Cleaner removes HTTP Basic Authentication credentials from location.href
to work around a Webkit bug.
If HTTP Basic Authentication (BA) credentials are included in the URL, Webkit stores them in window.location.href
. If location.href
includes the BA credentials, this script removes them with history.replaceState()
or a page reload if the History API is not supported. If there are no BA credenitals in location.href
, this script will do nothing.
Include this script in the <head>
, before everything else. It is best run as an inline script so as not to block the rest of the page loading. E.g.:
<script type="text/javascript">
// See github.com/BevanR/location.href-cleaner
(function(){var a=location.origin+location.pathname+location.search+location.hash;location.href!==a&&("function"===typeof history.replaceState?history.replaceState({},document.title,a):location.href=a)})();