This is the website for the GAP days.
It is based on Jekyll, a static website generator, and the hyde template.
If you want to test site on your own machine, first install Jekyll (as described on its website), then do this:
git clone
cd gapdays2019-spring
jekyll serve -w
Now open a browser on http://localhost:4000/ to see a live preview of the site.
== Steps for new GAP Days
To create a website for a new GAP Days event, follow roughly the following steps:
Copy the data of the previous GAP Days into a new repository. Add that repository under a suitable name at
Edit all relevant files; at the very least do the following:
- _config.yml: update baseurl to match the name of the repository at github.
- registration.html
- the "registration_open" entry at the top can be used to enable / disable registration
- Update the "form_api_token" value at the top of the file. See for more information. (Note that notification emails for new registrations are sent to a single email address. So I recommend setting up an address that can deliver to multiple people.)
- Also update the "email" field at the top
- edit the available arrival/departure date options in the form
- edit the rest of the page suitably
- _data/participants.yml
This contains the list of participants, in YAML format. Basic entries look like this:
- name: John Doe affiliation: University of Nowhere
Entries can be followed by links, e.g. to slides, other PDFs, etc.
- name: John Doe affiliation: University of Nowhere links: "slides": "photo": ../photo/john_doe.jpg
Optionally, edit program.tex, run pdflatex on it, and add the resulting PDF. Or, if you don't want to use it, just remove both the .tex and .pdf