External Module for Ikemen GO Engine that adds BGM Select to Stage Select Menu.
Tested in Ikemen GO: v0.98.2, v0.99.0 and 2024-09-25 Nightly Build.
- Auto Option works like stage select default song assignment (Uses select.def or stage.def music added).
- Random Option will select a random music stored in "./sound" directory.
- Custom BGM will show all the sounds that you have stored in the "./sound" directory and you can use them for stage selected.
1- Extract archive content into "./external/mods" directory
2- IMPORTANT! HOW TO FIX bgmSelect.lua:124 error:
GO TO "./external/script/start.lua" AND FOR "local stageListNo = 0"
remove "local" and save the file to that stage select works with this module...
3- New SYSTEM.DEF parameters assignments in [Select Info] Section:
;BGM Select
bgm.move.snd = 100,0
bgm.pos = 160,164
bgm.active.font = 3,0,0
bgm.active2.font = 3,2 ;Second font color for blinking
bgm.done.font = 3,0
bgm.text = "BGM %i: %s"
bgm.random.text = "BGM: Random"
bgm.auto.text = "BGM: Auto"