State Instrument(SVRM output Symbolizer) & SVRM-Learner (SVRM modeler)& SVRM-Composer (Corpus Generator)
this is the repo of SVRM-Learner (src) \ SVRM-Composer \ StateInstrument
To reproduce, you can use dokcerfile in docker-examples
note1: the origin name of SVRM-leaner is SVCS model. For better understanding in paper, we use SVRM instead of SVCS (CS means control segment)
note2: we only provide works we make in paper. Reperesentative Message recognized by Netpiler/manual selected and state variable recognized by our SVF tools is not include.
recommend using LLVM-10 ,other verision LLVM not tested.
should be state-instrument repo's path
should be state variable json information file SVInfos.json
's path
example of building lightftp
ENV STATERT="${WORKDIR}/state-instrument"
ENV CC=clang-10
ENV CFLAGS='-fno-discard-value-names -g -O0 -Xclang -load -Xclang /home/ubuntu/state-instrument/'
ENV SVINFOS_PATH=/home/ubuntu/SVConfig
install graphviz maven openjdk-11-jdk
Build a self-contained jar file using the following command:
mvn package shade:shade
java -jar SVCSLearner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <configuration file>
example configuration can be found in docker-examples
python3 SVRM-Composer/ -a <SVRM model dot file> -m <Representative Message path> -o <corpus output path>
an example:python3 SVRM-Composer/ -a output_model/ -m in-ftp -o output_corpus
since the origin AFLNET output data is extrmely big(7.8 G) , We only provide plotting data process by our script.
If you are insterested in the raw data, please contact me.