An app that displays Latin American artifacts, ceramics and sculptures from pre-1492. Contains a search function, user registration & profile views. All artifacts displayed on the application are from the Walter Museum API (
- Walter Museum API
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Bulma CSS
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bulma Toast
Pre Columbus Finder Application does not require the viewer to register in order to see items or use the search function. However, registered users do gain special privileges. Registered users can create profiles, view and update their profiles and even add particular items to their favorites list and see additional information about any particular item on their favorite list. Items on registered users' favorites list can also be deleted.
If you don't want to register, feel free to use our demo user. Simply click on # on the navigation menu and fill in the following:
EMail:, password: test123
Use the side menu to select a region: The Caribbean, Central America, South America, Random. Random will render 3 random objects from Central America.
The Search bar located on the home index page can be used by either a non-registered or registered viewer. Search by country, if the API contains a collection from a particular Latin American country the app will render the results.
- Colombia
- Belize
- Chile
- Dominican Republic
- Mexico
Items can be viewed in a modal version. Simply click on the item you wish to see, and the image will appear in a modal in a much larger format.
Only registered users can use the star system Pre Columbus Finder has a star system for favoriting particular items. To favorite an item, simply click on the particular item's star, the star should now turn into a bright yellow, meaning it has been added to the user's favorites' list. To remove the the particular item from your favorites' list simply click on the star again or delete it by going to My Profile.