Blazor model to component mapper. Maps a class to a blazor component. The component must have a parameter that accepts the model. This can allow an application to be completely data driven.
@page "/"
<ModelView Source="FakeDataSource.BlogItems" />
public static class FakeDataSource
public static readonly IReadOnlyList<object> BlogItems = new object[]
new Heading { Content = "Hello World!", Level= HeadingLevel.One , InputAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "text-info" } } },
new Division { Content = new object[]
new Paragraph { Content = "Welcome to my demonstration" },
new Paragraph { Content = "All these items are being rendered based on their data type and order from an enumerable object source" }
} },
new ImageSource { DisplayHeight = 259, DisplayWidth = 241, Source = imageData, InputAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded" } } },
new Paragraph { Content = "Pretty cool, huh?" },
new Anchor { Content = "Brian Parker", Href = "" },
new Break { },
new Markup { RawHtml = stackFlare }
public static readonly IReadOnlyList<object> NavItems = new object[]
new NavItem { Text = "Home", Icon ="oi oi-home" , Href ="" , NavLinkMatch = NavLinkMatch.All },
new NavItem { Text = "By Mark-up", Icon ="oi oi-code" , Href ="byLayout" },
new NavItem { Text = "By Code", Icon ="oi oi-excerpt" , Href ="byCode" },
new NavItem { Text = "Non Enumerable", Icon ="oi oi-image" , Href ="nonEnumerable" },
new NavItem { Text = "Standard Component", Icon ="oi oi-image" , Href ="standardComponent" },
new NavItem { Text = "Registration Error", Icon ="oi oi-bug" , Href ="registrationError" },
public const string imageData = "data:image/jpeg; base64, ...";
public const string stackFlare = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" width=\"208\" height=\"58\" alt=\"profile for Brian Parker at Stack Overflow, Q & A for professional and enthusiast programmers\" title=\"profile for Brian Parker at Stack Overflow, Q & A for professional and enthusiast programmers\"></a>";
The data source Source
does not have to be enumerable.
<ModelView Source="ImageSource" />
@code {
ImageSource ImageSource = new ImageSource { Source = FakeDataSource.imageData, DisplayHeight = 259, DisplayWidth = 241 };
<li class="nav-item px-3">
<NavLink class="nav-link" href="@NavItem.Href" Match="@NavItem.NavLinkMatch">
<span class="@NavItem.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> @NavItem.Text
@code {
public NavItem NavItem { get; set; }
This is overkill for only one model type it is just an example of view registration using mark-up within a .razor component.
<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems">
<ViewRegistration TModel="NavItem" TComponent="NavItemView" PropertyName="NavItem" />
that can be inherited instead of ComponentBase
. This is a convenient way of implementing the required property with the parameter name Model
@inherits ViewComponentBase<NavItem>
<li class="nav-item px-3">
<NavLink class="nav-link" href="@Model.Href" Match="@Model.NavLinkMatch">
<span class="@Model.Icon" aria-hidden="true"></span> @Model.Text
<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems">
<ViewRegistration TModel="NavItem" TComponent="NavItemView" />
Note: PropertyName is defaulted to "Model". It does not have to be declared when using ViewComponentBase
You can register all your components in program.cs
. These become the default components. Any components defined within the <ModelView>
mark-up override the default components.
In program.cs
public class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
private static void ConfigureDefaultViewModelSelector(WebAssemblyHostBuilder builder)
ViewModelComponentSelector viewModelComponentSelector = new ViewModelComponentSelector();
viewModelComponentSelector.RegisterView<NavItem, NavItemView>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IViewSelector>(sp => viewModelComponentSelector);
The previous example could then become:
<ModelView Source="DataSource.NavItems" />