Tester is an online Test Taking System for users to test their skills and get live results along with graphs. It is a MEAN Stack Application including views for both user and admin.
- User View
* Login and # View.
* A view to see statistics of all tests taken and list of tests given by user.
* A view to see list of tests he/she can appear for.
* A view to start the test and get the result.
- Admin View
* View to see all tests in the system and delete.
* View to see details of a test as well as edit,create and delete questions.
* View to create a test.
* View to see all user registered in the system.
* View to see performance of a user in all his/her tests.
- Node JS
- MongoDB
- Download or clone the repository.
- Unzip the downloaded folder.
- Through a terminal or Command Prompt all dependencies can be installed using the command "npm install".
- Change mongo url and passport callback url to localhost:3000.
- Run the NodeJS application.
- Start MongoDB in the background.
- Launch http://localhost:3000 in a browser.
- Login or # to take a test.
- Bootstrap 4. JQuery 5. AngularJS
- NodeJS 2. ExpressJS 3. MongoDB
- Postman
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Sublime-Text