Trigger | Description |
~onKill | It is like the ~onKillPlayer trigger, but also works on every entity not only players. |
- to use the the ability, that parrots dont die when get fed with a cookie, give your MythicMob the option CookieDie: true
MyParrot: Type: parrot Options: CookieDie: true Skills: ...
This Wiki is made by muhahahahe | It could contain mistakes, misspelling, and grammar issues