Collects and Attaches NCBI taxonomy information to BLAST and SOAP2 results.
Results must be in tabular format (-m 8 or -m 6)
By: Raquel Dias and Marcelo V. Neves
Contact: raquel.dias.001@acad.pucrs.br
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
High Performance Laboratory (LAD PUCRS)
A Tool for parsing sequence search results and collecting information on NCBI taxonomic data
Project home page: https://github.com/Bioinfo-Tools/NCBI-taxcollector
Operating system(s):Platform independent
Programming language: Perl and C
License: GNU GPL
- Perl 5 or higher
- C compiler
- Download NCBI-taxcollector main functions
$ wget https://github.com/Bioinfo-Tools/ncbitc_functions/tarball/master
- Extract
$ tar -xvf master
- Go inside the extracted folder
$ rm master
$ mv Bioinfo-Tools-ncbitc_* master
$ cd master
- Compile
$ make all
- Copy the binary named "tax_class" to the same dir as taxcollector_ncbi-0.01.pl
$ cp tax_class ../
$ cd ..
- Change the exec permissions
$ chmod 777 tax_class
- Download NCBI taxonomy databases
$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/taxdump.tar.gz
$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy//gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz
- Extract the databases
$ tar -xvf taxdump.tar.gz
$ gunzip gi_taxid_nucl.dmp.gz
Convert dump files to binary
$ ./tax_class -c
- Usage
$ perl taxcollector_ncbi-0.01.pl -f Classification results (tabular text file) -o Output file
Input example:
S001416244 gi|309261160|gb|HQ246245.1| 81.87 1186 148 64 226 1375 128 1282 0.0 937 S001416244 gi|85001901|gb|DQ337083.1| 78.63 1535 218 99 1474 1 1486 0.0 917 S001416244 gi|309261186|gb|HQ246271.1| 81.00 1216 137 75 247 1400 213 1396 0.0 880
Output example:
S001416244 [0]Bacteria;[1]Proteobacteria;[2]Alphaproteobacteria;[3]Rhodospirillales;[4]Acetobacteraceae;[5]Roseomonas;[6]Roseomonas_sp._6A18S6; 81.87 1186 148 64 226 1375 128 1282 0.0 937 S001416244 [0]Bacteria;[5]uncultured_bacterium;[6]uncultured_bacterium; 78.63 1535 218 99 1 1474 1 1486 0.0 917 S001416244 [0]Bacteria;[1]Firmicutes;[2]Bacilli;[3]Bacillales;[5]Exiguobacterium;[6]Exiguobacterium_sp._8A18S8; 81.00 1216 137 75 247 1400 213 1396 0.0 880