A simple and synthesizable UART core implementation.
This repo contains two simple modules that showcase UART functionality in action.
- uart_btn : A simple module that transmits a message when a button is pressed.
- uart_loopback : A UART loopback that displays each character entered back to the connected serial terminal and the respective hex code in a Digilent PMOD Seven Segment Display connected on the top row of the board's JA and JB PMOD banks.
The UART core uses a configurable Baud Rate (change the g_CLKS_PER_BIT generic according to the target frequency) and the 8N1 transmission convension (8 data bits, no parity bits, 1 stop bit). The core has been verified to be working on a Digilent Arty A7-35T development board, with an internal clock frequency of 100 MHz and Baud Rate equal to 115.200.