Please note, this list is not as up to date as the html that is in the repo. Please import the html bookmarks into your browser for the most up to date list. I will eventually get around to updating this list here.
- [edX | Free online courses from the world's best universities](
- [Udacity - Free Online Classes & Nanodegrees | Udacity](
- [Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice](
- [3Blue1Brown - Teaches Hard Concepts Well!](
- [LiveOverflow - Awesome to learn Computer Security](
- [Welcome to](
- [Offensive Security 2013 - FSU - Lecture5: Reverse Engineering (x86) Workshop Day 1 - YouTube](
- [Offensive Computer Security Home Page Spring 2014](
- [Training for manipulating all kinds of things: Learning Exploitation with Offensive Computer Security 2.0](
- [Modern Binary Exploitation - Spring 2015](
- [GitHub - RPISEC/MBE: Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC](
- [GitHub - RPISEC/Malware: Course materials for Malware Analysis by RPISEC](
- [](
- [NSA_CSS-CNT-Prep-Guide.pdf](
- [Computer Systems Security | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare | Free Online Course Materials](
- [Network and Computer Security | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [Home | Linux Journey](
- [Live Overflow - Where to start with hacking](
- [The Importance of Deep Work & The 30-Hour Method for Learning a New Skill | Azeria Labs](
- [How to Build a Successful Career in Cybersecurity - Daniel Miessler](
- [Good List of Practice Areas in CyberSecurity](
- [Hacker Manifesto - Wikipedia](
- [So, you want to work in security? – freeCodeCamp](
- [Getting Into Security Engineering](
- [Stuxnet](
- [The Jargon File](
- [How To Become A Hacker](
- [/r/netsecstudents](
- [/r/netsec](
- [LiveOverflow - LiveOverflow](
- [VeteranSec – A Veteran Cyber Security Community](
- [Hackaday | Fresh hacks every day](
- [Infosec Courses Master List](
- [NYU Tandon Vulnerability Research and Pen Test Course](
- [CBT Nuggets - Awesome For Certs](
- [Whitehatters Computer Security Club](
- [Open Security Training - Lots of Beginner Stuff](
- [Null Byte — Random Hacking Tutorials](
- [Free Military Cyber Training - PCTC (Requires Invite?)](
- [600 free online courses you can take from universities worldwide](
- [ (Requires Library Card) - Lots of Free Training On Various Subjects](
- [CS50](
- [CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | edX](
- [CS50 - Reference](
- [Introduction to Game Development](
- [ossu/computer-science: Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!](
- [Teach Yourself Computer Science](
- [Coding-interview-university: A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.](
- [joyoyao/interviews: Everything you need to know to get the job.](
- [CS Dojo - CS Stuff Explained Well!](
- [Berkeley CS and EE Course Achives](
- [Stevey's Blog Rants: Get that job at Google](
- [ABC: Always Be Coding – Always Be Coding – Medium](
- [List of free university courses for learning Computer Science!](
- [awesome-courses/ at master · prakhar1989/awesome-courses](
- [MIT - Software Construction - How to write good code](
- [Googles CS Guide](
- [Computer Science 61A, 001 - Spring 2011 : Free Movies : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive](
- [professional-programming github repo](
- [Must Read - Makefiles – Mrbook's Stuff](
- [Automatic make file generator](
- [GNU make](
- [Advanced Programming Topics](
- [Computer Programming/Standards and Best Practices - Wikibooks, open books for an open world](
- [Set (abstract data type) - Wikipedia](
- [Library (computing) - Wikipedia](
- [Chapter 22: Pointers to Pointers](
- [Software Design Patterns - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Code refactoring - Wikipedia](
- [Refactoring: When and Why (Okay example in PERL)](
- [Code Review Stack Exchange](
- [Polymorphism - C++ Tutorials](
- ["The Clean Code Talks -- Inheritance, Polymorphism, & Testing" - YouTube](
- [C++ Tutorial 11 : Polymorphism - YouTube](
- [java - Why is "2 * (i * i)" faster than "2 * i * i"? - Stack Overflow](
- [Programming Pearls (2nd Edition): Jon Bentley: 0785342657883: Books](
- [Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition: Steve McConnell: 0790145196705: Books](
- [The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers: Robert C. Martin: 4708364241379: Books](
- [Double Pointers in C/C++ - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻](
- [Programming · isislab/Project-Ideas Wiki](
- [Must Do Coding Questions for Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, ... - GeeksforGeeks](
- [LeetCode - The World's Leading Online Programming Learning Platform](
- [Codeforces](
- [Programming Tasks/Challenges](
- [CodinGame - Practice coding with fun programming challenges - CodinGame](
- [HackerRank | Technical Recruiting | Hiring the Best Engineers](
- [Explore 150+ Coding Challenges |](
- [/r/DailyProgrammer Challenges!](
- [code challenge - Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life - Programming Puzzles & Code Golf Stack Exchange](
- [Coderbyte | Programming challenges and courses](
- [Codewars | Train with Programming Challenges](
- [Topcoder - Competitive Programming](
- [Pluralsight - SkillIQ](
- [Curated list of C/C++ project-based tutorials](
- [Explore · GitHub](
- [78 Keyboard Shortcuts for VIM](
- [PacVim - A Game That Teaches You Vim Commands](
- [Vim Cheat Sheet - English](
- [Vi Vim frozen fix](
- [How do I change tab size in Vim? - Stack Overflow](
- [vscode text fix](microsoft/vscode#35901)
- [chriskempson/tomorrow-theme: Tomorrow Theme the precursor to Base16 Theme](
- [Free Programming Books –](
- [RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx](
- [Atlassian Bitbucket Git Code Management Tool for Teams](
- [CMake Tutorial | CMake](
- [ | Collecting all the cheat sheets](
- [Code Quality Checker List](
- [free-programming-books/ at master · EbookFoundation/free-programming-books](
- [The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master: 8601404321023: Computer Science Books @](
- [CS50 - Reference](
- [CS50's Introduction to Computer Science | edX](
- [CS50](
- [Practical Programming in C | MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [Learn C in Y Minutes](
- [Home | Lynda | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA](
- [How Do I Declare A Function Pointer in C?](
- [C Tutorial - Learn C -](
- [Function Pointers in C and C++ -](
- [C documentation — DevDocs](
- [Intro to OS - C Programming Q&A - YouTube](
- [C Programming - Q&A.pptm - Google Slides](
- [ C Programming Language, 2nd Edition (8601410794231): Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie: Books](
- [The Linux Programming Interface [Book]](
- [How to use Time and Date in C | CodingUnit Programming Tutorials](
- [A Little C Primer/C String Function Library - Wikibooks, open books for an open world](
- [C Storage Classes](
- [C Linked List Data Structure Explained with an Example C Program](
- [Become an embedded programmer in 5 months : learnprogramming](
- [System Calls or Bust](
- [Networking and Socket Programming Tutorial in C - CodeProject](
- [Socket programming in C on Linux – tutorial – BinaryTides](
- [How to C (as of 2016)](
- [C Book Answers](
- [Mastering Algorithms with C > Mastering Algorithms with C : Safari Books Online](
- [Learn C The Hard Way](
- [C/C++ for Hackers « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo](
- [How Do I Declare A Function Pointer in C?](
- [GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.](
- [cdecl: C gibberish ↔ English](*f%29%28int%2C+int%29)
- [Berkeley C Course](
- [C reference -](
- [The Definitive C Book Guide and List – seclab](
- [Learn C the Hard Way](
- [Style Guide for C — CS50 Docs](
- [Book for Prior Experience in Programming People](
- [Book if No Prior Experience in Programming](
- [Learn C++ | Codecademy](
- [The rule of three/five/zero -](
- [C++ reference -](
- [C++ Core Guidelines](
- [C++ Stuff from r/learnprogramming](
- [Effective Modern C++ [Book]](
- [RAII -](
- [proper resource management and exception safety in C++ through Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII) in addition to in-depth coverage of a variety of other topics including the pimpl idiom, name lookup, good class design, and the C++ memory model](
- [generic programming, optimization, and resource management; this book also has an excellent exposition of how to write modular code](
- [101 best practices, idioms, and common pitfalls that can help you to write correct, understandable, and efficient C++ code](
- [The C++ Compilation Process](
- [Berkeley C++ Course](
- [Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Second Edition: Safari Books Online - Premium](
- [Learn C++](
- [Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days](
- [C++ Programming Language - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Storage Classes in C++](
- [The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List - Stack Overflow](
- [GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.](
- [Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python - MIT](
- [Berkeley Python Course](
- [Learn Python the Hard Way](
- [The Python Tutorial — Python 3.7.0 documentation](
- [Welcome to Python 101! — Python 101 1.0 documentation](
- [MIT - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python](
- [Corey Schafer - YouTube](
- [How to Learn Python Tutorial - Easy & simple! Learn How to Learn Python! - YouTube](
- [Python Tutorials - YouTube](
- [Python's Class Development Toolkit - YouTube](
- [Raymond Hettinger - Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code - PyCon 2015 - YouTube](
- [Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python - YouTube](
