Software Developler
- 💬 Ask me about past archaeological work in the Americas, emergency management of historical structures, or local foragable foods from the Asheville area.
- 📫 How to reach me:
const cj = {
pronouns: "he" | "him",
languages: [Javascript, Typescript, Python, DAX, PowerFx, VBA],
tools: [React, Soil, Ionic, Capacitor, Docker, Postman],
workTools: [MS Power Apps, MS Power Automate, Power BI, Office Functions, SharePoint, SharePoint Pages, ArcGIS (Desktop and Pro), Jupyter Notebook, Databricks],
pastTools: [Redux, Vue, Node, Pico-8 (Lua), AntD, Jest, Apollo, Express, Knex, MySQL]
here's a crappy game I made a long time ago!
⭐️ Readme modeled after @Thaiane