A start of a library to make it a bit more meaningful to work digitally with electronic components.
- Component Validation: Verify specifications and requirements
- Standardization: Normalize component data across manufacturers
- Alternative Finding: Identify compatible component alternatives
- Similarity Analysis: Find similar components based on specifications
- Categorization: Organize components by type and characteristics
- Type Detection: Automatic component classification
- Manufacturer Data: Standard component data structures
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
<version>[latest version]</version>
Basic building block for components:
// Creating a basic component
BOMEntry entry = new BOMEntry();
entry.setMpn("LTC7132"); // Manufacturer Part Number
entry.setDescription("Power Distribution Controller");
entry.addSpec("power_type", "Marine grade");
entry.addSpec("redundant_power", "yes");
Assemblies for electronic and mechanical components:
// Creating a PCBA assembly
List<BOMEntry> pcbaEntries = new ArrayList<>();
// ... add entries ...
PCBABOM pcba = new PCBABOM("PWR-MAIN-01", "Power Management Board", "R1.0", pcbaEntries);
// Creating a mechanical assembly
List<BOMEntry> mechEntries = new ArrayList<>();
// ... add entries ...
MechanicalBOM mech = new MechanicalBOM();
Container for complete systems:
// Creating a production batch
PlannedProductionBatch batch = new PlannedProductionBatch(
"BATCH-2024-001", // Batch ID
"SUBMARINE-V1", // Product ID
"R1.0", // Revision
1 // Quantity
// Adding assemblies
See full example as JUnit test
// Create entries with required specs
BOMEntry powerIC = new BOMEntry()
.setDescription("Battery Management IC")
.addSpec("power_type", "Marine grade")
.addSpec("redundant_power", "yes")
.addSpec("waterproof", "yes")
.addSpec("protection_rating", "IP68");
// Create PCBA with entries
List<BOMEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
PCBABOM powerBoard = new PCBABOM("PWR-01", "Power Board", "R1.0", entries);
// Create production batch
PlannedProductionBatch batch = new PlannedProductionBatch(
// Validate the batch
SubmarineSystemValidator validator = new SubmarineSystemValidator();
if (!validator.getValidationErrors().isEmpty()) {
// Handle validation errors
MPNUtils is a utility class for handling Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) in electronic component management. It provides functionality for normalization, type detection, similarity comparison, and manufacturer identification.
- MPN normalization
- Component type detection
- Similarity calculation between MPNs
- Manufacturer detection
- MOSFET and IC type validation
// Normalize MPNs by removing special characters and converting to uppercase
String normalized1 = MPNUtils.normalize("LM358-N"); // Returns "LM358N"
String normalized2 = MPNUtils.normalize("2N2222A/TO"); // Returns "2N2222ATO"
String normalized3 = MPNUtils.normalize("GRM188R71H104KA93D"); // Returns "GRM188R71H104KA93D"
// Parse and standardize MPNs
String standardizedMpn = MPNUtils.standardize("LM317-T"); // Returns "LM317T"
boolean isValid = MPNUtils.isValidMpn("LM317T"); // Basic MPN validation
// Check if an MPN matches a specific component type
boolean isOpAmp = MPNUtils.matchesType("LM358N", ComponentType.OPAMP); // true
boolean isResistor = MPNUtils.matchesType("RC0603FR-0710KL", ComponentType.RESISTOR); // true
boolean isMosfet = MPNUtils.matchesType("IRF530N", ComponentType.MOSFET); // true
// Compare similar components
double similarity;
// Op-amps from different manufacturers
similarity = MPNUtils.calculateSimilarity("LM358", "MC1458"); // 0.9 (equivalent parts)
similarity = MPNUtils.calculateSimilarity("IRF530", "IRF530N"); // 0.9 (same family)
similarity = MPNUtils.calculateSimilarity("IRF530", "IRF540"); // 0.3 (different ratings)
// Resistors
similarity = MPNUtils.calculateSimilarity(
"CRCW060310K0FKEA", // Vishay 10kΩ 0603
"RC0603FR-0710KL" // Yageo 10kΩ 0603
); // 0.8 (equivalent parts)
// Capacitors
similarity = MPNUtils.calculateSimilarity(
"GRM188R71H104KA93D", // Murata 0.1µF 50V 0603
"C0603C104K5RACTU" // KEMET 0.1µF 50V 0603
); // 0.9 (equivalent parts)
// Identify manufacturer from MPN
ComponentManufacturer mfr1 = MPNUtils.getManufacturer("STM32F103C8T6"); // STMicroelectronics
ComponentManufacturer mfr2 = MPNUtils.getManufacturer("ATMEGA328P-PU"); // Atmel
ComponentManufacturer mfr3 = MPNUtils.getManufacturer("GRM188R71H104KA93D"); // Murata
// Check if MPN is from specific manufacturer
boolean isSTMicro = MPNUtils.isFromManufacturer("STM32F103", ComponentManufacturer.ST); // true
boolean isTI = MPNUtils.isFromManufacturer("LM358", ComponentManufacturer.TI); // true
// Compare MPNs
boolean areEqual = MPNUtils.compareMpn("LM317-T", "LM317T"); // True
String normalized = MPNUtils.normalizeMpn("LM317-T"); // Removes special chars
// MOSFET validation
boolean isMosfet1 = MPNUtils.isMosfet("IRF530N"); // true
boolean isMosfet2 = MPNUtils.isMosfet("2N2222"); // false
// Analog IC detection
boolean isAnalog1 = MPNUtils.isAnalogIC("LM358"); // true (op-amp)
boolean isAnalog2 = MPNUtils.isAnalogIC("74HC00"); // false (digital IC)
// Digital IC detection
boolean isDigital1 = MPNUtils.isDigitalIC("74LS00"); // true
boolean isDigital2 = MPNUtils.isDigitalIC("LM317"); // false
ComponentType type = ComponentType.INTEGRATED_CIRCUIT;
ComponentType.Category category = type.getCategory(); // ACTIVE
// Component classification
boolean isActive = type.isActiveComponent(); // True
boolean isPassive = type.isPassiveComponent(); // False
boolean isDiscrete = type.isDiscreteComponent(); // False
// Grouping and categorization
List<ComponentType> activeTypes = ComponentType.getTypesByCategory(Category.ACTIVE);
ComponentTypeDetector detector = new ComponentTypeDetector();
// Detect component types
boolean isProcessor = detector.isProcessorComponent(component);
boolean isPower = detector.isPowerComponent(component);
boolean isSensor = detector.isSensorComponent(component);
// Get detailed classification
ComponentType detectedType = detector.detectType(component);
String category = detector.getComponentCategory(component);
Represents and manages manufacturer information:
ElectronicComponentManufacturer manufacturer = new ElectronicComponentManufacturer();
manufacturer.setName("Texas Instruments");
// Validate manufacturer-specific MPNs
boolean isValidMpn = manufacturer.isValidMpn("TPS65281");
// Get standardized manufacturer names
String stdName = manufacturer.getStandardizedName();
As the market changes daily, this will never be 100% - but we believe that it should bring value to systems dealing with electronic components.