The repo is for sharing small exploratory projects and shouldn't be considered robust production code.
ssh to the server under the role account (or sudo su - <user>) after logging in as yourself.
Once you're in the server you can use the following scripts to start and stop the gradio interfaces. These scripts are in the home directory of the role account. (~)
These are all start/stop/status scripts for a gradio interface. The applications they control are the following:
- is the start/stop for analyzing and making suggestions for data curation for a tabular data file.
- is the start/stop for the app that can take multiple files and attempt to create a readme file based on what it can understand about them.
- is the start/stop for the app that takes a data file and can analyze it with Frictionless Data and then send through 2 LLMs to try to make a readme file.
- start will start the server on the port.
- stop will stop the server on the port.
- status will show the status of the server on the port.
- restart will stop and start the server on the port.
If you want to switch from using one to another
- stop the current server, if any
- start the new server
- go to the new server's URL in a browser to see the new interface (must be on the VPN and refresh page)