Pull the docker image from:
docker pull bugazelle/web-visual-testing
Chrome/ChromeDriver: 117.0.5938.149/117.0.5938.149, Firefox/Geckodriver: 117.0/0.33.0
- If you would like to require a certain version of chrome/chromedirver, firefox/geckodriver and selenium server, please raise an issue. I will build the image for you.
Support noVNC
Allow you to debug/watch the test running in a more "visual" way at:
For more info about noVNC: docker-headless-vnc-container
-e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950: set screen resolution to 1680x950
-p 6901:6901: map vnc client port
-p 5901:5901: map vnc server port
-v $(pwd):/tmp: map files from current folder to container /tmp
docker run \ -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950 \ -p 6901:6901 \ -p 5901:5901 \ -v $(pwd):/tmp \ bugazelle/web-visual-testing
Support Jenkins
Run as a jenkins slave/agent. Available environments parameters:
JENKINS_MASTER_URL: Master url of the jenkins, default:
JENKINS_SLAVE_KEY: Something like: bb23de4d485447d3f8b73aefa268e687d5660dad553eb4534ff2ae369d7849c6
JENKINS_SLAVE_NAME: Jenkins slave name
JENKINS_AGENT_WORKDIR: Jenkins agent home, default: /home/jenkins
3 Ways to connect jenkins master, for example:
java -jar /usr/share/jenkins/agent.jar -jnlpUrl ${JENKINS_MASTER_URL}/computer/slave1/slave-agent.jnlp -secret ${JENKINS_SLAVE_KEY}
docker run \ -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950 \ -p 6901:6901 \ -p 5901:5901 \ -v $(pwd):/tmp \ -e JENKINS_MASTER_URL= \ -e JENKINS_SLAVE_KEY=1f27b72ec9cf59711788e8de7d1219766381c1ea0406b5f64de3bb6dcd6df913 \ -e JENKINS_SLAVE_NAME=slave1 \ bugazelle/web-visual-testing jenkins-run.sh
If you would like to setup a jenkins ci/cd environment by docker, more info here: jenkins/README.md
Support CNTLM
If behind the NTLM proxy, use the CNTLM. Get more info here: https://linux.die.net/man/1/cntlm
Available environments parameters:
CNTLM_PROXY_DOMAIN: default: global
CNTLM_PROXY_USER: no default, please see the configuration in cntlm.conf.tmpl
CNTLM_PROXY_KEY: no default, please see the configuration in cntlm.conf.tmpl. Use
cntlm -u YourUserName -H
to get the key.CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER: no default, please see the configuration in cntlm.conf.tmpl. And you could add more proxy server by: CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER_1, CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER_2, CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER_3, CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER_4, CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER_5
CNTLM_NO_PROXY: please see the configuration in cntlm.conf.tmpl. default: localhost, 127.0.0., 10., 192.168., 172.17.
How to run:
, then the proxy should be ready at local: run \ -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950 \ -p 6901:6901 \ -p 5901:5901 \ -v $(pwd):/tmp \ -e CNTLM_PROXY_DOMAIN=global \ -e CNTLM_PROXY_AUTH=NTLMv2 \ -e CNTLM_PROXY_USER=YourUserName \ -e CNTLM_PROXY_KEY=YourKey \ -e CNTLM_PROXY_SERVER=TheProxyServer, like my.proxy:3128 \ bugazelle/web-visual-testing /bin/bash -c "cntlm-run.sh; \ export http_proxy=; \ export https_proxy=; \ wget --no-check-certificate http://apache.org; "
Debug Purpose & Run Step by Step
Start Container, and map the current path to container /tmp
Note: Sometimes the chromedriver, geckdriver running failed at container, add
--privileged -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm --shm-size 2048m
to solve the issuedocker run \ -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950 \ -p 6901:6901 \ -p 5901:5901 \ -v $(pwd):/tmp \ --privileged \ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ --shm-size 2048m \ bugazelle/web-visual-testing
Access the http://localhost:6901/?password=vncpassword/ to the vnc env.
launch "terminal", run the test as bellow.
cd /tmp; ls -l; cd samples/backstop_puppeteer_init_demo; backstop reference;
Run Directly
docker run \ -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1680x950 \ -p 6901:6901 \ -p 5901:5901 \ -v $(pwd):/tmp \ --privileged \ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ --shm-size 2048m \ bugazelle/web-visual-testing \ /bin/bash -c "cd /tmp/samples/backstop_puppeteer_init_demo; \ backstop reference;"
OS: debian:11
Chrome/ChromeDriver: 117.0.5938.149/117.0.5938.149
Firefox/Geckodriver: 117.0/0.33.0
NodeJS: 18.x
BackstopJS: 6.2.2
Hermione: 7.1.6
HTML Reporter: 9.10.3
Json Reporter: 0.1.0
Looks Same: 8.2.4
Chai: 4.3.10
Java: 11.0.20
Git: 2.30.2
Default User: root
iOS Resolution: http://iosres.com/
All possible screen size: https://material.io/devices/, http://viewportsizes.com/
Chrome Flags: https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
Firefox Flags: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Command_line_arguments
SmilerJS Flags: https://docs.slimerjs.org/current/configuration.html
Phantom Flags: http://phantomjs.org/api/command-line.html
Firefox User Agents: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent/Firefox
Chrome User Agents: https://developer.chrome.com/multidevice/user-agent
Desired Capabilities: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities
Previous Chrome (RPM Package): http://orion.lcg.ufrj.br/RPMS/myrpms/google/
Previous Chromium: https://github.com/Bugazelle/chromium-all-old-stable-versions
Previous Firefox: https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/