This exploit drop a web shell on an OpenEMR v5.0.2.1 CMS. At the end, GET the URL and run a netcat listener on the LHOST:LPORT. You will be able to do a Remote Code Execution on this server. You need to wait the Admin to change his password and it'll trigger the XSS.
usage: [-h] [-d [DIRECTORY]] -rh RHOST [-rp [RPORT]] [-vh [VHOST]] -lh LHOST -lp LPORT [-wp [WPORT]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [DIRECTORY], --directory [DIRECTORY]
Root directory OpenEMR CMS
-rh RHOST, --rhost RHOST
Remote server IP
-rp [RPORT], --rport [RPORT]
Remote server PORT
-vh [VHOST], --vhost [VHOST]
Remote server DOMAIN_NAME
-lh LHOST, --lhost LHOST
Reverse shell IP
-lp LPORT, --lport LPORT
Reverse shell PORT
-wp [WPORT], --wport [WPORT]
Web Server PORT