This is a Flappy Bird clone created using the Pygame library. It features a bird that the player can control by jumping to avoid pipes that continuously generate on the screen.
To get started, simply download or clone the repository to your local machine. Make sure you have Python 3 and Pygame installed. Then, navigate to the directory and run the file.
Clone this repo by issuing the following command: git clone
1. Python 3
2. PyGame
In your terminal navigate to the folder of this repo and run: python
The game is simple: the bird will fall due to gravity and the player must tap the space bar to make the bird jump. The objective is to navigate the bird through the gaps between the pipes that continuously generate on the screen. If the bird collides with a pipe or hits the ground, the game is over.
The game features some basic customization options that can be modified by changing the values in the code. For example, the size of the screen, the speed of the pipes, and the gap between the pipes can all be adjusted to change the difficulty of the game.
This project was created by COMMANDO2406. Feel free to contribute by submitting pull requests or creating issues.