- [What Does It Take To Be An Expert At Python? - YouTube](
- [python_expert_notes](
- [Python Network Programming - TCP/IP Socket Programming - YouTube](
- [UsingAssertionsEffectively - Python Wiki](
- [Data model (Dunder Methods, i.e., __repr__)](
- [PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code |](
- [Popular Python recipes « ActiveState Code](
- [oop - What is the difference between @staticmethod and @classmethod in Python? - Stack Overflow](
- [Enriching Your Python Classes With Dunder (Magic, Special) Methods –](
- [Interfacing Python and C: Advanced “ctypes” Features –](
- [Serious Python | No Starch Press](
- [Math Adventures with Python | No Starch Press](
- [How to Write Perfect Python Command-line Interfaces — Learn by Example](
- [Writing Python Command-Line Tools With Click –](
- [Python - Multiple constructors](
- [Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms](
- [python - Permanently add a directory to PYTHONPATH - Stack Overflow](
- [How do I find the location of Python module sources? - Stack Overflow](
- [installation - How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory? - Stack Overflow](
- [Python Training by Dan Bader –](
- [10 Essential Python Tips And Tricks For Programmers - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Understanding the underscore( _ ) of Python – Hacker Noon](
- [CMU - The Pythonic Way [PDF]](
- [Python Argparse Cookbook –](
- [PyPI tutorial](
- [grab/front-end-guide: 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.](
- [CSS Tutorial](
- [JavaScript Style Guide](
- [React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces](
- [AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework](
- [YouTube - Web Dev Stuff](
- [Courses | The Odin Project](
- [A collection of full-stack resources for programmers.](
- [Berkeley UNIX Course](
- [CSci 493.66 UNIX System Programming](
- [Learn Shell Programming - Free Interactive Shell Programming Tutorial](
- [The Bash Guide](
- [BashGuide - Greg's Wiki](
- [The Linux Documentation Project: Guides](
- [#!/bin/bash](
- [Linux Command Line Tutorial](
- [ Learning the shell.](
- [Bash Guide for Beginners](
- [The Bash Academy](
- [A curated list of Shell Stuff](
- [OverTheWire: Bandit - Wargame For Learning UNIX Shell Stuff](
- [OverTheWire: Leviathan - Unix Wargame](
- [Bash tips & tricks: good and not-so-good bash practices | Pragmatic Coders](
- [Introduction to Object-oriented Programming - MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [University of Helsinki - Object-Oriented programming with Java, part I](
- [Object-Oriented Programming - MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [Stanford - CS108: Object Oriented Programming](
- [Encapsulation, Inheritance, Shadowing - MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [The Best Go To Book for Design Patterns](
- [Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code](
- [Advanced Data Structures - GeeksforGeeks](
- [USC - CSCI 104 – Data Structures and Object Oriented Design](
- [VisuAlgo - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation](
- [Intro to Algorithms | Udacity](
- [Introduction to Algorithms | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [Algorithms, Part I | Coursera](
- [Algorithms, Part II | Coursera](
- [Algorithms | Coursera](
- [Introduction to Graduate Algorithms | Lecture videos+notes: GT CS 8803 GA](
- [Introduction to Graduate Algorithms - Udacity](
- [Algorithms | Computer science | Computing | Khan Academy](
- [Algorithms for Visual Learners | Hackaday](
- [19\. Dynamic Programming I: Fibonacci, Shortest Paths - YouTube](
- [What is complexity theory? (P vs. NP explained visually) - YouTube](
- [Big-O Algorithm Complexity Cheat Sheet (Know Thy Complexities!) @ericdrowell](
- [A Gentle Introduction to Algorithm Complexity Analysis](
- [Analysis of Algorithms | Set 4 (Analysis of Loops) - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Dynamic Programming - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Greedy Archives - GeeksforGeeks](
- [Harvard - Advanced Algorithms (CS 224)](
- [Algorithms by Jeff Erickson](
- [JeffE-Algorithms Hw's, Labs, and Tests](
- [JeffE - Algorithms - Lecture and Lab Schedule](
- [An Introduction to programming with threads](
- [hessmjr/operating-systems: Georgia Tech OMSCS - Operating Systems](
- [drharris/pretty-bonnie: Helps with Bonnie test output on Udacity.](
- [Interactive map of Linux kernel](
- [Linux source code: (v4.20) - Bootlin](
- [GOOD - SystemProgramming Wiki · GitHub](
- [P1L1 - Course Overview - Google Docs](
- [Spring19-schedule.xlsx - Google Sheets](
- [ud923-birrell-paper.pdf](
- [eykholt.pdf](
- [ud923-stein-shah-paper.pdf](
- [paper.dvi](
- [The Case For Architecture-Aware OS Kernel](
- [The performance of spin lock alternatives for shared-money multiprocessors - Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on](
- [Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Gen Architectures](
- [Virtual Machine Monitors: Current Tech and Future Trends](
- [Implementing Remote Procedure Calls](
- [Caching in the Sprite Network File System](
- [Distributed Shared Memory: Concepts and Systems - IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications](
- [.net - What's the purpose of Thread.SpinWait method? - Stack Overflow](
- [CppCon 2018: Greg Law “Debugging Linux C++” - YouTube](
- [P1L2 - Introduction to Operating Systems - Google Docs](
- [The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook: Michael Kerrisk: 9781593272203: Books](
- [PRIMER - Unix and Internet Fundamentals](
- [Operating System Concepts: Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne: 9781118063330: Books](
- [Operating System Concepts Essentials: Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne: 9781118804926: Books](
- [Modern Operating Systems (4th Edition): Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos: 9780133591620: Books](
- [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
- [AOSPrereq-and-Concepts-List.pdf](
- [Advanced Operating Systems Readings - Udacity](
- [Computer Systems: An Integrated Approach to Architecture and Operating Systems: Umakishore Ramachandran, William D. Leahy Jr.: 9780321486134: Books](
- [CS 2200 An Introduction to Computer Systems and Networks](
- [CS 2200 - Prof. Kishore Ramachandran - YouTube](
- [Berkeley CS 162: Operating Systems and Programming](
- [MikeOS - simple x86 assembly language operating system](
- [The Art of Unix Programming](
- [Operating systems development for Dummies – Leo Whitehead – Medium](
- [Writing a Tiny x86 Bootloader - Joe Bergeron](
- [Bitwise, Day 0: Overview and Q&A - YouTube](
- [os01 | Bootstrap yourself to write an OS from scratch. A book for self-learner.](
- [The little book about OS development](
- [Kernels 101 – Let’s write a Kernel - Arjun Sreedharan](
- [Kernels 201 - Let’s write a Kernel with keyboard and screen support - Arjun Sreedharan](
- [Malloc tutorial](
- [raspberry-pi-os: Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi](
- [Write your own Operating System - YouTube](
- [Writing a Bootloader Part 1 | Alex Parker's Website](
- [UMD - CMSC430: Introduction to Compilers](
- [Stanford - CS143: Compilers](
- [Berkeley Foundations of Software Engineering](
- [UC Berkeley CS 169 Software Engineering](
- [Allen Holub: Training/Consulting/Programming: Agile, Architecture, Swift, Java](
- [Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics): Christopher M. Bishop: 9780387310732: Books](
- [Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data: Peter Flach: 9781107422223: Books](
- [Foundations of Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series): Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ameet Talwalkar: 9780262018258: Books](
- [Introduction to Evolutionary Computing (Natural Computing Series): Agoston E. Eiben, J.E. Smith: 9783642072857: Books](
- [Field Guide to Genetic Programming](
- [Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition)](
- [Machine Learning Books : MachineLearning](
- [Essentials.pdf](
- [An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (Complex Adaptive Systems): Melanie Mitchell: 9780262631853: Books](
- [Microsoft Word - EvolProg_Introduction.doc](
- [awesome-machine-learning/ at master · josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning · GitHub](
- [](
- [Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course Computer Science #34 - YouTube](
- [Crash Course in Machine Learning – IoT For All – Medium](
- [Machine Learning Crash Course 2015 - YouTube - YouTube](
- [Prof. Lorenzo Rosasco (part 1) - Machine Learning: A basic toolkit - YouTube](
- [awesome-machine-learning/ at master · josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning · GitHub](
- [Artificial Intelligence | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare](
- [13\. Learning: Genetic Algorithms - YouTube](
- [Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2015 - VideoLectures - VideoLectures.NET](
- [9.520/6.860, Fall 2017](
- [Kaggle: Your Home for Data Science](
- [Deep Learning](
- [Tutorials « Deep Learning](
- [Deep Learning Tutorials — DeepLearning 0.1 documentation](
- [Creating a genetic algorithm for beginners](
- [MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games - YouTube](
- [NEATEvolve.lua -](
- [7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python](
- [Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms for Beginners](
- [8 Fun Machine Learning Projects for Beginners](
- [Andrew NG Intro to Machine Learning](
- [scikit-learn: machine learning in Python — scikit-learn 0.19.1 documentation](
- [Metacademy - Deep learning from the bottom up](
