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React package with components for Yii2. It`s supports main yii2-fields and other usefull yii2 components and features like authentification and server side fields validation.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

ATTENTION: Library is currently in development. We are looking for maintainers


React components, that support working with Yii2.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide Hits


First of all be sure that you have Redux installed

npm install @reduxjs/toolkit

npm install redux

npm install react-redux
npm install --save-dev redux-devtools

After installing Redux run this command

npm install --save react-yii2-essentials

We recommend installing Yii2 library blackbes/yii2-yiireact YiiReact GitHub Page on your web server in order to simplify usage of this package It provides React CRUD generator for gii that can generate required controllers and react pages for models.

composer require blackbes/yii2-yiireact


This library provides you with components that are able to perform yii2 validation and fetch data from your Yii2 server.

Validation will be performed by built in function in yii-validation.js This function uses Redux to define your web server address and uses bearer token to access it.

It will send a request to So in order to make function work correctly, you must add a reducer called api.js with properties listed below:

 authToken: '', //here will be your bearer token
 address: '', //here you specify your web server url
 //validation function will use this data to send axios request to
await axios({
    method: 'post',
    //your web server must have this url for models validation
    url: address + '/validate-model-input',
    data: stringify({
      //this data is taken from component props
      model: model,
      name: name,
      value: value
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',
      Authorization: 'Bearer ' + authToken

Components List

Input field

Generates input field with validation

<InputField />

 propTypes = {
    /** Name of field in model. */
    name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    /** Name of a model. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Value of field. */
    value: PropTypes.any,
    /** Label for input. If it empty or bool:false, using a field name. */
    label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string]),
    /** Add more classes to field container. */
    class: PropTypes.string,
    /** Placeholder for input. */
    placeholder: PropTypes.string,
    /** Function, that handle change event. */
    onChange: PropTypes.func,
    /** Required. */
    required: PropTypes.bool,
    /** Help block text */
    helpBlock: PropTypes.string,
    /** Help block text */
    validated: PropTypes.any,
    /** Other props for plugin */
    pluginProps: PropTypes.object

Text area

Generates text area with validation

<TextArea />

propTypes = {
    /** Name of field in model. */
    name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    /** Name of a model. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Label for input. If it empty or bool:false, using a field name. */
    label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string]),
    /** Add more classes to field container. */
    class: PropTypes.string,
    /** Placeholder for input. */
    placeholder: PropTypes.string,
    /** Function, that handle change event. */
    onChange: PropTypes.func,
    /** Required. */
    required: PropTypes.bool,
    /** Help block text */
    helpBlock: PropTypes.string,
    /** Help block text */
    validated: PropTypes.any,
    /** Other props for plugin */
    pluginProps: PropTypes.object


Generates radiobutton or radiobutton list depending on the amount of keys

<RadioButton />

propTypes = {
    /** Name of field in model. */
    name: PropTypes.string,
    /** Name of a model. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Label for input. If it empty or bool:false, using a field name. */
    label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string]),
    /** Add more classes to field container. */
    class: PropTypes.string,
    /** object Key and value*/
    options: PropTypes.object,
    /** Values of fields. */
    value: PropTypes.oneOfType([
    /** Function, that handle change event. */
    onChange: PropTypes.func,
    /** Other props for plugin */
    pluginProps: PropTypes.object,
    /** Set required icon (require server validation!) */
    required: PropTypes.bool


Generates Checkbox or Checkbox list depending on the amount of keys

<CheckBox />

propTypes = {
    /** Name of field in model. */
    name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    /** Name of a model. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Label for input. If it empty or bool:false, using a field name. */
    label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string]),
    /** Add more classes to field container. */
    class: PropTypes.string,
    /** object Key and value */
    options: PropTypes.object,
    /** Values of fields. */
    values: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.bool),
    /** Key of field. */
    key: PropTypes.any,
    /** Other props for plugin */
    pluginProps: PropTypes.object,
    /** Set required icon (require server validation!) */
    required: PropTypes.bool

Dropdown list

Generates dropdown list with verification

<DropDownList />

propTypes = {
    /** Name of field in model. */
    name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    /** Name of a model. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Label for input. If it empty or bool:false, using a field name. */
    label: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string]),
    /** Add more classes to field container. */
    class: PropTypes.string,
    /** Options array */
    options: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
    /** Selected value */
    value: PropTypes.any,
    /** Function, that handle change event. */
    onChange: PropTypes.func,
    /** Required. */
    required: PropTypes.bool,
    /** Help block text */
    helpBlock: PropTypes.string,
    /** Validation value. Can be empty string or bool */
    validated: PropTypes.any,
    /** Default value text */
    defaultValueText: PropTypes.string,
    /** Other props for plugin */
    pluginProps: PropTypes.object


Generates breadcrumbs

To use this, you must add breadcrumbs.js reducer with following code:

const initialState = {
    breadcrumbs : []

const breadcrumbs = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case SET_BREADCRUMBS: {
            return {
            return state;

export default breadcrumbs;
<BreadCrumbs />

propTypes = {
    /** breadcrumbs. */
    breadcrumbs: PropTypes.object,
    name: PropTypes.string

/** example */

let bread = [
        name: 'Home',
        link: '/'
        name: 'Clients',
        link: '/clients'
        name: "Create",
        link: ''
<BreadCrumbs breadcrumbs={bread} />


Component for generating and rendering index data. Analogue to yii2's DataProvider


propTypes = {
    /** An array with fetched rows. */
    models: PropTypes.array,
    /** Model name. */
    model: PropTypes.string,
    /** Model attributes to be rendered. Ex: {id: 'Item Id', name: 'Item Name'} */
    attributes: PropTypes.object,
    /** Model actions to manipulate selected row. Ex: {view: {title: "view", icon: (Optional) HTML markup or Font Awesome>}, update: {title: "update"},} */
    actions: PropTypes.object,
    /** Assoc. array with onModalOpen() callback. Ex: modalActions={{ onModalOpen: () => {setModal(true)}}} */
    modalActions: PropTypes.object,
    /** (Optional) Text or HTML markup to be rendered if table is empty. Default value: 'Create your first item' */
    ifEmpty: PropTypes.any,
    /** An assoc array with required data to create pagination.
     * @param pagination.currentPage Current selected page
     * @param pagination.totalPages Total pages
     * @param pagination.callback Callback that will trigger when pagination button clicked
     * */
    pagination: PropTypes.object,

/** example */

    modelName={"<model name>"}
    className={"<column style class>"}
    //Shown attribute of model {attribute: lable}
    id: "ID",
    name: "",
    user: "",
    view: {title: "view"},
    update: {title: "update"},
    delete: {title: "delete"},
    restore: {title: "restore"},
    onModalOpen: this.actionOpenModal,
    ifEmpty={"Create first element"}
    callback: this.actionPagination


Setups pagination

<Pagination />


function actionPagination(page) {
        this.setState({currentPage: page})



Allows to access routes by user with valid auth token. Redirects to /# on fail

<PrivateRoute />

<PrivateRoute exact path='/users' component={UsersIndex}/>


Modified version of PrivateRoute Allows to access routes by user with one or multiple auth types and valid auth token Redirects to /# on fail

<AuthTypeRoute />

<AuthTypeRoute exact path='/users' component={UsersIndex} authType={[1, 2]} />



Preloader adds spinning circle

if (this.state.isDataLoaded){
    return render(
} else {
    return render(
         <DataLoader />


Preloader creates view of unloaded fields

if (this.state.isDataLoaded){
    return render(
} else {
    return render(
    <IndexDataLoader />


Preloader creates view of unloaded table on index page

if (this.state.isDataLoaded){
    return render(
} else {
    return render(
    <TableLoader />


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


MIT © BlackBes


React package with components for Yii2. It`s supports main yii2-fields and other usefull yii2 components and features like authentification and server side fields validation.







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