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CI CD Plan

Piery van der Linde edited this page May 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Git Repository

Our Git repository is currently hosted on Github. We will use the integrated features of GitHub, such as Git Guardian and GitHub Workflows to test our code in addition to keeping it stable for deployment.

Git Branching Strategy: Git Flow

We will be using the Git Flow strategy in our development process. This entails the following:

  1. All code in main will be production ready.
  2. New branches will be branched from the Develop branch.
  3. New branches will be named feat/..., where ... represents a descriptive name regarding the feature being added.
  4. Code in Develop will be reviewed and tested before merging periodically to main.
  5. Hot fixes to fix small, critical issues will be committed directly to Develop or main.

Code Review Process

  1. Branch protections has been put in place to protect main and Develop.
  2. Pull requests for Develop need to have at least 1 approving review from another team member before being allowed to merge into Develop.
  3. Pull requests for main requires 2 approving reviews before being able to merge.

Deployment Plans

  1. We plan to deploy our app onto the Google Play Store.