- [Deep Learning For Coders—36 hours of lessons for free](
- [Machine Learning - complete course notes](
- [Introduction To Genetic Algorithms | Codecademy](
- [index - MachineLearning](
- [Collection: Getting started with machine learning · GitHub](
- [GitHub - josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning: A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.](
- [Topic: evolutionary-computation · GitHub](
- [Welcome — Theano 1.0.0 documentation](
- [TensorFlow](
- [Start Here With Machine Learning - Machine Learning Mastery](
- [Choosing the right estimator — scikit-learn 0.19.1 documentation](
- [Geoffrey Hinton Neural Networks for Machine Learning](
- [A curated list of adversarial machine learning resources](
- [AISecurity Resources](
- [Machine Learning for Cyber Security Resources](
- [[D] What is the best ML paper you read in 2018 and why? : MachineLearning](
- [/r/Machine Learning](
- [jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision: A curated list of awesome computer vision resources](
- [Git - First-Time Git Setup](
- [Git Tutorial - Try Git](
- [Git - git-stash Documentation](
- [GitHub Learning Lab Teaches You GitHub by Using GitHub (Yes, Really)](
- [Removing a remote - User Documentation](
- [Git fails when pushing commit to github - Stack Overflow](
- [Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account - User Documentation](
- [GitHub Learning Lab](
- [Oh, shit, git!](
- [Learn Git- Git tutorials, workflows and commands | Atlassian Git Tutorial](
- [Follow these simple rules and you’ll become a Git and GitHub master](
- [How to save a puppy by creating a clean Git repo](
- [](
- [Conventional Commits](
- [Visual way to learn Git branching](
- [Git Tutorial](
- [Git Tutorial for Beginners: Command-Line Fundamentals - YouTube](
- [github-git-cheat-sheet](
- [AddressSanitizer · google/sanitizers Wiki](
- [Electric Fence -](
- [GFlags and PageHeap - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs](
- [How to Stream Text Data from Twitch with Sockets in Python – LearnDataSci](
- [/r/learnprogramming](
- [/r/csMajors](
- [Golly Game of Life Home Page](
- [Linkers and Loaders](
- [Booting an Intel Architecture System, Part I: Early Initialization | Dr Dobb's](
- [A list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students](
- [John Conway's Game of Life](
- [tech-interview-handbook: Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview](
- [Is it possible to be self taught and get a good job without a degree?](
- [How do you get better at coding interviews? : learnprogramming](
- [Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation](
- [Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering: Eldad Eilam](
- [The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler: Chris Eagle](
- [The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory](
- [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Fifth Edition](
- [The Antivirus Hacker's Handbook](
- [Reverse Engineering for Beginners Book (REALLY LONG)](
- [Lenas Reversing for Newbies](
- [Tutorials « The Legend Of Random](
- [Cracking Sublime Text 3](
- [zerosum0x0: Removing Sublime Text Nag Window](
- [Tutorials « The Legend Of Random](
- [Reverse Engineering 101 - NYU Poly - 2009](
- [Reverse Engineering 101 - NYU:Poly 2010](
- [Reverse Engineering 102 - NYU:Poly 2010](
- [Reverse Engineering 1 - NYU Poly 2011](
- [Reverse Engineering 2 - NYU Poly 2011](
- [Open Security Training - Introduction To Reverse Engineering](
- [Open Security Training - Life Of Binaries](
- [Microcorruption - Interactive Intro to RE](
- [RE for Beginners | Reverse Engineering](
- [RPI - CSCI 4971 - Secure Software Principles (RE stuff)](
- [RE guide for beginners: Methodology and tools - Reverse Engineering - 0x00sec](
- [Reverse Engineering 101 - Reverse Engineering - 0x00sec](
- [[Tutorial] Reversing a multi stage binary step-by-step - Reverse Engineering - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [RPI Bomb](
- [Reversing and Exploiting a Nuclear Bomb ;) - Reverse Engineering - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [](
- [[KEYGENME - EASY] Cracking Your First Program - Reverse Engineering / Challenges - 0x00sec](
- [Malwarebytes CrackMe 2 by hasherazade](
- [Mastermind crackme by Spider](
- [How to solve the Malwarebytes CrackMe: a step-by-step tutorial | Malwarebytes Labs](
- [The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges](
- [Reverse Engineering & Exploitation of a “Connected Alarm Clock” – Courk's Blog](
- [2018 B-day Reverse Engineering Challenge](
- [CSAW_2009 RE Challenge](
- [2018 Flare-On Challenge Solutions « 2018 Flare-On Challenge Solutions | FireEye Inc](
- [2017 Flare-On Challenge Solutions « 2017 Flare-On Challenge Solutions | FireEye Inc](
- [Flareon 5 Challenge 6 - Magic (Walk through - Reverse Engineering) - YouTube](
- [Reverse Engineering challenges](
- [](
- [BOLO: Reverse Engineering — Part 1 (Basic Programming Concepts)](
- [BOLO: Reverse Engineering — Part 2 (Advanced Programming Concepts)](
- [Assembly Basics](
- [Getting ready for Assembly Programming – Anatomy of Intel Processor - Part 2](
- [Getting ready for Assembly Language Programming – Part 1](
- [Getting started with Assembly language programming - End of theory - Part 3](
- [Assembly Language Programming and Shellcoding - Lab setup and some important things - Part 4](
- [Assembly Language Programming and Shellcoding - Hello World - Part 5](
- [Assembly Language Programming and Shellcoding - Important Functions - Part 6](
- [Assembly Language Programming and Shellcoding – Important Functions – Part 7](
- [A crash course in x86 Assembly](
- [Part 1 - Reverse Engineering Basics - Linux x64](
- [Part 1-2 – Reverse Engineering Password Protected Reverse Shells – Linux x64](
- [Part 3 - Reverse Engineering Basics - Linux on ARM64](
- [Part 3-2 - Reverse Engineering - Patching Binaries with Radare2 - ARM64 - ScriptDotSh](
- [Part 2-2 – Reverse Engineering – XOR encryption – Windows x64 - ScriptDotSh](
- [Part 2 - Reverse Engineering Basics - Windows x64 - ScriptDotSh](
- [Part 2-3 – Reverse Engineering – Building Cracked Binaries – Windows x64 - ScriptDotSh](
- [OverTheWire: Maze - exploitation/programming/RE Wargame](
- [OverTheWire: Semtex - Exploitation and RE](
- [The Basics of IDA Pro - InfoSec Resources](
- [Reversing Basics - A Practical Approach Using IDA Pro |](
- [ida pro tutorial for beginners - Google Search](
- [Basic Dynamic Analysis with IDA Pro and WinDBG - YouTube](
- [GitHub - patois/IDACyber: Data Visualization Plugin for IDA Pro](
- [Real-world Decompilation with IDA Pro - Part 1: Introduction - YouTube](
- [Real-world Decompilation with IDA Pro - Part 2: String Handling - YouTube](
- [IDA series, part 2: debugging a .NET executable](
- [IDA series, part 1: the Hex-Rays decompiler](
- [Marco Ramilli's Blog: How to Patch Binary with IDA Pro](
- [daniel_plohmann / simpliFiRE.IDAscope — Bitbucket](
- [GitHub - onethawt/idaplugins-list: A list of IDA Plugins](
- [GitHub - Maktm/FLIRTDB: A community driven collection of IDA FLIRT signature files](
- [FLARE IDA Pro Script Series: Simplifying Graphs in IDA « FLARE IDA Pro Script Series: Simplifying Graphs in IDA | FireEye Inc](
- [Binary Cracking & Byte Patching with IDA Pro - CodeProject](
- [Free IDA Pro Reverse Code Engineering and Binary Auditing Training Material for University Lectures](
- [Using Z3 with IDA to simplify arithmetic operations in functions | Shortjump!](
- [Attacking Network Protocols: A Hacker's Guide to Capture, Analysis, and ... - James Forshaw - Google Books](
- [TiGa's Video Tutorial Site](
- [RE for Beginners | Short Intro to IDA](
- [IDA Shortcuts [PDF]](file:///home/emtuls/Downloads/IDA_Pro_Shortcuts.pdf)
- [Reverse Engineering with Binary Ninja and gdb a key checking algorithm - TUMCTF 2016 Zwiebel part 1 - YouTube](
- [GitHub - ColdHeat/liil: Linear IL view for Binary Ninja](
- [Binary Ninja](
- [2000 cuts with Binary Ninja | Trail of Bits Blog](
- [binary ninja Defcon 2017](
- [De-obfuscating Jump Chains with Binary Ninja - This is Security :: by Stormshield](
- [dukebarman/awesome-radare2: A curated list of awesome projects, articles and the other materials powered by Radare2](
- [GitHub - radare/radare2: unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools](
- [A journey into Radare 2 – Part 2: Exploitation – Megabeets](
- [Scripting radare2 with python for dynamic analysis - TUMCTF 2016 Zwiebel part 2 - YouTube](
- [Radare2: An Introduction to Visual Mode - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Reverse Engineering Using Radare2 – Jacob Pimental – Medium](
- [Reverse Engineering With Radare2 — Part 2 – Jacob Pimental – Medium](
- [Crackme0x04 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x03 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x05 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x06 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x07 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x08 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Debugging Using Radare2… and Windows! – Jacob Pimental – Medium](
- [Crackme0x09 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Reversing a Self-Modifying Binary with radare2 – Megabeets](
- [Reverse engineering a Gameboy ROM with radare2 – Megabeets](
- [BombLab Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Dr Von Noizeman's Nuclear Bomb defused with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Crackme0x01 Dissected with Radare2 - MOVEAX.ME](
- [Conditions and loops – Max Kersten](
- [radare2 python scripting - r2wiki](
- [radare2-extras/r2snowman at master · radare/radare2-extras](
- [radareorg/radeco: radare decompiler tool based on radeco-lib](
