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Modify test generator to take language into account
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rprimet authored and vincent-botbol committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent f84524d commit ce971c9
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Showing 4 changed files with 148 additions and 28 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/defaults.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ export function getDefaultValue(typ: Typ): RuntimeValue {
case 'TBool':
return { kind: 'Bool', value: false };
case 'TInt':
case 'TMoney':
return { kind: 'Integer', value: 0 };
case 'TMoney':
return { kind: 'Money', value: 0 };
case 'TRat':
return { kind: 'Decimal', value: 0 };
case 'TDate': {
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test-case-parser/examples/francais.catala_fr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
> Module Francais

déclaration champ d'application TestFrançais:
entrée durée_promotion contenu durée
entrée début_promotion contenu date
entrée jour_achat contenu date
entrée prix contenu argent
entrée taux_promo contenu décimal
résultat prix_final contenu argent

champ d'application TestFrançais:
définition prix_final égal à
si jour_achat < début_promotion
ou jour_achat > début_promotion + durée_promotion alors
sinon prix * (1,0 - taux_promo)
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test-case-parser/examples/test_case_french.catala_fr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
> Usage de Francais

déclaration champ d'application French_test:
résultat test_francais champ d'application Francais.TestFrançais

champ d'application French_test:
définition test_francais.durée_promotion égal à 7 jour
définition test_francais.début_promotion égal à |2024-01-07|
définition test_francais.jour_achat égal à |2024-01-10|
définition test_francais.prix égal à 100,00 €
définition test_francais.taux_promo égal à 0,2
assertion (test_francais.prix_final = 80,00 €)
139 changes: 112 additions & 27 deletions test-case-parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,43 +339,123 @@ let read_test include_dirs options =
let tests = import_catala_tests prg in
write_stdout Test_case_j.write_test_list tests

let rec print_catala_value ppf =
type lang_strings = {
declaration_scope : string;
output_scope : string;
using_module : string;
definition : string;
assertion : string;
equals : string;
content : string;
scope : string;

let get_lang_strings = function
| Catala_utils.Global.Fr -> {
declaration_scope = "déclaration champ d'application";
output_scope = "résultat";
using_module = "Usage de";
definition = "définition";
assertion = "assertion";
equals = "égal à";
content = "contenu";
scope = "champ d'application";
| En -> {
declaration_scope = "declaration scope";
output_scope = "output";
using_module = "Using";
definition = "definition";
assertion = "assertion";
equals = "equals";
content = "content";
scope = "scope";
| _ -> raise (unsupported "unsupported language")

type duration_units = {
day: string;
month: string;
year: string;

type value_strings = {
true_str: string;
false_str: string;
money_fmt: (int -> int -> unit, Format.formatter, unit) format;
decimal_sep: char;
content_str: string;
duration_units: duration_units;

let get_value_strings = function
| Catala_utils.Global.Fr -> {
true_str = "vrai";
false_str = "faux";
money_fmt = format_of_string "%01d,%02d €";
decimal_sep = ',';
content_str = "contenu";
duration_units = {
day = "jour";
month = "mois";
year = "an";
| En -> {
true_str = "true";
false_str = "false";
money_fmt = format_of_string "$%01d.%02d";
decimal_sep = '.';
content_str = "content";
duration_units = {
day = "day";
month = "month";
year = "year";
| _ -> raise (unsupported "unsupported language")

