@version v0.0.1
@author Bosn Ma
@weibo http://weibo.com/bosn
@mail bosn@outlook.com
@desc Robosn, Robot Bosn 调皮捣蛋专用
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How to use?
1. Back-end deployment
1.1 Install node.js and mysql, create your database and use file 'sql/createTable.sql' to initialize database.
1.2 Run 'sql/initializeData.sql' to fill tables with initialization data.
1.3 Edit root.js, change sql connection info.
1.4 Use command 'node root.js' to run nodeJs service
2. Front-end deployment
2.1 Use chrome or firefox to open your weibo homepage, eg->http://weibo.com/bosn
2.2 Open development tools(eg-> in Chrome, F12 for Windows, alt+command+i for MacOS)
2.3 Copy code in jquery-1.9.1.min.js, and paste to console to run
2.4 Copy code in chrome.injection.js, and paste to console to run
3. Have fun