- [radareorg/cutter: A Qt and C++ GUI for radare2 reverse engineering framework](
- [A journey into Radare 2 – Part 1: Simple crackme – Megabeets](
- [Hopper - Linux and MacOS Disassembler](
- [x64dbg](
- [Plugins · x64dbg/x64dbg Wiki · GitHub](
- [GitHub - x64dbg/x64dbg: An open-source x64/x32 debugger for windows.](
- [x64dbg - Tuts 4 You](
- [GDB and Pwntools training](
- [Debugging with GDB Introduction | Azeria Labs](
- [longld/peda: PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB](
- [Using GDB to Develop Exploits - A Basic Run Through](
- [GDB Command Reference - x command](
- [GDB Basics](
- [Quick Gdb Guide](
- [Debugging with GDB: Memory](
- [GDB Tutorial - A Walkthrough with Examples](
- [New WinDbg available in preview! – Debugging Tools for Windows](
- [Introduction to Windbg and debugging windows - YouTube](
- [Immunity Debugger Downloads / Downloads - Tuts 4 You](
- [OllyDbg 2.0](
- [OllyDbg v1.10](
- [danh3707/OllyDbgV1.10-plugins-and-Hlpfile: OllyDbg v1.10 with plugins and help32 file along with windows 10 help32 fix. With a dark color scheme.](
- [010 Editor - Professional Text/Hex Editor with Binary Templates](
- [List of Hex Editors](
- [angr · GitHub](
- [angr, a binary analysis framework](
- [Compiler Explorer - Programming Language to Assembler Converter](
- [x86 Disassembly/Disassemblers and Decompilers - Wikibooks, open books for an open world](
- [Veles - Visual Binary Analysis Tool](
- [Debuggex: Online visual regex tester. JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.](
- [Massive List Of Reverse-Engineering Tools](
- [Introduction to Debuggers](
- [Open Security Training - Intro to X86](
- [Open Security Training - Intro to X86-64](
- [Open Security Training - Intermediate X86](
- [x86 Assembly - YouTube - YouTube](
- [Breaking the x86 Instruction Set - YouTube](
- [A Crash Course in x86 Assembly for Reverse Engineers](
- [PC Assembly Language Book](
- [gcc x86 Assembly](
- [x86 Assembly - Wikibooks, open books for an open world](
- [x86 Disassembly - Wikibooks, open books for an open world](
- [Writing ARM Assembly (Part 1) | Azeria Labs](
- [Ring Ø Labs: The Wonderful World of MIPS](
- [When and how to use an assembler. Assembly programming basics.](
- [Assembly Programming Exercises](
- [Calling Conventions](
- [x86 In-Depth: CDECL Calling Convention Complete Tutorial - BONUS video - YouTube](
- [What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls on i386 and x86-64 - Stack Overflow](
- [How Functions Work](
- [Executable and Linkable Format 101\. Part 2: Symbols - Intezer](
- [Executable and Linkable Format 101 - Part 1 Sections and Segments - Intezer](
- [Introduction to the ELF Format : The ELF Header (Part I)](
- [ELF Tools](
- [Network Protocols – Programmer's Compendium](
- [Sector 876: Backdooring PE Files - Part 1](
- [Automatic Reverse Engineering of Data Structures from Binary Execution [PDF]](
- [Digging For Data Structures [PDF]](
- [TIE: Principled Reverse Engineering of Types in Binary Programs [PDF]](
- [MemPick: High-Level Data Structure Detection in C/C++ Binaries [PDF]](
- [Howard: a dynamic excavator for reverse engineering data structures [PDF]](
- [Windows API Index (Windows)](
- [.NET Reverse Enginering - Part 1 – CodePool – Programming and a bit more](
- [Getting Started with Windows Debugging - Windows 10 hardware dev](
- [WinDbg](
- [Debug Universal Drivers - Step by Step Lab (Echo Kernel-Mode) - Windows 10 hardware dev](
- [Exploring Windows virtual memory management](
- [An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format - Part 1 - DelphiBasics](
- [An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format - Part 2 - DelphiBasics](
- [Visual Studio Documentation | Microsoft Docs](
- [An Introduction to Windows Kernel Debugging | Endgame](
- [ReactOS (open source Windows remake)](
- [Vergilius Project | Home](
- [Terminus Project](
- [Searchable Linux Syscall Table for x86 and x86_64 | PyTux](
- [How to Install macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 on VirtualBox on Windows - Techsviewer](
- [Malware Unicorn Environment VM's](
- [SIFT Workstation Download](
- [Creating a Simple Free Malware Analysis Environment - MalwareTech](
- [Creating the Ultimate Tor Virtual Network - MalwareTech](
- [RPISEC - Malware Analysis 2013](
- [RPISEC - Malware Analysis 2015](
- [Malware Unicorn 101](
- [Malware Unicorn 102](
- [Intro to RE/Malware Analysis](
- [Open Security Training - Reverse Engineering Malware](
- [How to start RE/malware analysis? | hasherezade's 1001 nights](
- [Intro to Malware Analysis](
- [Free Automated Malware Analysis Service - powered by Falcon Sandbox](
- [REMnux: A free Linux Toolkit for Reverse-Engineering and Analyzing Malware](
- [ProcDump - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs](
- [Overview - Process Hacker](
- [PE Tools](
- [Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page](
- [PEview](
- [Resource Hacker](
- [Practical Malware Analysis: A Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software](
- [Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD: Tools and Techniques for Fighting Malicious Code](
- [Malware Analysis - A Way to Learn Anti-Reversing Tricks - YouTube](
- [Malware Theory - Basic Structure of PE Files - YouTube](
- [An Introduction to Dumping Malware with Process Dump - YouTube](
- [Colin Hardy - Lots of Malware Analysis Stuff](
- [Beginner Malware Reversing Challenges - MalwareTech](
- [Encryption 101: a malware analyst's primer - Malwarebytes Labs | Malwarebytes Labs](
- [SANS Malware Tips](
- [malwaretech Cheatsheet.rtf](
- [MalwareTech - Guides to Reversing Malware](
- [MalwareTechBlog - Beginner Reverse Engineering - Twitch](
- [A curated list of malware analysis tools and resources.](
- [CrackWatch](
- [Daily Releases (February 14, 2018) : CrackWatch](
- [CS.RIN.RU - Steam Underground Community • Index page](
- [[Crack Watch] Beginners Guide to Crack Watch : CrackWatch](
- [How the Dreamcast copy protection was defeated](
- [PwnAdventure3 - Game Open-World MMORPG Intentionally Vulnerable To Hacks - KitPloit - PenTest Tools for your Security Arsenal ☣](
- [PwnAdventure3/re-mmorpg-troopers18.pdf at master · beaujeant/PwnAdventure3 · GitHub](
- [You Have to Hack This Massively Multiplayer Game to Beat It | WIRED](
- [GitHub - Vector35/PwnAdventureZ: NES zombie survival game made to be hacked](
- [Pwn Adventure 3: Pwnie Island](
- [Intro to Game Hacking](
- [Getting Started With Game Hacking: The Definitive Guide (Part 1)](
- [[Tutorial] Getting Started With Programming And Gamehacking](
- [[Tutorial] Make your own dll hack | [1] | Memory patching & Editing](
- [[Tutorial] CodeCave with OllyDbg](
- [[Information] Useful C++/Gamehacking/Programming for beginners threads - Mega thread](
- [Game Hacking: WinXP Minesweeper - Reverse Engineering - 0x00sec](
- [Finding and exploiting hidden features of Animal Crossing’s NES emulator |](
- [/r/REGames](
- [Basics of Cryptography Part I: RSA Encryption and Decryption](
- [jcryptool/doc: JCrypTool Documentation and Resources](
- [Base64 Decode and Encode - Online](
- [The Black Chamber - Chamber Guide](
- [PyCrypto API Documentation](
- [Statically Rewriting x86 Binaries Without Heuristics (Paper and GitHub Sources) - ReverseEngineering](
- [Build an 8-bit computer | Ben Eater](
- [8-bit computer update - YouTube](
- [Learning FPGA And Verilog A Beginner’s Guide Part 1 – Introduction | Numato Lab Help Center](
- [Mojo V3 | Alchitry](
- [Verilog | Alchitry](
- [Game for Hardware Design - Robot Odyssey Rewired](
- [Icarus Verilog](
- [GTKWave](
- [Reddit comment about FPGA](
- [Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering](
- [Hardware Security | Coursera](
- [RPI - Hardware Reverse Engineering](
- [Introduction to Firmware Reversing - YouTube](
- [34C3 - Reverse engineering FPGAs - YouTube](
- [Reverse engineering a simple CMOS chip - YouTube](
- [Hackaday Supercon - Ken Shirriff : Studying Silicon: Reverse Engineering Integrated Circuits - YouTube](
- [Hardware Hacking on Vimeo](
- [The IoT Hacker's Toolkit · System Overlord](
- [Analog Discovery 2 - National Instruments](
- [Syonyk's Project Blog: DSO138 Scope, Acrylic Housing Assembly, and USB Power](
- [RFID Thief v2.0 - scund00r](
- [newaetech/chipwhisperer: ChipWhisperer - the complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks](
- [ChipWhisperer® – NewAE Technology Inc.](
- [X-Ray Tool](
- [JTAG Explained (finally!): Why "IoT" Makers, Software Security Folks, and Device Manufacturers Should Care - Senrio](
- [Reverse Engineering Firmware: Linksys WAG120N – /dev/ttyS0](
- [5-Min Tutorial: Lifting Firmware with the Bus Pirate – B-sides](
- [postmarketOS Low-Level: Tiny Steps Towards Liberating Bootloaders and Cellular Modem Firmware of MediaTek Phones](
- [ULN2003 - practical example of «reading» microchip schematic : ZeptoBars](
- [How to crack open some computer chips and take your own die shots - ExtremeTech](
- [Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter - Wikipedia](
- [fail0verflow :: ShofEL2, a Tegra X1 and Nintendo Switch exploit](
- [fail0verflow :: PS4 Aux Hax 1: Intro & Aeolia](
- [fail0verflow :: PS4 Aux Hax 2: Syscon](
- [fail0verflow :: PS4 Aux Hax 3: Dualshock4](
- [Hacking the PS4, part 1 - Introduction to PS4's security, and userland ROP](
- [Making a GameCube memory card editor with Raspberry Pi |](
- [Embedded Hardware Hacking 101 – The Belkin WeMo Link « Threat Research Blog | FireEye Inc](
- [Reverse Engineering My Home Security System: Decompiling Firmware Updates](
- [Practical Reverse Engineering Part 1 - Hunting for Debug Ports · Hack The World](
- [Rooting a Logitech Harmony Hub: Improving Security in Today's IoT World « Rooting a Logitech Harmony Hub: Improving Security in Today's IoT World | FireEye Inc](
