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Coding Standards

TumiPare edited this page Jun 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

Coding Standards

FrontEnd - Ionic/Angular

File and Folder Structure

  • Files and folders are organised based on a feature or module.
  • Used consistent naming conventions for files and folders.
  • Separated components, services, and models into their respective folders.

Component Naming

  • Component names follow the PascalCase convention.
  • Component names are suffixed with Page, Component, or Dialog.

Module Organization

  • Each feature or functionality has its own module.
  • Related components, services, and models are grouped within the same module.
  • Modules are defined and configured using the NgModule decorator.

Component Structure

  • Components follow the Angular component structure, utilizing decorators such as @Component, @Input, @Output, and @ViewChild.
  • Templates, styles, and logic are organized into their respective sections.
  • Components adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) by focusing on specific tasks.


  • Services encapsulate business logic and data manipulation.
  • Services are registered either in the root module (AppModule) or feature modules based on their scope.
  • Dependency injection is used to inject services into components.

Code Formatting

  • Consistent indentation and formatting conventions are followed.
  • Proper spacing and line breaks are used to enhance code readability.
  • Variable and function names are descriptive, conveying their purpose.

TypeScript Best Practices

  • Strict type checking is enabled by setting "strict": true in the tsconfig.json file.
  • TypeScript features like interfaces, generics, and type annotations are utilized.
  • The any type is avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Angular/Ionic Best Practices

  • Angular's built-in directives and features are used whenever possible.
  • Ionic's UI components are leveraged to achieve consistent and responsive design.
  • Observables and reactive programming are employed for handling asynchronous operations.

Error Handling and Logging

  • Error handling mechanisms are implemented to enhance the user experience.
  • Angular's error handling mechanisms, such as ErrorHandler or global error interceptors, are utilized.
  • Errors and exceptions are logged for debugging purposes.


  • Unit tests are written using Jasmine.
  • Components, services, and other application logic are tested.
  • Karma and Cypresss are also used for testing.

Backend - Rust

File and Module Structure:

  • Organized files and modules based on the application's features or functionality.
  • Use a consistent naming convention for files and modules.
  • Separate route handlers, models, and utility functions into their respective modules.

Endpoint Routing

  • Endpoint routes are defined using attribute macros provided by Rocket, such as #[get], #[post], #[put], #[delete].
  • Related routes are grouped within the same module.
  • Dynamic routes are handled using route parameters and path variables.

Route Handlers

  • Route handlers are implemented as functions with clear and descriptive names.
  • Route handlers follow the single responsibility principle, focusing on specific tasks.
  • Request data handling and validation are performed using Rocket's request guards and extractors.

Data Models

  • Data models or request/response objects are defined using Rust structs.
  • Traits such as FromForm, FromData, Serialize, and Deserialize are implemented for data serialization and deserialization.
  • External crates like Serde can be used for advanced serialization and deserialization needs.

Error Handling

  • Errors are handled and propagated using the Result type in route handlers.
  • Rocket's error handling mechanisms, such as Result combinators (? operator) and the #[catch] attribute macro, are utilized.
  • Custom error types are implemented, or existing crates like anyhow or thiserror are used for structured error handling.


  • Rocket's middleware feature is employed for cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, authentication, or request/response modification.
  • Custom middleware functions are created or existing middleware crates compatible with Rocket are utilized.


  • Unit tests are written to cover route handlers and other application logic.
  • Rocket's rocket::local::Client is used to simulate HTTP requests in tests.
  • Testing frameworks like assert or expect macros can be used for assertions.

Code Formatting

  • Consistent code formatting conventions, including indentation and line length, are followed.
  • Code is formatted using tools like Rustfmt to maintain consistency.
  • Descriptive variable and function names enhance code readability.


  • Documentation comments (///) are included to provide clear explanations of the code.
  • Route handlers, important functions, and modules are documented, highlighting their purpose, input, and output.


  • Security best practices, such as input validation, authentication, and authorization, are considered.
  • User inputs are sanitized to prevent common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS.