buster-cljs provides an easy and convenient way to test your Clojure/Clojurescript source code by using the same testsuite code base.
This library not only offers a similar interface as the one found in the `clojure.test' library, but also the powerful buster.js test architecture.
There are some ports of `clojure.test' already out there, so why build yet another one? Birdseye Software strongly believes that the most important thing is not the test API but rather, what facilities the test platform provides; buster allows you to:
Use different browsers1 as slaves to run your tests; just set up the buster.js node server, connet to it through the browser you want to slave (might be a machine or a mobile phone), and click a button. No plugins required to be installed on your browser.
Run your testsuite in both your browser and node.
Easy integration with phantomjs for headless testing.
buster-cljs is a very young library; started in November 2012, used from the start to test all the Clojure/Clojurescript libraries that Birdseye Software develops.
buster-cljs is released to clojars. If you are using maven, add the following repository definition to your pom.xml
With leiningen:
[com.birdseye-sw/buster-cljs "0.1.0"]
With Maven:
Please refer to our [Getting Started guide][getting_started].
Please refer to our [documentation site][documentation_site], our [test suite][test_suite] or the [examples folder][examples] for some examples
This library has been tested on Clojure 1.4 and Clojurescript version
that comes bundled with lein-cljsbuild
Copyright © 2012 Birdseye Software
Distributed under the MIT License.
[1]: browsers might be running in different machines of the same network [getting_started]:http://birdseyesoftware.github.com/buster-cljs.docs/articles/getting_started.html [documentation_site]:http://birdseye-sw.com/oss/buster-cljs/ [test_suite]:http://github.com/BirdseyeSoftware/buster-cljs/blob/master/test/buster_cljs/test/macros_test.cljs [examples]:http://github.com/BirdseyeSoftware/buster-cljs/tree/master/examples/hello_world