- [Heart of Darkness - exploring the uncharted backwaters of HID iCLASS RFID reader security](
- [Bus Pirate - DP](
- [Syonyk's Project Blog: Reverse Engineering the TEC-06 Serial Protocol](
- [Hardware Hacking for Software People | Don't Stuff Beans Up Your Nose](
- [Methodologies For Hacking Embedded Security Appliances](
- [bunnie's burrow](
- [bunnie's blog](
- [Latest hacking topics - 0x00sec](
- [Zero Day Initiative — VMware Exploitation through Uninitialized Buffers](
- [In-Memory-Only ELF Execution (Without tmpfs) Mrs Quis Will Think of a Better Title](
- [High-Level Approaches for Finding Vulnerabilities - @Jackson_T](
- [How do I get started in vulnerability research? : ReverseEngineering](
- [A bunch of Linux kernel exploitation resources](
- [Project Zero - Monorail](
- [Travel blog of an evil transgirl: Reversing ALPC: Where are your windows bugs and sandbox escapes?](
- [Weaponization of a JavaScriptCore Vulnerability | Ret2 Systems Blog](
- [Vulnerability Discovery Against Apple Safari | Ret2 Systems Blog](
- [Security Bulletins | Microsoft Docs](
- [Lexfo's security blog](
- [Null Byte Poisoning ~ The Magic Byte - Exploit Development - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Latest Exploit Development topics - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Google Project Zero](
- [Cheat sheet - How Stack Pivots are used in Modern Exploits : ReverseEngineering](
- [The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities](
- [Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition](
- [ Windows Internals, Part 1: System architecture, processes, threads, memory management, and more (7th Edition)](
- [ Windows Internals, Part 2 (6th Edition) (Developer Reference)](
- [Books to Learn Computer Security](
- [RPISEC - Modern Binary Exploitation](
- [Modern Binary Exploitation - Spring 2015](
- [RPISEC INTROSEC - Command Line](
- [RPISEC INTROSEC - Stegonography](
- [CNIT 127: Exploit Development -- Sam Bowne](
- [Violent Python and Exploit Development](
- [Exploits1](
- [SEED Project](
- [Basic General Vulnerability Course](
- [NYU Tandon VR and Pen Test Course](
- [LiveOverflow - Binary Hacking (exploit exercises)](
- [How To Hack: Episode 1 - Trampoline Stack Smash - YouTube](
- [Exploit-Exercises: Protostar (v2) ~ VulnHub](,32/)
- [Exploit Education :: Andrew Griffiths' Exploit Education](
- [OverTheWire: Narnia - Basic Exploitation](
- [OverTheWire: Behemoth - Common Coding Mistakes](
- [OverTheWire: Utumno - Intermediate Difficulty Wargame](
- [OverTheWire: Maze - Exploitation/Programming/RE Wargame](
- [OverTheWire: Vortex](
- [OverTheWire: Semtex - Exploitation and RE](
- [ - various pwn challenges regarding system exploitation](
- [](
- [SmashTheStack Wargaming Network](
- [CSAW 365](
- [pwntools Documentation](
- [Installation — pwntools 3.12.0 documentation](
- [Exploit Development with AFL, PEDA and PwnTools](
- [GitHub - Gallopsled/pwntools: CTF framework and exploit development library](
- [Weaponization of Nessus Plugins](
- [merrychap/shellen: Interactive shellcoding environment to easily craft shellcodes](
- [0xdea/tactical-exploitation: Modern tactical exploitation toolkit.](
- [Payload Generation using SharpShooter – MDSec](
- [mdsecactivebreach/SharpShooter: Payload Generation Framework](
- [Art of Anti Detection 3 – Shellcode Alchemy – Pentest Blog](
- [CNIT 127: Exploit Development -- Sam Bowne](
- [Offensive Computer Security 2014 - Lecture 02](
- [Intermediate Level Linux Exploitation](
- [Intro Binary Hacking Course - LiveOverflow](
- [Open Security - Intro to Software Exploits for Linux](
- [Open Security - Intro to Software Exploits for Linux](
- [Linux (x86) Exploit Development Series – sploitF-U-N](
- [ExploitDev: Part 1 - Intro to Exploit Development](
- [ExploitDev: Part 2 - Saved Return Pointer Overflowing](
- [ExploitDev: Part 3 - Structured Exception Handler (SEH)](
- [ExploitDev: Part 4 - Egg Hunters](
- [ExploitDev: Part 5 - Unicode](
- [ExploitDev: Part 6 - Win32 Shellcode](
- [ExploitDev: Part 7 - ROP](
- [ExploitDev: Part 8 - Heap Spraying](
- [ExploitDev: Part 9 - Heap Spray - Use After Free (UAF)](
- [ExploitDev: Part 10 - Kernal Exploitation - Stack Overflow](
- [ExploitDev: Part 11 - Kernel Exploitation - Write-What-Where](
- [ExploitDev: Part 12 - Kernel Exploitation - Null Pointer Dereference](
- [ExploitDev: Part 13 - Kernel Exploitation - Uninitialized Stack Variable](
- [ExploitDev: Part 14 - Kernel Exploitation - Integer Overflow](
- [ExploitDev: Part 15 - Kernel Exploitation - Use After Free (UAF)](
- [ExploitDev: Part 16 - Kernel Exploitation - Pool Overflow](
- [ExploitDev: Part 17 - Kernel Exploitation - GDI Bitmap Abuse](
- [ExploitDev: Part 18 - Kernel Exploitation - RS2 Bitmap Necromancy](
- [ExploitDev: Part 19 - Kernel Exploitation - Logic bugs in Razer rzpnk.sys](
- [A curated list of Windows Exploitation resources](
- [Introduction to Windows Kernel Driver Exploitation (Pt. 1)](
- [Starting with Windows Kernel Exploitation – part 1 – setting up the lab | hasherezade's 1001 nights](
- [Open Security Videos - Intro to Windows Exploits](
- [Open Security - Intro to Windows Exploits](
- [The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes](
- [Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial](
- [How to write a (Linux x86) egg hunter shellcode | Adventures in the programming jungle](
- [Shellcode Injection - Dhaval Kapil](
- [Writing ARM Shellcode | Azeria Labs](
- [Linux Shellcoding (Part 1.0) - Exploit Development - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Best books, tutorials and courses to learn about exploit development](
- [Ask HN: What's the prerequisite to become an exploit developer? | Hacker News](
- [A curated list of resources (books, tutorials, courses, tools and vulnerable applications) for learning about Exploit Development](
- [slimm609/](
- [Corelan Team - Exploit Writing Tutorials](
- [[Backdoor 101] Backdooring PE File by Adding New Section Header - Hack.Learn.Share](
- [The Beginners Guide to Codecaves - CodeProject](
- [GOT and PLT for pwning. · System Overlord](
- [Memory Corruption 101 - NYU Poly 2011](
- [Exploit writing tutorial part 1 : Stack Based Overflows | Corelan Team](
- [Linux ExploitDev: Part 3 - Buffer Overflow](
- [0x7 Exploit Tutorial: Bad Character Analysis](
- [0x0 Exploit Tutorial: Buffer Overflow – Vanilla EIP Overwrite](
- [0×3 Exploit Tutorial: Buffer Overflow – SEH Bypass](
- [Binary Exploitation ELI5– Part 1 –Stack/Buffer Overflow/Ret2Libc](
- [Binary Exploitation ELI5 — Part 2 – Bypass Stack Mitigations](
- [ROPgadget](
- [ExploitDev: Part 7 - ROP](
- [ROP Emporium](
- [ropchain | @kvakil](
- [SROP | Signals, you say? - Exploit Development - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Learn ROP through a short series of practical challenges : netsec](
- [ROPping to Victory](
- [Hacking the PS4, part 1 - Introduction to PS4's security, and userland ROP](
- [0vercl0k/rp: rp++ is a full-cpp written tool that aims to find ROP sequences in PE/Elf/Mach-O x86/x64 binaries. It is open-source and has been tested on several OS: Debian / Windows 8.1 / Mac OSX Lion (10.7.3). Moreover, it is x64 compatible and supports](
- [Notes/ret2libc.txt at master · Malformation/Notes](
- [libc - offset - 64-bit Linux stack smashing tutorial: Part 3](
- [ret2libc.pdf](
- [Binary Exploitation ELI5 — Part 3 – ROP/Heap Spray](
- [rop emporium - callme64](
- [Dive into ROP - a quick introduction to Return Oriented Programming](
- [Introduction to format string exploits](
- [Linux ExploitDev: Part 2 - Format String Exploit](
- [Heap Exploitation · GitBook](
- [Windows Kernel Exploitation Tutorial Part 7: Uninitialized Heap Variable - rootkit](
- [sec18-heelan.pdf](
- [GitHub - shellphish/how2heap: A repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques.](
- [GitHub - DhavalKapil/heap-exploitation: This book on heap exploitation is a guide to understanding the internals of glibc's heap and various attacks possible on the heap structure.](
- [ExploitDev: Part 8 - Heap Spraying](
- [ExploitDev: Part 9 - Heap Spray - Use After Free (UAF)](
- [Linux ExploitDev: Part 4 - Use After Free (UAF)](
- [Binary Exploitation ELI5 — Part 3 – ROP/Heap Spray](
- [Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers](
- [Stateful Runtime Model Checking for Multithreaded Programs](
- [Fuzzing with Code Fragments](
- [funfuzz/src/funfuzz/js/jsfunfuzz at master · MozillaSecurity/funfuzz · GitHub](
- [Csmith](
- [american fuzzy lop](
- [issre13.pdf](
- [The Art of Fuzzing – Slides and Demos | SEC Consult](
- [Automating Web Apps Input fuzzing via Burp Macros - SecureLayer7](
- [Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery](
- [Fuzzing · isislab/Project-Ideas Wiki](
- [Generating Software Tests](
- [american fuzzy lop](
- [Scaling AFL to a 256 thread machine | Gamozo Labs Blog](
- [1803.01307.pdf](
- [secfigo/Awesome-Fuzzing: A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis.](
- [Adobe Flash Exploitation, Then and Now: From CVE-2015-5119 to CVE-2018-4878 – MDSec](
- [Hackers Hut](
- [HackerOne: Vulnerability Coordination and Bug Bounty Platform](
- [GitHub - nashcontrol/bounty-monitor: Leverage certificate transparency live feed to monitor for newly issued subdomain certificates (last 90 days, configurable), for domains participating in bug bounty programs.](
- [How to Break Into Security, Miller Edition — Krebs on Security](
- [[]](
- [Home — Rode0day](
- [Bug Bounty Toolkit – BugBountyHunting – Medium](
- [djadmin/awesome-bug-bounty: A comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty & Disclosure Programs and Write-ups.](
- [Another list of bug bounty write-ups](
- [How I could have stolen your photos from Google - my first 3 bug bounty writeups](
- [GitHub - jiayy/android_vuln_poc-exp: This project contains pocs and exploits for android vulneribilities](
- [Android Internals](
- [Android Internals: A Confectioner's Cookbook](
- [Android Internals](
- [AnSec2.0](
- [Android Internals](
- [Android-Excerpt](
- [M1Con CTF Write up](
- [YouTube](
- [ - Hacking Android apps with FRIDA I](
- [How to start Reverse Engineering on Android Application by Ankit Mishra - network, host, download | Peerlyst](
- [How to start Reverse Engineering on Android Application - Part 2 by Ankit Mishra - download, virtual machine, location | Peerlyst](
- [How to start Reverse Engineering on Android Application – Part 3 by Ankit Mishra - credentials, vulnerable, knowledge | Peerlyst](
- [ashishb/android-security-awesome: A collection of android security related resources](
- [Android Hacker's Handbook](
- [The Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing and reverse engineering.](
- [Binary Exploitation ELI5 — Part 2 – Bypass Stack Mitigations](
- [aslur/offensivecon-talk.pdf at master · blackzert/aslur · GitHub](
- [asia-18-Marco-return-to-csu-a-new-method-to-bypass-the-64-bit-Linux-ASLR-wp.pdf](
- [Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Stack Canaries - Exploit Development - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Exploitation Mitigation Techniques · isislab/Project-Ideas Wiki](
- [Bypassing ASLR – Part I – sploitF-U-N](
- [Bypassing ASLR – Part II – sploitF-U-N](
- [Bypassing ASLR – Part III – sploitF-U-N](
- [jaredthecoder/awesome-vehicle-security: 🚗 A curated list of resources for learning about vehicle security and car hacking.](
- [The Practical Guide to Hacking Bluetooth Low Energy](
- [Draft NIST SP 800-121 Rev. 2, Guide to Bluetooth Security](
- [flAWS](
- [AWS in Plain English](
- [GitHub - toniblyx/my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools: List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc.](
- [Writing a simple x86 emulator with IDAPython | Shortjump!](
- [How to write an emulator (CHIP-8 interpreter) |](
- [Smashing the ARM Stack: ARM Exploitation Part 1 — Mercked Security](
- [ - wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.](
- [Exploits Database by Offensive Security](
- [CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)](
- [Recreating exploits - Disk Pulse Enterprise 9.9.16 - Remote Buffer Overflow (SEH) - Zero Aptitude](
- [rowhammer + side channel via OS-supported memory deduplication to get arbitrary read+write using javascript in a browser](
- [UMD - Intro to Ethical Hacking](
- [Practice 5 - System Hacking with Examples - Ethical Hacking Course -](
- [Module 6 - Hacking Webservers - Free Ethical Hacking Course -](
- [PowerShell for Penetration Testing: Nishang](
- [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook, Fifth Edition](
- [Kali Training Course](
- [Armitage - Metasploit Unleashed](
- [Armitage | Penetration Testing Tools](
- [Step by step Metasploit walkthrough](
- [How to create metasploitable 3](
- [GitHub - rapid7/metasploitable3: Metasploitable3 is a VM that is built from the ground up with a large amount of security vulnerabilities.](
- [How to setup Metasploitable 3 on Windows 10 - Hacking Tutorials](
- [Metasploitable 2 Exploitability Guide](
- [Home · rapid7/metasploitable3 Wiki · GitHub](
- [Introduction-to-Metasploit.pdf](
- [Metasploit Unleashed - Free Online Ethical Hacking Course](
- [Hack the Box Challenge: Tally Walkthrough](
- [Hack The Box :: Penetration Testing Labs](
- [IppSec - YouTube](
- [Virtual Hacking Labs | IT Security Training Labs & Courses](
- [[PentesterLab] Learn Web Penetration Testing: The Right Way](
- [Vulnerable By Design ~ VulnHub](
- [GitHub - cliffe/SecGen: Create randomly insecure VMs](
- [Vulnerable Web Apps - Home](
- [Hacker101 CTF](
- [Red Teaming and Pentesting Tips |](
- [Pen Testing Standard (READ FOR STUDYING)](
- [Penetration Testing Methodology -](
- [Cyber Kill Chain® | Lockheed Martin](
- [Shared thoughts after 6+ years in Pentesting - Inspiration - 0x00sec - The Home of the Hacker](
- [Where to start - 1st Line to Pen Testing : netsecstudents](
- [Learning The Ropes 101 Posts](
- [So You Want To Be a Pentester? - Jack Hacks](
- [Introduction to Pen Testing](
- [wtsxDev/Penetration-Testing: List of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things](
- [OSCP Goldmine](
- [Prep guide for Offsec’s PWK – Tulpa Security](
- [tulpa-pwk-prep-guide1.pdf](
- [offsec_pdfs: your offsec knowledge](
- [abatchy's blog | How to prepare for PWK/OSCP, a noob-friendly guide](
- [Offensive Security Training and Professional Services](
- [Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Study Guide Links & Material | Computer - CyberSecurity News, Information, Education, Certifications, Vulnerabilities and Guides](
- [Offensive Security – Godlike Security](
- [Free Advanced Penetration Testing Training Class from Cybrary](
- [Next Step After OSCP/OSCE? : netsecstudents](
- [PWK Syllabus Scheduling Question For OSCP Holders : netsecstudents](
- [Hakluke’s Ultimate OSCP Guide: Part 3 — Practical hacking tips and tricks](
- [Advice on Windows pentesting methodology (OSCP) : HowToHack](
- [A Detailed Guide on OSCP Preparation - From Newbie to OSCP - Checkmate](
- [xMilkPowderx/OSCP: OSCP cheet sheet](
- [x89k - OSCP survival guide](
- [Cheatsheet-God: Penetration Testing](
- [Exploit Writing Tutorials | Corelan Team - Part 2](
- [Corelan Exploit Development Training](
- [0x5 Course Review: Cracking The Perimeter (OSCE)](
- [Cracking the Perimeter (CTP) + Offensive Security Certified Expert (OSCE)](
- [Course Review: Offensive Security AWE (Advanced Windows Exploitation) - EH-Net Online Mag](
- [abatchy's blog: OSCE Study Plan](
- [My OSCE Review - The Coffeegist](
- [abatchy's blog | Posts Tagged “OSCE Prep”](
- [OSCP Review](
- [31 days of OSCP Experience - ScriptDotSh](
- [The OSCP: A Process Focused Review – Occult Sec](
- [](
- [Zero to OSCP in 292 Days... or How I Accidentally the Whole Thing - Part 2](
- [Check out my review of the OSCP!! Comes with recommendations on how you too can pass the OSCP! I Tried Harder!! Hope this helps! : netsecstudents](
- [Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) Review - Jim Wilbur's Blog](
- [Penetration Testing Tools Cheat Sheet](
- [Nmap Cheat Sheet](
- [HighOn.Coffee • Security Research • Penetration Testing Blog](
- [Linux Commands Cheat Sheet](
- [Compilation of commands, tips and scripts](
- [GoldenEye - New Vulnerable OSCP Style Machine - netsecstudents](
- [Wintermute OSCP Style Pivot Lab](
- [hackfest2016: Quaoar ~ VulnHub](
- [hackfest2016: Sedna ~ VulnHub](
- [SecOS: 1 ~ VulnHub](
- [SecTalks: BNE0x03 - Simple ~ VulnHub](
- [TopHatSec: Freshly ~ VulnHub](
- [TopHatSec: ZorZ ~ VulnHub](
- [abatchy's blog | OSCP-like Vulnhub VMs](
- [CTF Series : Vulnerable Machines](
- [OSCP like boxes](
- [Nmap Cheat Sheet](
- [Nmap Tutorial: from the Basics to Advanced Tips](
- [Nmap: the Network Mapper - Free Security Scanner](
- [ — subdomains search service](
- [Sublist3r: Fast subdomains enumeration tool](
- [Another Subdomain List](
- [Subdomain Wordlist for Knock](
- [SubBrute: A DNS meta-query spider that enumerates DNS records, and subdomains.](
- [Knock - Subdomain Scanning](
- [A penetration tester’s guide to sub-domain enumeration](
- [MassDNS: A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration)](
- [Domain Name Search | Domain Lookup](
- [Gobuster: Directory/file & DNS busting tool written in Go](
- [SANS - Foot Printing with WhoIS/DNS records](
- [ - dns recon and research, find and lookup dns records](
- [dnsrecon: DNS Enumeration Script](
- [Information-Gathering Resources](
- [Discover - Combination of Recon Tools](
- [Th3Inspector 🕵️ best tool for Information Gathering 🔎](
- [sullo/nikto: Nikto web server scanner](
- [Google Dorks for finding Emails, Admin users etc.](
- [Recon-ng — Bitbucket](
- [EnumerationVisualized Wiki](
- [SPARTA - scanning and enumeration phase tool](
- [Reconnoitre: A security tool for multithreaded information gathering and service enumeration whilst building directory structures to store results, along with writing out recommendations for further testing.](
- [Search - Public Database Directory - Public DB Host](
- [Penetration Testing Methodology -](
- [Vulnerability-Assessment Resources](
- [A curated list of CVE PoCs.](
- [OpenVAS - OpenVAS - Open Vulnerability Assessment System](
- [Nessus Professional™ Vulnerability Scanner](
- [Exploitation Tools and Resources](
- [Empire Cheat Sheet](
- [LocalFileIncludes Cheat Sheet](
- [Local File Inclusion (LFI) [Definitive Guide] - Aptive](
- [PowerSploit Cheat Sheet](
- [PowerView-2.0 tips and tricks](
- [PowerView-3.0 tips and tricks](
- [PHP htaccess injection cheat sheet](
- [Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet](
- [SQL Injection Cheat Sheet](
- [SQLite3 Injection Cheat Sheet](
- [A collection of web attack payloads.](
- [Useful payloads and bypass for Web App](
- [unicorn: PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory](
- [Post-Exploitation Resources (Windows)](
- [rebootuser/LinEnum: Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks](
- [Post-Exploitation - NYU Poly 2011](
- [Transferring files from Kali to Windows (post exploitation)](
- [PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework](
- [Empire: A PowerShell and Python post-exploitation agent.](
- [Persistence Stuff](
- [Lateral Movement Stuff](
- [enum4Linux: is a Linux alternative to enum.exe](
- [enum4linux Cheat Sheet](
- [ - TTPs (tools, tactics, and procedures) for what to do after access has been gained](!
