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CI SwiftPM 5.9 Platforms @capture_context

Standard extensions for Foundation framework



  • RawCodingKey allows you to create CodingKeys from literals

  • Extensions for encoder and decoder allow you to create an object with a contextual container

  • Extensions for coding containers automatically infer type from context

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
  self = try container.decode(RawCodingKey.self) { container in
    return .init(
      someProperty1: container.decode("someProperty1"),
      someProperty2: container.decode("some_property_2")

func encode(to encoder: encoder) throws {
  try encoder.encode(RawCodingKey.self) { container in
    try container.encode(someProperty1, forKey: "someProperty1")
    try container.encode(someProperty2, forKey: "some_property_2")


  • store(_:in:) - stores value in some variable in locked context
  • mutate(_:with:) - passes given object to locked context
  • assign(_:to:on:) - stores value in object property in locked context
  • execute(_:) - provides new locked context


  • orThrow(_:) - unwraps an optional or throws specified error
  • isNil / isNotNil / isNilOrEmpty
  • or() - coalesing alias
  • unwrap() - returns unwrapping Result
  • assign(to:on:) - assigns wrapped value to a specified target property by the keyPath
  • ifLetAssign(to:on:) - assigns wrapped value to a specified target property by the keyPath if an optional was not nil

Undo/Redo management

struct State {
  var value: Int = 0

let state = State()
state.value = 1   // value == 1
state.value *= 10 // value == 10
state.undo()      // value == 1
state.value += 1  // value == 2
state.undo()      // value == 1
state.redo()      // value == 2


CoW container, which allows you to recursively include single instances of value types

struct ListNode<Value> {
  var value: Value
  var next: ListNode<Value>?


class MyView: UIView {
  private let label: UILabel
  var text: String?

let view: MyView = .init()
view.label.text // ❌
view.text = "Hello, World!"

Object Association

Basic helpers for object association are available in a base package

extension UIViewController {
  var someStoredProperty: Int {
    get { getAssociatedObject(forKey: #function).or(0) }
    set { setAssociatedObject(newValue, forKey: #function)  }

let value: Bool = getAssociatedObject(forKey: "value", from: object)

But the full power of associated objects is provided by FoundationExtensionsMacros target

By default @AssociatedObject macro uses .retain(.nonatomic) for classes and .copy(.nonatomic) objc_AssociationPolicy for structs.

import FoundationExtensionsMacros

extension SomeClass {
  var storedVariableInExtension: Int = 0
  @AssociatedObject(readonly: true)
  var storedVariableInExtension: SomeObject = .init()
  var optionalValue: Int?
  var object: Int?
  @AssociatedObject(threadSafety: .atomic)
  var threadSafeValue: Int?
  @AssociatedObject(threadSafety: .atomic)
  var threadSafeObject: Object?
  @AssociatedObject(policy: .assign)
  var customPolicyValue: Int?
  @AssociatedObject(policy: .retain(.atomic))
  var customPolicyThreadSafeObject: Object?

Macros require swift-syntax compilation, so it will affect cold compilation time


This package also provides some sugar for objc method swizzling

extension UIViewController {
  // Runs once in app lifetime
  // Repeated calls do nothing
  private static let swizzle: Void = {
    // This example is not really representative since these methods
    // can be simply globally overriden, but it's just an example
    // for the readme and you can find live example at

  @objc dynamic
  private func __swizzledViewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    __swizzledViewWillAppear(animated) // calls original method
    print(type(of: self), ObjectIdentifier(self), "will appear")

  @objc dynamic
  private func __swizzledViewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    __swizzledViewDidAppear(animated) // calls original method
    print(type(of: self), ObjectIdentifier(self), "did appear")



You can add FoundationExtensions to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
  2. Enter "" into the package repository URL text field
  3. Choose products you need to link them to your project.


If you use SwiftPM for your project, you can add StandardExtensions to your package file.

  url: "", 
  .upToNextMinor(from: "0.5.0")

Do not forget about target dependencies:

  name: "FoundationExtensions", 
  package: "swift-foundation-extensions"
  name: "FoundationExtensionsMacros", 
  package: "swift-foundation-extensions"


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENCE for details.