Material 3 is a new design language by Google for the Flutter Material library.
* Material 3 is a new design language by Google for the Flutter Material library.
* We have created a sample Flutter app to showcase Material 3 features.
* The app allows users to switch between Material 2 and Material 3, light and dark themes, and different color palettes.
* The app has an Adaptive Layout that adjusts based on screen size.
* The updated components in the app include AppBar, buttons, FAB, Card, Dialog, NavigationBar, and NavigationRail.
* The Color Screen generates a full color scheme from a single seed color and displays all the colors in light and dark palettes.
* The Typography Screen shows the text styles used in the default TextTheme.
* The Elevation Screen demonstrates the new supported feature "surfaceTintColor" in the Material library.
* The Flutter app is an excellent way to discover the latest features in Material 3.
* You can download the demo and check out the guidance at to learn more about Material 3.