- [Basic Linux Privilege Escalation](
- [Linux_Exploit_Suggester: Linux Exploit Suggester; based on operating system release number](
- [Linux-exploit-suggester-2: Next-Generation Linux Kernel Exploit Suggester](
- [ - Check Securities on a file](
- [Linux Privilege Escalation via Automated Script](
- [A guide to Linux Privilege Escalation - payatu](
- [Abusing SUDO (Linux Privilege Escalation)](
- [Editing /etc/passwd File for Privilege Escalation](
- [Linuxprivchecker Script](
- [Linux Privilege Escalation Using PATH Variable](
- [Linux Privilege Escalation using Misconfigured NFS](
- [Linux Privilege Escalation via Dynamically Linked Shared Object Library | Context Information Security EN](
- [Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Cheatsheet – Rebootuser](
- [Privilege-Escalation Scripts](
- [Privilege Escalation on Linux with Live examples](
- [4 Ways to get Linux Privilege Escalation](
- [Linux Privilege Escalation by Exploiting Cronjobs](
- [Privilege Escalation - Linux · pentestbook](
- [Linux elevation of privileges](
- [PowerSploit](
- [PowerUp Cheat Sheet](
- [Windows-Exploit-Suggester](
- [Sherlock: PowerShell script to quickly find missing software patches for local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.](
- [WindowsExploits](
- [Windows-kernel-exploits](
- [Metasploit Framework](
- [Well, That Escalated Quickly… – To Shell And Back: Adventures In Pentesting](
- [OSCP - Windows Priviledge Escalation](
- [Privilege-Escalation Scripts](
- [Checklists-Windows-Privilege-Escalation](
- [Windows Privilege Escalation Fundamentals](
- [Windows Privilege Escalation Guide](
- [Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters – Pentest Blog](
- [A Virgil's Guide to Pentest: Escalation Time](
- [BeRoot For Windows – Privilege Escalation Project – Haxf4rall](
- [Elevating privileges by exploiting weak folder permissions | GreyHatHacker.NET](
- [Windows Priv Esc Stuff](
- [icerbreaker - Priv Escalation - Gets plaintext Active Directory credentials if you're on the internal network but outside the AD environment](
- [Windows elevation of privileges](
- [OneTab shared tabs](
- [Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop](
- [rebootuser/LinEnum: Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks](
- [sqlmap-cheatsheet](
- [SQLMap Tamper Scripts (SQL Injection and WAF bypass)](
- [Reporting - The Penetration Testing Execution Standard](
- [sample-penetration-testing-report.pdf](
- [Curated list of public penetration test reports](
- [Cure53 – Fine penetration tests for fine websites](
- [Introducing BloodHound](
- [My First Go with BloodHound | Strategic Cyber LLC](
- [BloodHoundAD - reveal the hidden and often unintended relationships within an Active Directory environment](
- [Active Directory Pentesting Archives - ScriptDotSh](
- [Active Directory Security – Active Directory & Enterprise Security, Methods to Secure Active Directory, Attack Methods & Effective Defenses, PowerShell, Tech Notes, & Geek Trivia…](
- [Top Five Ways I Got Domain Admin on Your Internal Network before Lunch (2018 Edition)](
- [harmj0y – security at the misfortune of others](
- [ATT&CK™ Navigator](
- [Most Important Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet Linux Machine](
- [SANS Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet: PowerShell](
- [Cheat sheet and notes inspired by the book RTFM - Red Team Field Manual](
- [Techniques: Enterprise - MITRE ATT&CK](
- [Hacking with Netcat part 1: The Basics - Hacking Tutorials](
- [Wireshark](
- [Wireshark_Display_Filters](
- [Aircrack-ng - Wireless Pen Testing](
- [Kismet Wireless Detector](
- [WiFiJammer - Continuously jam all wifi clients/routers](
- [20 Popular Wireless Hacking Tools [updated for 2017]](
- [Bettercap 2.0 - MITM Tool](
- [My experience with OSWP/WiFu v3.2 - ScriptDotSh](
- [Network Security · isislab/Project-Ideas Wiki](
- [Scapy: packet manipulation program & library](
- [Online IP CIDR / VLSM Supernet Calculator](
- [TCPDUMP/LIBPCAP public repository](
- [GitHub - defuse/sockstress: Sockstress (TCP DoS) implementation.](
- [OSI model - Wikipedia](
- [Recent 1.4 billion password breach compilation as wordlist : netsec](
- [philipperemy/tensorflow-1.4-billion-password-analysis: Deep Learning model to analyze a large corpus of clear text passwords.](
- [JohnTheRipper](
- [hashcat - advanced password recovery](
- [THC Hydra - brute force crack a remote authentication service](
- [Credential Access Stuff](
- [Patator: is a multi-purpose brute-forcer](
- [Ophcrack - Windows Password Cracker](
- [Nozzlr: Multithreaded Brute Forcer](
- [Decrypt Google Chrome / Chromium passwords and credit cards on macOS / OS X.](
- [Chrome Password Decryptor : Free Tool to Recover Lost or Forgotten Website Password from Google Chrome Browser](
- [How to Grab All the Passwords « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo](
- [A curated list of Threat Intelligence resources](
- [List of Threat Intelligence Stuff](
- [GitHub - x0rz/tweets_analyzer: Tweets metadata scraper & activity analyzer](
- [AsINT_Collection -](
- [Spiderfoot, an Open Source Intelligence Automation Tool](
- [ꓘamerka — Build interactive map of cameras from Shodan](
- [Open Source Intelligence Gathering 101 – Appsecco](
- [ | Certificate Search](
- [Shodan](
- [Domain Dossier - Investigate domains and IP addresses, get owner and registrar information, see whois and DNS records](
- [Censys (Discover new threats)](
- [Open Source Intelligence Gathering 201 (Covering 12 additional techniques)](
- [Creepy: A geolocation OSINT tool](
- [XRay - mapping and OSINT gathering from public networks.](
- [Geotweet_GUI: Social engineering tool](
- [DataSploit: An OSINT Framework to perform various recon techniques](
- [SpiderFoot](
- [Google Hacking Database, GHDB, Google Dorks](
- [theHarvester: E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester](
- [OSINT Search Tool by IntelTechniques | Open Source Intelligence](
- [2019 OSINT Guide](
- [The Browser Hacker's Handbook](
- [The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws](
- [Burp Intro](
- [0x2 Exploit Tutorial: Web Hacking with Burp Suite](
- [webGun - XSS Payload Build Tool](
- [Unleashing an Ultimate XSS Polyglot · 0xSobky/HackVault Wiki](
- [XSS Polyglot Challenge](
- [Browser's XSS Filter Bypass Cheat Sheet · masatokinugawa/filterbypass Wiki]('s-XSS-Filter-Bypass-Cheat-Sheet)
- [0×1 Exploit Tutorial: XSS](
- [XSS Payloads](
- [$10k host header - Test](
- [Web Security · isislab/Project-Ideas Wiki](
- [Web Security - Webgoat](
- [zseano | UK Security Researcher](
- [High Performance Web Brute-Forcing 🕸🐏 – hiburn8](
- [The Bug Hunter’s Methodology 2.0 – Jason Haddix](
- [The Bug Hunters Methodology](
- [Web Hacking Tools List](
- [A list of web application security resources](
- [A curated list of Web Security materials and resources.](
- [A Methodical Approach to Browser Exploitation | Ret2 Systems Blog](
- [ZAP - Zed Attack Proxy Project](
- [Samurai 3.0 Branch - Web Pen Testing VM](
- [Samurai - Course -Web Pen-testing VM](
- [OWASP Juice Shop Project - Web Pen Testing Challenge](
- [Vulnerable Web Applications Directory](
- [DigitalOcean](
- [AWS Management Console](
- [Coalfire-Research/Red-Baron: Automate creating resilient, disposable, secure and agile infrastructure for Red Teams.](
- [Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki/ at master · bluscreenofjeff/Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki](
- [C2 Stuff](
- [Red Team Laptop & Infrastructure (pt 1: Architecture) – Hacking & Coffee](
- [Red Team Insights on HTTPS Domain Fronting Google Hosts Using Cobalt Strike - CyberArk](
- [List of Red Teaming Resources](
- [Initial Access (Phishing/Social Engineering/etc)](
- [Defense Evasion Stuff](
- [A curated list of social engineering resources](
- [Geotweet_GUI: Social engineering tool](
- [Social Engineering Books](
- [A curated list of guides, tools, and other resources related to the security and compromise of locks, safes, and keys.](
- [Lock Picking Books](
- [Super Bump Key Set](
- [Myne-us: From 0x90 to 0x4c454554, a journey into exploitation.](
- [writeups/icectf-2016 at master · WCSC/writeups · GitHub](
- [ / IceCTF 2016 tasks and writeups](
- [Hackover CTF 2015 – easy-shell - Writeup - f00ls bl0g](
- [Google CTF 2017 Quals Write-up Winners - Google Drive](
- [Notes - gynvael.coldwind//vx](
- [Blizzard CTF 2017 – The LichKing Reverse Engineering challenge walkthrough | Shortjump!](
- [Zero Day Initiative — Testing for Truthiness: Exploiting Improper Checks](
- [How To Hack - Episode 2: Use-After-Free Triple Bounce - YouTube](
- [PlaidCTF Write-up: Shop](
- [Building up from the Ethereum Bytecode | Ret2 Systems Blog](
- [DEF CON® 26 Hacking Conference News](
- [RPISEC Blog](
- [CTFs](
- [CSAW CTF 2015 - Alexander Taylor – OSIRIS Lab at NYU SOE](
- [Practical case: Secura Grand Slam CTF “Easy Reverse” – Max Kersten](
- [Capture the Flag Challenges](
- [GitHub - antihorsey/ctf-writeups: Writeups of problems from past CTFs](
- [CTFs](
- [write-ups-2015/seccon-quals-ctf-2015/stegano/steganography-2 at master · ctfs/write-ups-2015](
- [How to Read JPG Height and Width from Binary/Hex data?](
- [ctf-writeups/ at master · VulnHub/ctf-writeups · GitHub](
- [ctf-writeups/ at master · VulnHub/ctf-writeups · GitHub](
- [ctf-challenges/pwn/stackoverflow/ret2libc at master · ctf-wiki/ctf-challenges · GitHub](
- [33C3 CTF 2016 -- ESPR « Hacking Tube](
- [write-ups-2016/hackcon-ctf-2016/pwn/easiest-pwn-not-250 at master · ctfs/write-ups-2016](
- [google-ctf - solutions](
- [csaw-ctf-2014 - S3 writeup](
- [ctfs - write-ups-2014](
- [Metasploit Community CTF 2018: 2 of Diamonds Write-Up](
- [Metasploit Community CTF 2018](
- [Play CTF! A Great Way to Learn Hacking - Fsec 2017 - YouTube](
- [KevOrr/ctf-training](
- [livectf - Twitch](
- [GynvaelEN - YouTube](
- [Murmus CTF - YouTube](
- [pwntools — pwntools 3.3.4 documentation](
- [GitHub - Gallopsled/pwntools: CTF framework and exploit development library](
- [GitHub - zardus/ctf-tools: Some setup scripts for security research tools.](
- [PyCharm: Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains](
- [IDA Sig Database (FLIRT)](
- [hugsy/gef: GEF - GDB Enhanced Features for exploit devs & reversers](
- [Burp Suite for Web Challenges (cookies)](
- [sashs/Ropper: Display information about files in different file formats and find gadgets to build rop chains for different architectures (x86/x86_64, ARM/ARM64, MIPS, PowerPC). For disassembly ropper uses the awesome Capstone Framework.](
- [shell-storm | ROPgadget - Gadgets finder and auto-roper](
- [zweisamkeit/RSHack: RSHack - Tool for RSA CTF's challenges](
- [ : a reverse engineering platform](
- [Fzf: A fuzzy finder (large file ROPGadget search)](
- [geohot/qira: QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser](
- [shell-storm | Shellcodes Database](
- [`](
- [Playing with rasm2 (for shellcoding)](
- [Rasm2 · Radare2 Book (for shellcoding)](
- [Download Postman](
- [CyberChef](
- [GCC and MSVC C++ Demangler](
- [Pip installation](
- [zardus/preeny: Some helpful preload libraries for pwning stuff.](
- [dCode - Solvers, Crypto, Maths, Decoding, Online Tools](
- [Cipher Tools](
- [The Enigma machine: Encrypt and decrypt online — Cryptii](
- [gcore(1) - Linux manual page](
- [Ook! - Esolang](!)
