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TashUni edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 4 revisions


  • Git Structure
  • Git Organization and Management
  • Branching Strategy
  • Code Quality Badges

Git Structure

We have made use of a mono repo.

Git Organization and Management

Git organization and management is done using the GitHub project boards.

Branching Strategy

Git Flow Workflow simplifies parallel development because it isolates the new development from the released project. You can work on any project version. The new development is done in feature branches so it is merged back when the developer is satisfied with the code.

Git Flow Strategy

main (or master) branch

This branch should only contain deployable code

develop branch

This is the branch that you will do big development changes

Feature Branching

When you want to add a feature to the app you will do so from the develop branch using the following commands:

Release Branching

When your applications features are done and is ready to release a first or new version you will do so from the develop branch using the following commands:

Bugfix Branching

When you have an application version in the release branch, if there are any bugs in the application you will branch off from the release branch.

Hotfix Branching

When you have a major issue (bug, security, etc.) in the main branch that needs to be fixed you will create a hotfix branch off main.

Support Branching

When you want maintain multiple versions of your application you will create a support branch to create a copy of the old version before releasing a new version into main, this can be done by using the following commands:

Code Quality Badges

GitHub Repo Size in Bytes

GitHub Commit Activity


Open Issues

Closed Issues
