Joseki is a pure Go library for working with RDF, a powerful framework for representing informations as graphs.
For more informations about RDF itself, please see
Joseki provides the following features to work with RDF :
- Structures to represent and manipulate the RDF model (URIs, Literals, Blank Nodes, Triples, etc)
- RDF Graphs to store data, with several implentations provided.
- A Low level API to query data stored in graphs.
- A High level API to query data using the SPARQL 1.1 query language. (WIP - Unstable)
- Query processing using modern techniques such as join ordering or optimized query execution plans.
- Load RDF data stored in files in various formats (N-Triples, Turtle, etc) into any graph.
This package aims to work with RDF graphs, which are composed of RDF Triple {Subject Object Predicate}. Using joseki, you can represent an RDF Triple as followed :
import (
subject := rdf.NewURI("")
predicate := rdf.NewURI("")
object := rdf.NewLiteral("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix")
triple := rdf.NewTriple(subject, predicate, object)
// Output : {<> <> "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"}
You can also store your RDF Triples in a RDF Graph, using various type of graphs. Here, we use a Tree Graph to store our triple :
import (
subject := rdf.NewURI("")
predicate := rdf.NewURI("")
object := rdf.NewLiteral("Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix")
graph := graph.NewTreeGraph()
graph.Add(rdf.NewTriple(subject, predicate, object))
You can also query any triple from a RDF Graph, using a low level API or a SPARQL query.
import (
graph := graph.NewTreeGraph()
// Datas stored in a file can be easily loaded into a graph
graph.LoadFromFile("datas/awesome-books.ttl", "turtle")
// Let's fetch the titles of all the books in our graph !
subject := rdf.NewVariable("title")
predicate := rdf.NewURI("")
object := rdf.NewURI("")
for bindings := range graph.Filter(subject, predicate, object) {
For more informations about specific features, see the documentation