let rec print_catala_value ~lang ppf =
let open Format in
let strings = get_value_strings lang in
| O.Bool b -> pp_print_bool ppf b
| O.Money m -> fprintf ppf "$%01d.%02d" (m/100) (m mod 100)
| O.Bool b -> pp_print_string ppf (if b then strings.true_str else strings.false_str)
| O.Money m -> fprintf ppf strings.money_fmt (m/100) (m mod 100)
| O.Integer i -> pp_print_int ppf i
| O.Decimal f -> pp_print_float ppf f
| O.Decimal f ->
let s = sprintf "%g" f in
pp_print_string ppf ( (function '.' -> strings.decimal_sep | c -> c) s)
| O.Date { year; month; day } ->
fprintf ppf "|%04d-%02d-%02d|" year month day
fprintf ppf "|%04d-%02d-%02d|" year month day
| O.Duration { years = 0; months = 0; days = 0 } ->
pp_print_string ppf "0 day"
fprintf ppf "0 %s"
| O.Duration { years; months; days } ->
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " +@ ")
(fun ppf t -> t ppf)
[ if years > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d year" years) else None;
if months > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d month" months) else None;
if days > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d day" days) else None; ])
pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf " +@ ")
(fun ppf t -> t ppf)
[ if years > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d %s" years strings.duration_units.year) else None;
if months > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d %s" months strings.duration_units.month) else None;
if days > 0 then Some (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%d %s" days else None; ])
| O.Enum (_, (constr, Some v)) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s content %a@]" constr print_catala_value v
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s %s %a@]" constr strings.content_str (print_catala_value ~lang) v
| O.Enum (_, (constr, None)) ->
pp_print_string ppf constr
pp_print_string ppf constr
| O.Struct (st, fields) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%s {@ %a@;<1 -2>}@]" st.struct_name
(fun ppf (fld, v) -> fprintf ppf "-- %s: %a@," fld print_catala_value v))
(fun ppf (fld, v) -> fprintf ppf "-- %s: %a@," fld (print_catala_value ~lang) v))
| O.Array vl ->
fprintf ppf "@[<hov 1>[%a]@]"
(pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ";@ ") print_catala_value)
(pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> fprintf ppf ";@ ") (print_catala_value ~lang))
(Array.to_seq vl)

let write_catala_test ppf t =
let write_catala_test ppf t lang =
let open Format in
let open O in
let strings = get_lang_strings lang in
let sscope_var =
let sname = match Filename.extension with
| "" ->
Expand All @@ -385,28 +465,33 @@ let write_catala_test ppf t =
pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
fprintf ppf "@,```catala@,";
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>declaration scope %s:@," t.testing_scope;
fprintf ppf "output %s scope %s@," sscope_var;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s %s:@," strings.declaration_scope t.testing_scope;
fprintf ppf "%s %s %s %s@," strings.output_scope sscope_var strings.scope;
fprintf ppf "@]@,";
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>scope %s:" t.testing_scope;
fprintf ppf "@[<v 2>%s %s:" strings.scope t.testing_scope;
List.iter (fun (tvar, t_in) ->
match t_in.value with
| None -> ()
| Some { value; _ } ->
fprintf ppf "@,@[<hv 2>definition %s.%s equals@ %a@]"
sscope_var tvar print_catala_value value;)
fprintf ppf "@,@[<hv 2>%s %s.%s %s@ %a@]"
strings.definition sscope_var tvar strings.equals
(print_catala_value ~lang) value;)
List.iter (fun (tvar, t_out) ->
match t_out.value with
| None -> ()
| Some { value; _ } ->
fprintf ppf "@,assertion (@[<hv>%s.%s =@ %a)@]"
sscope_var tvar print_catala_value value;)
fprintf ppf "@,%s (@[<hv>%s.%s =@ %a)@]"
strings.assertion sscope_var tvar (print_catala_value ~lang) value;)
fprintf ppf "@]@,```@,"

let write_catala options outfile =
let tests = Test_case_j.read_test_list (Yojson.init_lexer ()) (Lexing.from_channel stdin) in
let lang = Catala_utils.Cli.file_lang (match options.Global.input_src with
| Global.FileName f -> f
| Global.Contents (_, f) -> f
| Global.Stdin _ -> "") in
let _fname, with_out =
File.get_formatter_of_out_channel ()
~source_file:(Global.Stdin "")
Expand All @@ -421,10 +506,10 @@ let write_catala options outfile =
let modname = Filename.chop_extension in
if not (String.Set.mem modname opened) then
Format.fprintf ppf "> Using %s@," modname;
Format.fprintf ppf "> %s %s@," (get_lang_strings lang).using_module modname;
String.Set.add modname opened
write_catala_test ppf test;
write_catala_test ppf test lang;
Format.pp_close_box ppf ();
String.Set.empty tests
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