A web site for sharing literacy materials, especially templates for translation into minority languages.
Make sure you have yarn. Look in packages.json under the "engines" key. Get that version of Nodejs.
git clone https://github.com/BloomBooks/BloomLibrary.git
cd BloomLibrary
In one terminal (e.g. in vscode), run
yarn watch
In another terminal (e.g. to its side, in vscode), run
yarn serve
That should open a web browser page at localhost:3000.
The router we use makes all pages have a hash before the final part of the url. e.g. bloomlibrary.org/#/browse.
When navigating within the site internally, the router happily deals with this. When navigating to a particular page directly via a url, we would prefer to not include the hash. e.g. bloomlibrary.org/browse.
To date, we have accomplished this by two different methods on S3.
- Routing Rules
- In AWS, navigate to the bucket (bloomlibrary.org or dev.bloomlibrary.org)
- Properties
- Static website hosting
- Redirection rules
- something like
- We recently discovered these don't work on Safari (or iOS Chrome)
- An empty file with redirect rules
- In AWS, navigate to the bucket (bloomlibrary.org or dev.bloomlibrary.org)
- Upload an empty file for your page. e.g. browse
- Click on that file
- Properties
- Metadata
- Add key=Website-Redirect-Location, value=/#/page-name, e.g. /#/browse
Careful! Method 2 won't work if you have implemented method 1.
Note: Method 2 doesn't work with urls containing information after the would-be file name, e.g. https://bloomlibrary.org/readBook/jnG2YFeIIG
We built these using ngBoilerplate. Read the build.config.js file to see most of what is going on. See the readme of ngBoilerplate for more information. Here are key things:
Grunt merges many vendor and app-specific less files together into the bloom_xyz.css file. The list of these files is main.less. If you have a css file to load separately, list that in build.config.js.
Normally we have tests run via the offscreen browser phantomjs. If you want to debug using a normal browser, you'll find that setting in karma/X:\dev\BloomLibrary\karma\karma-unit.tpl.js.
A problem with the current approach is that Google and other web crawlers don't see anything more than our home page. This is discussed at length at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XAJRmQoJHYkwkf4CVW_OWiBkRT1jqufKF2rJajcnxIw/edit?usp=sharing.
The credentials needed to upload the content to the S3 bucket must be supplied in the AWS credential store. On current agents, this can be found at c:\users\bob\.aws\credentials. When running the build, pass the profile name as the ProfileName parameter of the Upload target.
7zip must be accessible in the PATH.
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