- [example_hashes [hashcat wiki]](
- [How to Get Started in CTF | ENDGAME](
- [Introduction | CTF Field Guide](
- [Crypto Tools](
- [Base64 Decode and Encode - Online](
- [ROPgadget](
- [qira - timeless debugger](
- [Dllinjector: dll injection tool that implements various methods](
- [Libformatstr: Simplify format string exploitation.](
- [Boomerang Decompiler - Decompile x86 binaries to C](
- [Angr: binary analysis platform!](
- [Jadx: Dex to Java decompiler (Android)](
- [Java decompiler online](
- [Krakatau: Java decompiler, assembler, and disassembler](
- [Pin - A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tool | Intel® Software](
- [Uncompyle: Python decompiler](
- [Z3: The Z3 Theorem Prover](
- [Getting Started with Z3](
- [Dnscat - SkullSecurity](
- [Audacity - Audio Files](
- [ExifTool - Read Write and Edit Meta Info](
- [Foremost - File Recovery](
- [fsck - Fix Broken File Systems](
- [NetworkMiner - Network Forensics Analysis Tool ⛏](
- [Dump file analyzer - Memory Extraction](
- [Binwalk: Firmware Analysis Tool (forensic) - Extracts Hidden Files](
- [Autopsy Tool](
- [ImageMagick](
- [Exif - shows EXIF information in JPEG files](
- [exiftool: Read/write meta info in files](
- [Exiv2 - Image metadata library and tools](
- [outguess - universal tool](
- [SmartDeblur: Restoration of defocused and blurred photos/images](
- [stegbreak - brute force dictionary on JPEG](
- [StegCracker: Steganography brute-force utility to uncover hidden data inside files](
- [stegextract: Detect hidden files and text in images](
- [Steghide](
- [Metasploit | Penetration Testing Software, Pen Testing Security | Metasploit](
- [ / All about CTF (Capture The Flag)](
- [CTF Beginner notes](
- [defcon-challenges-vm](
- [Hacker101 CTF](
- [The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory](
- [The Sleuth Kit (TSK) & Autopsy: Open Source Digital Forensics Tools](
- [A curated list of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources](
- [](
- [Software Assurance Reference Dataset](
- [The FREE Secure Coding Training Course only at Cybrary](
- [Cyber Defense Presentation - SANS Institute](
- [13Cubed - YouTube](
- [How to Build Your Own Mini SNES](
- [How to Build a Raspberry Pi Retro Game Console](
- [RPCS3 - PlayStation 3 Emulator](
- [What to do with a Raspberry Pi? : netsecstudents](
- [dokuwiki [DokuWiki]](
- [Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements – curl -sSL | bash](
- [The Only Raspberry Pi 3 Kodi Tutorial You Will Ever Need](
- [LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI](
- [RPi-youtube, smooth youtube videos on Chromium - Raspberry Pi Forums](
- [How to Enable HDMI-CEC on Your TV, and Why You Should](
- [HookTube](
- [Puffin Internet Terminal - Turning a tiny Raspberry Pi into a high-end PC](
- [(☞゚∀゚)☞](
- [How to Set up an SSH Server on a Home Computer - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻](
- [Know Your Network, Lesson 4: Access Your Home Computers from Anywhere](
- [How to Control Your Linux PC with an Android Device](
- [Vagrant by HashiCorp](
- [introduction - homelab](
- [Get your geek on: Building a VMware home lab](
- [Setting Up A Penetration Testing Lab](
- [Infosec_Reference/Building A Pentest at master · rmusser01/Infosec_Reference](
- [Building a Home Lab for Offensive Security & Security Research · System Overlord](
- [](
- [My semi-humble homelab! : homelab](
- [Stumbled into /r/homelab? Start Here! : homelab](
- [hardware - homelab](
- [buyingguide - homelab](
- [hardware/muffinsguide - homelab](
- [software - homelab](
- [Kickball/awesome-selfhosted: This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.](
- [resources - homelab](
- [My actual "mini-lab" : homelab](
- [UniFi Home Setup - Page 4 - Ubiquiti Networks Community](
- [Saw this in /r/oddlysatisfying, thought some people here might find it useful : homelab](
- [E-Ink based status display : homelab](
- [ESXi | Bare Metal Hypervisor | VMware](
- [VMware Lab setup - A virtualized lab for testing HA and DRS - Simple Talk](
- [The Windows Subsystem for Linux Guide! — Windows Subsystem for Linux Guide documentation](
- [Using the VMware View Application - Like VMware Player on an Android Tablet!](
- [Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512) Overview](
- [ Intel Xeon Phi 7120P Coprocessor: Computers & Accessories](
- [How can I work on vulnhub VM's in virtualbox in a school setting? : netsecstudents](
- [Open Source Server Virtualization Training for Proxmox VE](
- [Windows Server Free Trial | Microsoft](
- [Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge - Microsoft Edge Development](
- [Windows 10 App Dev VM](
- [gnome - Freeze after login Ubuntu 18.04 - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Ubuntu 18.04 stuck at shutdown - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Ubuntu 18.04 Live boot leads to blank screen - Ask Ubuntu](
- [filesystem - How to fix "sudo: unable to open ... Read-only file system"? - Ask Ubuntu](
- [dual boot - Cannot update to 18.04 on DualBoot - "EFI System Partition (ESP) not usable" - Ask Ubuntu](
- [drivers - Is nomodeset still required? - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Ubuntu ugrade 17.10 to 18.04 nvidia black screen - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Bug #1705369 “Ubuntu 17.10/18.04 boots to black screen when usin...” : Bugs : nvidia-graphics-drivers-384 package : Ubuntu](
- [Bug #1764005 “Black-screen on boot with nvidia 390 for Budgie, M...” : Bugs : nvidia-prime package : Ubuntu](
- [Bug #1763774 “nvidia-driver-390 GDM black screen / hang after lo...” : Bugs : nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 package : Ubuntu](
- [Black screen after boot on 18.04 with nvidia - Support & Help Requests - Ubuntu MATE Community](
- [2 Ways to Install Nvidia Driver on Ubuntu 18.04 (GUI & Command Line)](
- [Trying to install nvidia driver for ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS - Ask Ubuntu](
- [boot - Ubuntu 18.04 stuck at purple screen after login - Ask Ubuntu](
- [No GUI after Kubuntu 18.04 LTS upgrade from 17.10 - Ask Ubuntu](
- [NVIDIA Driver 384.59 Not Installing - Can't load nvidia-drm, can't open display - NVIDIA Developer Forums](
- [kali linux - VMware tools installed but not working - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [How to Reset Lost Password of Kali Linux? - Technig](
- [kali linux - proxy timeout, error - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [Airplane mode stuck on??](
- [[ubuntu] Ubuntu 18.04 LTS remains in Airplane mode and WIFI not works](
- [Ubuntu 18.04 LTS remains in Airplane mode](
- [[SOLVED] Laptop stuck in airplane mode after suspend](
- [networking - Cannot disable Airplane Mode - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Newest 'airplane-mode' Questions - Ask Ubuntu](
- [How can I uninstall flight mode in Ubuntu 18.04 and turn on Wi-Fi? - Quora](
- [Airplane mode won't turn off [SOLVED] - Linux Mint Forums](
- [centos - Permanently disable airplane mode gnome 3.2 - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [10.04 - Prevent wireless from turning off when lid goes down - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Keep Ubuntu 17.10 / 18.04 Desktop Running when Laptop Lid is Closed | Website for Students](
- [Ubuntu Wifi Hardware Disabled after Suspend : MSILaptops](
- [Wifi Hard Blocked After Suspend in Ubuntu on GS65 : Ubuntu](
- [wireless - Wifi Hard Blocked After Suspend in Ubuntu on GS65 - Ask Ubuntu](
- [Airplane mode on resume and no wireless · Issue #181 · linrunner/TLP](linrunner/TLP#181)
- [linux - Lenovo E320 is in airplane mode, says toggle hardware switch, but has no hardware switch and WiFi is still hard locked - Super User](
- [Kernel/MainlineBuilds - Ubuntu Wiki](
- [MSI GS65 - ArchWiki](
- [wireless - How to know I have to blacklist acer_wmi? - Ask Ubuntu](
- [linux - How to turn off Wireless power management permanently - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [How to Update Ubuntu Kernel - wikiHow](
- [wireless - Wifi Hard Blocked After Suspend in Ubuntu on GS65 - Ask Ubuntu](
- [SOLUTION: 18.04 MSI GS65 wifi hardware switch disabled after suspend - Ask Ubuntu](
- [brndnmtthws/conky: Light-weight system monitor for X.](
- [Better audio for ubuntu](
- [11 Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 'Bionic Beaver' - OMG! Ubuntu!](
- [How to Install Desktop Themes on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS](
- [How To Install Numix Theme And Icons In Ubuntu 18.04 |](
- [5 Of The Best Linux Desktop Themes Compared](
- [GitHub - arcticicestudio/nord: An arctic, north-bluish color palette.](
- [Where is the "Default Wallpaper" wallpaper stored - Ask Ubuntu](
- [gnome - Why aren't my pictures appearing in the "pictures" section of the change wallpapers window? - Ask Ubuntu](
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- [tor - how to verify that proxychains is working - Super User](
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- [How can I adjust the mouse scroll speed? - Ask Ubuntu](
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- [live usb - How to install the MPEG-4 AAC decoder and the H.264 decoder? - Ask Ubuntu](
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- [tmux/tmux: tmux source code](
- [Tmux not sourcing my .tmux.conf - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange](
- [Making tmux Pretty and Usable - A Guide to Customizing your tmux.conf](
- [tmux-plugins/tmux-logging: Easy logging and screen capturing for Tmux.](
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