A trivia game made in ComputerCraft designed for 1 player. Powered by OpenTDB.
For multiplayer, check out Trivia Unite Together
Using the OpenTDB API, the game receives 10 questions at the start of the game. Each round, the game will type out a question, and present you with either True/False or Multiple Choice options. The quicker you answer, the more points you receive. Try to go for the highest score!
If you wish to play with a monitor/speaker setup, you should create a setup similar to the image below (Position of monitor and speaker does not matter)
Then enter the Advanced Computer, and enter pastebin run La7Qshxe
into the terminal.
Once it's been installed to your Computer, run the game by entering triviaunite
into the terminal.
If you want the game to boot with the computer, create a new startup file by entering edit startup.lua
and then enter the following code: