- As a beginner to start with we have divided the pathway of learning in 4 steps where the first 3 steps are most essential to follow.
- And If you only want to explore android domain little bit just for fun or interest then you are requested to complete Section 1 must at first. Then you can procced further.
- Android Studio
- Install & setup
- Create first project
- Take a tour of Android Studio
- Basic of XML
- Activity
- Activity LifeCycle
- How to Create a new Activity
- transition between activities
- Layout
- Linear Layout
- Frame Layout
- Relative Layout
- Constraint Layout
- View Element
- TextView
- Buttons
- EditText
- ImageView
Now it's time for testing your knowledge by making some cool projects π±
- Birthday Greeting App
- Basic Calculator
- TicTacToe game
- Dynamic UI
- List View
- Recycler View
- Some Components
- Toast
- Bottom Sheet
- Dialog
- Nav Drawer
- Nav Bar
- Notification
- Tabs
- Viewpager
- Fragments
- Life Cycle
- How to use
- Fragment Transition
- Networking
- Retrofit
- Volley
- Image Loading
- Picasso
- Glide
- Data Saving
- Room
Now it's time for testing again your knowledge by making some more cool projects π±
- Movie Recommender App
- Github Profile Check
- Jetpack Components
- DataBinding
- Live data
- Navigation
- Pagging
- ViewModel
- WorkManager
- Architecture Pattern
- Modern UI
- Material IO
- Jetpack Compose
- Media
- Audio Player
- Video Player
- Hardwares
- Camera
- Bluetooth
- Sensors
- Firebase
- Authentication
- Realtime Database
- Firestore
- Cloud Messaging
Now it's time for testing again your knowledge by making some more cool projects π±
- Ecommerce Application
- Quiz App
- Woman Safety App
As Android is a vast and always growing domain therefore keep exploring and keep learing. You will always find something cool here π