Semi-Comprehensive List of Tasks Associated with Running a Successful Workshop (please add as you see fit!)
Provide a cohesive and well-structured learning experience for workshop attendees and learn from eachother and have fun! (helps to have cooperation, and ability to work-ahead to share with group)
- Understand submission timelines
- Understand 'manpower' needed to execute concept
- Have enough lead time to put together a good plan
- Understand size of audience
- Make new repo if needed
- Order swag if needed
- Ideate
- Source Collaborators
- Write draft
- Review Draft
- Submit (may require membership)
- Ideate
- Assign roles
- Cooperatively set expectations and standards
- make plan to help, upskill as needed
- make sure have the tools, resources, skills needed
- Establish touch points (when group will check in)
- Establish 'where to work'and how to communicate questions
- Develop content
- Testing
- Peer review
- Dry run as a group (2-3 weeks out)
- Finalize agenda: This includes presenters, timing, breaks etc.
- Make sure needed packages are in 2i2c image/ everything runs as should
- Use Jamboard for day of notes/questions/thoughts
- organize to mirror agenda
- can have page to coordinate dinner
- Populate Website Template with Contents
- Test Website is working as expected
- Test live translation app in zoom so can have bilingual content
- Plan use of 2i2c compute resources
- Plan access/# to 2i2c resources
- Workshop Promotion: Social Media / Newsletter
- Communicate with participants in advance of workshop:Include prerequisites (earthdatalogin, github), resources, survey
- Plan how to handle questions:
- Jamboard (easy to capture for later)
- will people be available in the room as questions arise?
- Communicate with participants following workshop: Compile workshop resources, Encourage future engagement, upcoming events
- Explicitly build time into begining of meeting to foster connection (name, where live, something fun about yourself)
- Cultivate sense of well-being and safety (build trust)
- Be kind and intellectually generous
- Consider explicity discussing code of conduct and land acknowledgement
- Execute plan as team; be prepared to adapt as circumstances require
- Virtual
- Log into platform 10-15 minutes in advance to check audio quality and ability to screen share
- In person
- Bring full range of cords/ adapters that could be needed
- Consider bringing an extra laptop
- Get to venue early to ensure necessary resources are present (for example plugs); If necessary resources are not present, source them
- (a week later) Follow up with attendees
- Thank for participation
- Compile content in email with links
- Keep door open for questions, contact, and future events
- Reflect on the event as a group
- Make a list of things that were challenging and things that went really well
- What can/ be adjusted for next time?
- New Ideas?