This is repository that is only created to hold static content of ICDC Project. It will include branches for environments like DEV, QA, STAGE, PROD.
Environment | Linked Branch |
ICDC-PROD | production 🔒 |
ICDC-STAGE | stage 🔒 |
ICDC-QA | qa 🔒 |
ICDC-DEV | develop 🔒 |
❗ NOTE: Branches are protected. No direct commit can be made on any of thses branches.
Steps to contribute in this repository:
- Create a new and seperate branch based on "develop" branch, let's call it "xyz". (Don't forget to git pull the develop branch to keep it up to date before making a new branch)
- Make changes on "xyz" branch, multiple commits are allowed. Commit those changes and push those commits to GitHub.
- Create a Pull Request (PR) from "XYZ" to "develop" branch.
- Get that Pull Request (PR) reviewed by at least one reviwer to get the PR Approved.
- Reviewer needs to merge that PR into "develop" (Which is the base branch for this PR).
- Reviewer needs to delete "xyz" branch to keep the repository clean.
Here is the flow of how static content changes will flow from branch to branch:
"XYZ Branch" -PR-> "develop" -PR-> "qa" -PR-> "stage" -PR-> "production"