This repository is the backend for the web application Pump Up The Volunteers.
- This is the back end for our website pumpupthevolunteers.
- This application allows volunteers and organizations to connect through events. Organizations can post events, while volunteers can select interesting events to attend.
- pumpUpTheVolunteers
- Diep Truong
- Brandon Yu
Students at Galvanize
- OrgHunter API
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Heroku, Surge
- Express
- NodeJS
- Materialize
- BootStrap - HTML/CSS Framework
- Browserify - Used to provide require and build bundle.js
- axios - Promise based client for the browser and node.js
- Moment.JS - Parse & display dates/times properly.
To install & run locally for development:
- fork this repo
- git clone
- npm install
- npm run dev (run server)