ID-entify is a tool that allows you to search for information in the passive way related to a domain.
- Emails
- IP addresses
- Subdomains
- Information on WEB technology
- Type of Firewall
- NS and MX records
- Fierce
- Dnsrecon
- Dnsenum
- Dig
- Blindcrawl
- OWASP Amass
- Nslookup
- Whatweb
- Wafw00f
- Nmap http-waf-detect http-waf-fingerprint
- Whois
- TheHarvester
git clone
cd ID-entify
chmod +x
The next command is to create a workspace with tmux in which programs are executed in the background, storing the information in the ./id-domain/Raw_Data/ folder.
id-entify -d
When the programs are finished, the tmux workspace will be closed automatically, the filtered information will be stored in ./id-domain/Greep_Data/. To filter the information manually execute the following command
id-entify -g